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24 Apr 2006 Happy Elephants Design

Yay Happy Elephants!

I did a few things differently with this site design. It took me a couple weeks of (haphazard) work, but I learned a lot!


Yep, I drew all the elephants! Most of the drawings are based on screen captures I got from the EleCam that is hosted by The Elephant Sanctuary. TES is the coolest and I'm dedicating this site design to all the elephants currently living there:

Founding Herd: Tarra, Jenny, Shirley, Bunny, Sissy, Winkie, Delhi, Misty

African Herd: Tange, Zula, Flora

Hawthorn Herd: Minnie, Lottie, Queenie, Liz, Ronnie, Debbie, Freida, Billie. Still waiting for Gypsy.

And in rememberance of: Tyke, Dumbo, Joyce, Hattie, Tess, Lota, and Sue.


One of the first things I learned in the making of this design, was that I hate making original vector graphics. After several warped failures, I decided to stick with free hand drawing. I had a few warped failures on the free handed ones, too... So, basically I just need practice drawing on the computer, vector and raster!

The font I used is called "CAC Pinafore". It's from one of the collections I bought years ago.


Here's where I made the biggest changes. I usually use tables exclusively to position everything, but this design is fully CSS positioned. The only table is the white area for the text. And that's there only because I don't fully understand the "absolute" and "relative" position elements of CSS. eh.

Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional

And the page is HTML 4.01 Transitional validated. It's the first time I've ever bothered to validate my regular web pages... and, oops, I just realized that there are huge and terrible errors on about 99.9% of my web pages! bummer. Well, it's all on the straight and narrow of validation from here on out!


I hand code my pages on Note Tab Pro. Graphics are done in Paint Shop Pro 9.0 (bought from Jasc by Corel). And drawings are done on my Graphire Wacom Tablet (4x5inches). I'm using Firefox And validation is done online at W3C's HTML Validation Service.

The Elephant Sanctuary (good) and Hawthorn (bad)

Care to learn more about the elephants saved from Hawthorn?

The Elephant Sanctuary
Where abused elephants go to find heaven on earth! Please consider sending them a donation!

19 March 2006, Elephant taking a nap with a friend watching over The EleCam
Did you get to see the elephants playing in the pond, yet? FUN! Or laying down to take a nap? Aaahhh!

Static8 Journal Entries
19 May 2005, Elephants Wanda and Winky go to the PAWS sanctuary, and intro to Hawthorn.
21 Jan 2006, Hawthorn Elephants Sue has died, a Who's Who of Hawthorn Elephants.
1 Feb 2006, Yay Elephants Hawthorn elephants start making the trip home to TES.
9 Feb 2006, Eight Elephants (with EleCam screen shots) All the elephants have safely made the trip from Hawthorn to The Elephant Sanctuary!


July 2006: In memory of Joanna Burke...
TES: Joanna Burke
TES: Joanna Burke, info


October 2006: In memory of Jenny...
TES: Jenny


March 2008: In memory of Delhi...
TES: Delhi


March 2008: In memory of Queenie...
TES: Queenie

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