Sat, 08 Jul 2023
Partner's Mom passed away early this morning.
Thursday 30 January 2025... Today |
Coughing, coughing and clearing the throat again today.
Sighs. But I got thru last night without any pills for
the pulled muscle across my ribs, so that's nice.
The last three nights, we've had a low of
20° (-6°C), Gah. and it's just too cold.
I don't like it.
But by the time I get moving, it's warmed up to
ha, my shadow, next to the sun!
I've noticed their vertical pupil before, and it's
just so weird looking!
Vertical pupils help with depth perception... especially
in low light conditions. Nutrias are crepuscular and
nocturnal, tho they do come out during the day in winter.
I learned a bit from this web page:
Trails: Purpose of Pupils. Very Interesting!
Tag: january 2025
Wednesday 29 January 2025... Birds! |
Green Wing Teals and Mallards.
There's a couple Starlings in here, but these are mostly
Brewer Blackbirds!
Just tryin' to take a damn nap here, ya'll!
(But the friends are bouncing around the branches
like it's party time!) Haha!
Hellllooo? Cute lil Junco?
The Golden Crown Sparrows are very cute today as well.
Ooop! ha, See Ya!
A little hard to read, even tho I fixed the colour...
It's time
for us as a
people to
Make a
Ain't that the truth??
Tag: january 2025
Tuesday 28 January 2025... Cool but Blurry Birds |
I'm coughing again today, which is so painful with
the rib muscle I pulled. ugh. I tense up all my
other muscles and try to cough with the least amount
of chest movement I can. It doesn't really help, but
ambient pain seems to be better, so it is healing.
I get pills and head out.
A blurry House Finch.
Pine Siskins... and What are we looking at?
It's fine, I don't need to worry about it? Okay!
A too bouncy Yellow Rump Warbler. This is the western
race, called Audubon.
Canada Geese.
There's a little flock of Green Wing Teals here! But
the bright sun makes photography difficult.
Ha! Another Yellow Rump Warbler! And this one is
the eastern race, called Myrtle!
Oh my gosh! I see a bird flying with a flight path I
don't recognize. They are too far away, and plus there's
some homeless people here and I don't want to stop right
in front of them!
Bird flies some more and lands in a tree above the path.
Arg! I am still too close to the humans! Will the bird
sit for a minute?
No. He flies away. aw. But then he lands!
A Kestrel!! Wow! I wish I had gotten a better photo,
but that's how it goes sometimes!
Tag: january 2025
Monday 27 January 2025... Bath Time! |
Okay. Ambient rib pain from the muscle I pulled,
is tolerable, tho moving rib pain is definitely not.
I've sneezed
once this morning and regretted it... and wished I
could get a refund on my whole life. ha.
But I'm not coughing or clearing my throat, today.
thank goodness.
I'm gonna need pills to get thru the day, but I'll
probably survive.
It's another very cold morning... it got down to
22° (-5°C) last night and looks like more
of that is in the forecast. bleh.
I am impressed by these bike drawings! Have you
ever tried to draw a bike? *laughs*
Haha, the little Nutria is floating again!
And a bit further on, there's a bigger Nutria standing
next to the bike path.
Aw, here's a pair of Steller Jays... one is guarding
and this one is down in the water for a bath!
They are NOT sure about me, at first.
But they determine that I'm okay!
The droplets are catching rainbows!
And gonna dry off in the sun!
Tag: january 2025
Sunday 26 January 2025... Just kill me now |
I'm back to coughing a lot today. Which is def bettter
than the throat clearing stuff!
Unfortunately, I had pulled a rib muscle a while ago, it
was getting better but I've re-injured it... Last night I
was sleeping in a weird position, and I woke up suddenly
with the coughing. I wasn't awake enough to realize what
I had done.
But now it is so painful to cough. And breathe. Worse,
much worse than the orignal problem. GAH.
I get some pills for my walk.
But I'm having trouble caring about the photography.
It's got so cold last night,
ice has formed in the shade
at the edges of the creek.
Back at home, the pain from my re-injured rib muscle
is so intense I decide to double up with pain pills.
I had taken Ibuprofen, and now I add a Tylenol.
And just the frustration. I can't ever get a break,
and I just want to cry.
Tag: january 2025
Saturday 25 January 2025... Today |
I woke up with good motivation this morning, but by
the time I go out for my walk, the energy has fallen off.
And it got cold last night... It's 36° when I leave
the house but there's still frost in the shadows.
Brr! And a Cold Weather Advisory tonight, forecast low is
for 25° (-4°C). UGH!
And there's another Nutria still in the grass at the left.
But she decides to go back to the creek as well. Ha, those
big ol' feet are great for swimming, they've got webbed toes.
But it must be like walking with scuba flippers! So Cute!
There's some House Finches, but I'm not taking good
photos today.
I think the female House Finch is trying to tell
me something, but I'm terrible at Charades!
And here's a Yellow Rump Warbler who has interesting
Back at home I am really lamenting my lack of energy.
Partner says Don't mope! And I try not to, but
it's so frustrating to get a bit of energy one day
and think the covid is clearing up... only to have
no energy the next day. So Frustrating.
Tag: january 2025
Friday 24 January 2025... Someone New! |
Okay! I am coughing and clearing my throat a lot again
today... That kind of comes and goes, less one day and
then more the next. Annoying.
But I feel like I have more energy today!
Unfortunately, energy is the same way: It comes and goes.
So I have to enjoy it while I've got it!
I am heading to the garden with kitchen scraps to
throw on our plot for compost. I haven't been able
to do this lately and my backpack has a comfortable
weight to it.
As I get to the Community Garden, a flash of red
catches my eye...
Um. He's a Finch... but House Finches are more of
a red-orange, and this guy is decidedly raspberry red!
Could he be a Purple Finch?
Oh my gosh! I think he's a Cassin Finch!!
No streaks on his underparts! Unfortunately you can't
quite see his peaked crown at this angle. But
I'm pretty sure.
Compare Cassin Finch!
He's a bit outside of his normal range. And I'm a bit
bummed because I didn't get many photos. ha. Oh Well.
I go into the garden and... oh foo. The below freezing
nights lately, have made the Fava droopy!
The big Strawberry plant is still okay, tho!
And the smaller Favas are undamaged from the cold.
I rake aside some leaves and dump the kitchen scraps
and cover them well. With all the rain we get, it won't
take long for them to decompose... in the Spring, I might
see a couple avocado pits, but that's about it!
I wander thru the Community Garden, looking at the other
I have serious concerns about this plot...
This is the plot that is full of Lesser Celandine, a
terrible invasive plant in our area.
There were three men working on this plot yesterday...
the Lesser Celandine was absolutely LUSH under the blue tarp.
The men were hoeing with a lot of energy, but that's
NOT going to kill the plants. Lesser Celandine has
tiny little root balls, you basically have to haul all
the dirt away! Just killing the aboveground part of
the plant isn't going to do a single thing!
And then, WHY didn't they put the tarp back on?
This is just going to be a disaster as the Celandine
comes back!
Sighs. Dumb Humans. I move on.
There's still some Calendula blooms at out little
pollinator garden, but they're looking pretty rough.
There's a garden plot at the front, that has a little
greenhouse built on it, and I check it out.
Cacti! That's fun!
Over the Cacti is an Olive Tree? Interesting. And on
the right is Strawberry plants.
This is a very developed plot, several raised beds and well
taken care of. But we aren't allowed to have trees.
Or at least, that's what the rules say. Of course, they
ignore the rules for certain people. The powers
that be LOVE raised beds and give those plots lots of
extra leeway with the rules.
Grass in the pathways is fine if you have raised beds.
Not fine if you are me! And now, apparently, trees are
fine if you have raised beds.
This is why I've gone subversive here. The Community
Garden Director has really turned on the bull shit in
the last year or so and I'll be quietly undermining
their authority!
As I leave the Garden, this one has flown in!
Not Rudra. It's the shy one again!
Of course, he flew as I moved closer. But he didn't go far.
I've seen him enough times now to name him. I go thru
a few names in my head, before landing on Sir Shy. :)
My Mom had surgery today to put a plate in her poor
broken arm.
When she fell, last Saturday, she had
broken both the ulna and the radius, the wrist
bones were fine. They determined that healing
time would be faster if she had surgery.
The surgery went fine. They had given her a nerve
block, which lasted the rest of the day, but not
into the evening. And then she's got the good drugs.
And my good energy has lasted the entire day!
Maybe I'm starting to come back to life!!
Tag: january 2025
Thursday 23 January 2025... Today |
Ugh, it's another not great day, and I'm feeling the
covid exhaustion acutely.
But I stubbornly go out for my walk!
The whole time I wasn't sure if I could make it
and kept thinking about turning around and going
But I'd see someone to take pictures of... and that
would revive me for a few more minutes!
For once, the Merganser Pair is close enough to get
them both in the same frame. Aren't they sweet with
their naps!
... huh. Look at their tails! When they paddle,
their tails are always spread out in the water.
And across from the Community Garden, this little
Nutria makes me laugh!
She's literally just floating down stream, with her
bit of grass! haha!
There's another small one over here... I think they
are siblings and there's three all together, altho
I don't see the third one today.
The first Nutria paddles back up stream and finds her
own rock to stand on in the water.
And then I encounter a family of Crows!
They are watching over a kid goofing off in the water!
I get home exhausted, altho I'm not any more tired than
when I started today's walk.
And my appetite is weird... I feel like
I need to re-fuel to combat the tiredness, but nothing
tastes good and nothing is satisfying anyway.
So tired of this! Covid Be Gone!
Tag: january 2025
Wednesday 22 January 2025... Today |
Clearing my throat a lot today. And honestly I wish I
was coughing instead. It just feels like there's a big
gob of guck in the back of my throat (sorry, tmi I know)
and nothing helps and I just keep trying to clear
my throat for an abnormal amount of time!
And I'm really noticing the brain fog today as well.
I just can't keep a thought in my head. SIGHS.
I head out, hoping some fresh air and nature time
will help my respiratory system AND my poor brain.
Right outside the Community Garden... is this the
new shy Red Shoulder?
He lets me get a little closer... Wow, are you getting
used to me?
But then sure enough, he flies away! *laughs* oh well.
And then the usual pair of Hooded Mergansers.
I still haven't picked out names for them.
This Flicker was bounging around in the tree too quickly
for me to get a decent picture of her. foo.
Hi Henrietta!
Back at home... I ran out of energy and went down for a nap.
It is just beyond frustrating that I'm not well yet.
It's been weeks!
Tag: january 2025
Tuesday 21 January 2025... bleh |
I am fighting the covid weariness again today... Just
I head out for a walk, but I'm putting most of my
bandwidth into keeping my legs moving and I'm
not looking around at nature.
But a couple people in fur and feathers manage to
catch my attention!
And my friend, the sad Kingfisher without her
boyfriend, is still flying by quietly.
Tag: january 2025
Monday 20 January 2025... Sighs. |
There was some serious frost this morning when I got
up and 25° (-4°C). ugh. And I'm coughing,
coughing, and clearing my throat a lot, again.
ugh some more.
And when I found out that Cecile Richards had died,
sighs. I am just really down.
So it's nice to be greeted by a furry neighbor, right
out the door.
It's warmed up to 34° (1°C) and the sun will
bring us up to 44° (6°C) this afternoon.
But right now there's still frost in the shadows,
and there's some ice on the wet prairie puddles!
Oop! Haha. But look at the cute Alder catkins and
tiny cones!!
The little group of Lesser Goldfinches are eating the
seeds out of the Alder cones!
On the way home, I come across this cute little
Bewick Wren.
He's talking up a storm in this patch of Blackberries!
Happy that I'm encountering so many cute birds today!
And a little bit further on, my Kingfisher friend
deems me worthy for another chance at photography.
I've been thinking about her.
She hasn't been laughing
like she usually does when she flies by on her
patrol up and down the creek. And I am
pretty sure I've only seen her...
Where is her boyfriend??? Did he die? Aw.
I am sad for her.
What will happen? Will she find someone new this spring?
Will she lose her territory, if she's flying so quietly
and not announcing it?
Tag: january 2025
Sunday 19 January 2025... Sunday Stroll |
Hello? aw, nutz! No respect for the camera! *laughs*
Well, at least some people will look at the camera!
And some people just won't.
I zig zag thru the neighborhoods on the way home.
Gudu-Kut has some good puddles for the frogs! But
I don't hear any singing today.
Tag: january 2025
Saturday 18 January 2025... A Good Day. Until... |
This morning's clouds seem to be breaking up, but
it hasn't warmed up by the time I left the house.
It's still just 36° (2°C) and a bit of wind.
But this one makes me so happy!
He sits for me and tries to show off his colours a little!
What a sweetheart!
Is this the third time I've seen this Hooded Merganser
It would be nice to give them names! They will leave
in the spring, but if they're going to let me take pics
of them in the meantime... hm. I wil have to think up
a good pair of names.
And of course, my friend the Belted Kingfisher has
been flying back and forth today.
She sees me... but sits for an extra couple seconds!!
Aw! Thank You Dear Heart!
I keep going, pretty impresssed by my photo opportunites
today. But I can feel the covid exhaustion creeping up
on me again. Sighs.
Back at home, I try to counteract the tiredness with some
In the past I've done daily art on ATC sized cards, and I
pull one out to make a swirl. I got some refill inks for
my copic markers for christmas, and it's good to use those
colours again!
I'm happy with my art, and wonder if I can return to
doing art every day.
But in the evening, my Brother has sent an email saying
that Mom and Dad are at the ER because Mom fell over and
broke her arm and maybe wrist.
Tag: january 2025
Friday 17 January 2025... Day of Blurry Birds |
Still overly cold, and still more of the same in the
forecast. I'm still cranking the heat at home, and
I'm still being grumpy about being cold all the time.
And the covid symptoms continue, coughing and sniffling
and the energy isn't really there. And I'm grumpy about
that as well.
But at least I have enough energy for a bit of a walk
every day. It gets me out of the house... and into
nature for a little while!
*laughs* Camera can't quite figure it out today!
It's started misting and I'm back to the overly
Blurry Bird pics!
Tag: january 2025
Thursday 16 January 2025... Today |
Another cold day, it's 34° (1°C) as I leave the
house today.
We've had an Air Stagnation thing going on
this week, which has been extended thru Friday...
In theory, that should bring a change in the weather, but
it's never going to warm up! All the overnight low
temperatures in the forcast are horrifying mid- and
upper-20s! Ugh!
I'm walking past the Community Garden, and I see this one
And again, he flies away as soon as he notices me looking
at him. Shy.
Hi Henrietta! Always nice to run into you!
This is a crappy photo of a Robin... but all the tiny
twigs look interesting!
*laughs* My friend the Belted Kingfisher rarely
sits for any photography...
She's been flying back and forth along the creek, as
she does every winter. I saw her yesterday as well.
Usually she laughs at me as she goes by, but she's
quiet this time and I just notice her flash of blue.
Tag: january 2025
Wednesday 15 January 2025... Geese, and Pigeons, and Leucism |
What a Interesting walk today!
This pair of Hooded Mergansers again!
I'm walking a bit further today, and approaching the
back of the Events Center... Oh My Gosh.
They've removed the Fallen and Dead Leaning Tree.
oh. oh, I am so sad.
But the Leaning Tree has been dead for a year.
All three trunks had fallen over in the ice storm
last January. It was obvious the north and south
trunks had separated from their roots. They cut
those down but left the west trunk.
It made a few small leaves in the spring, but it
was just leftover life. They shriveled and dried
up and now we knew this trunk was separated from
it's roots as well.
We've had a long time to mourn. But it's still a
sad thing to not see the Leaning Tree anymore.
The Cackling Geese are here... I was looking for the
one with leucism on her neck, and I didn't see her at
the time. But back at home, looking carefully at my
haha! It's a Different Cackling Goose with
There's a flock of Rock Doves hanging out here, too!
They are all so pretty, even on the dreariest day.
I'm heading back, and as I pass the Community Garden...
Rudra, is that you?
It's NOT Rudra! This one notices me looking and flies
away! Rudra was much more friendly and let me walk up
really close to her.
I'm passing a spot where a bunch of different sparrows
like to hang out. And one of the Golden Crowns
catches my eye...
Oh my gosh! She's got some leucism as well!
She's very nervous about being watched, which is
understandable. I don't get many photos of her.
But how crazy to see all this leucism today!
Tag: january 2025
Tuesday 14 January 2025... Ugh! |
Major setback today with covid symptoms!
I got up this morning with a little bit of good energy.
But heading out for my walk... it was 36° (2°C)
and I was just uncomfortably cold, even with all my layers.
*laughs* when I found this...
The Ducks are the local college football team.
And a blurry but cute Yellow Rump Warbler.
She's a female and with no trace of yellow on her
throat, so she's of the eastern, Myrtle race.
I walked a little further... But I was done!
I went home. Ate lunch half-heartedly.
But I just can't do this life thing anymore!!
I'm exhaused and I'm cold all the time and miserable
with the continuing coughing. and
I crashed for a two hour nap.
And my gosh I had serious trouble getting up when I woke
up. UGH!
But eventually I got vertical. But I'm just surfing
the internets and goofing off for the rest of the evening.
And catching up with some of my blogs...
∞ Julie Zickefoose: A
Spark Bird for Liam
This blog post just delighted me! It's Julie's story about
her adult son Liam identifying a duck. *laughs* It seems
silly but enthusiasm for birds just comes thru Julie's
writing so clearly!
And she talks about the cover of The New Birder's Guide.
... Which is a book I don't have for some reason!
Tag: january 2025
Monday 13 January 2025... Checking on the Garden |
It's been six weeks since I've visited the Community
Garden and I'm curious about what's going on there!
Hooded Mergansers are winter visitors at the creek.
He and his girlfriend are shy and hide behind a bush.
I get to the garden.
And look how happy the Fava is, in my plot!!
That's great! Maybe I'll be able to gather some Fava beans
in the spring. It would be nice to get some fresh ones for
Most of the Fava is pretty moth eaten. Which is fine...
I'm happy to feed the bugs! Some Favas are better off, tho!
And the volunteer Elephant Garlics are growing nicely.
Nothing ever disturbs them, they grow thru it all!
The Leeks are... still hanging on. They were at the
end of the Tofu Patch, and didn't grow very big last
year because the dirt there is stunting most
everyone's growth.
I don't know. Maybe I should just pull them up and
make soup. They are ridiculously small tho, prob not
even ¾ inch wide! Sighs.
Someone's Calendulas are still blooming!
The splash of cheerful colour is a welcome sight!
I am still sniffly and coughing, but maybe less exhausted
today? When I get home, in the afternoon I get so, so cold.
I am so tired of being cold all the time,
so I crank up the heat in my room!
ha, does it help? I guess. I just want to be better.
Tag: january 2025
Sunday 12 January 2025... Walk |
I slept hard last night and I'm feeling a little
better this morning. I jumped into my morning projects
with enthusiasm!
Putting on my shoes didn't exhaust me! I walked about
a block before the exhaustion hit. But, yep, I kept going!
Takin' a nap.
um. yeah. I could just lie down myself.
Yep, right here on the sidewalk. Tho the Nutria's little
place in the grass looks a lot more comfortable than
I get home, and I get thru the day.
The covid symptoms have been more like a bad cold, now...
Stuffed up and runny nose, I still have the hard cough,
tho I don't have to cough constantly like I did last week.
But if I could just get my energy back. I am just so
tired. Like in my bones, you know?
Tag: january 2025
Saturday 11 January 2025... Walk |
I'm walking again today. But I am so tired. It makes
me tired just to put my shoes on!
But I head out.
There was a single frog singing, as I walked by the back
of Gudu-Kut park.
He's probably lonely. I wish our frogs could thrive here,
but they mostly just disappear.
I love the sky today.
I come across a hummingbird, but she's not interested
in photography!
I think she's going for bugs in the spruce tree!
Tag: january 2025
Friday 10 January 2025... Okay! |
It was raining when I woke this morning... and I woke up
WITHOUT a headache!!
Yay! I feel stronger! I did some exercises!
And I coughed. but that's okay because I have some energy!
When I was the sickest, last Friday thru Monday, it was
raining day and night. That was the only nice thing... that
I could lay there, when I wasn't coughing, and listen to
the beautiful rain coming down.
I am so happy to get outside today... first time in a
week. But I realized how much energy I really don't have!
Every step is a slog.
But I kept going. Nature is healing.
I'm putting a lot of energy into just moving my feet
forward. But somehow I do take a couple photos along
the way!
And in the afternoon, I crashed and took a long nap.
Tag: january 2025
Thursday 2 January 2025... vaguely sick |
Yesterday I was congratulating myself for not getting sick
during my December travels. I almost always get sick, but
thought I had escaped it this time.
But I woke up with a headache. I thought some fresh air
would help. I thought getting a good lunch would help.
I thought eating a vitamin would help.
Instead, I started coughing and the headache got worse and
my joints are all vaguely achy.
Well. When I thought the fresh air would help, I did go
for a walk! It's warm, 48° (9°C) and pouring down
rain, no wind.
It's rained enough that the creek is flooding the
bike path under the bridges.
I have to go up to the road to get past the bridge,
and I decide to walk thru the neighborhood instead
of getting back on the bike path.
Rock Doves!
I love how individual their colouration is! Some are
darker, the spots and bars across their wings are all different,
some have no spots, some are a warmer shade of grey!
If you got to see the same flock every day, you would
easily be able to tell everyone apart. You would be
able to get to know them as individuals!
I'm a little bummed that I only rarely get to see
Rock Doves and I don't get to know them.
There was a person coming up behind me, and I got
nervous... but I had to try to get a pic of this
lovely Pigeon...
I wonder if leucism is more prevalent in Rock Doves?
On the way home...
Solar Baby!
*laughs* Everyone looks a bit scraggly from the rain.
I manage to do halfway normal things for the rest of the day.
I've got a lot of catching up to do, after all, with being
gone for most of December.
But when I start coughing... ugh, hard dry coughing...
and the headache is getting worse,
and feeling ever more blah. I'm sick.
Tag: january 2025
Wednesday 1 January 2025... A New Year Walk |
Again, didn't sleep well last night. That's okay,
I'm ready to get the New Year going!
First thing, I'm thrilled to see Mr Unnamed, our
Western Grey Squirrel neighbor, bouncing around
on the sidewalk in front of the apartment! So happy to
start the New Year with him, even if he's too early for
And the weather is much nicer for the walk today...
45° (7°C) and it's misting. Sounds about
Very Dreary. It's nice... but Too dreary for bird
That's a female Flicker.
He's busy, but
it's so wonderful to meet up with all the wildlife I've named!
Oh! Here's someone new... behind the Mallard is a
non-cooperating Pied Bill Grebe!!
Our Grebes are super cute, but my goodness they look
weird without a tail. Yep, that's normal!
Cute... even when blurry!
Tag: january 2025
Tuesday 31 December 2024... Yay, Home! |
So happy to be home. But I didn't sleep well, arg.
Tossed and turned and why can't I just be comfortable
in my own stupid bed?!
The morning came eventually, and... now then!
How am I going to run this day?
I start by double checking the mail box. It's empty, thank
goodness! I had put a hold on the mail. The hold will
end today and all the December mail will be delivered
as a packet.
Okay. Plants!
Nobody died!
I had set up an irrigation system for the water loving
plants. There was still a little bit of water in the
reservoirs I had set up! So that worked out great, and
the Peace Lily has loved the extra water and it has
unfurled some shiny new leaves!
The tougher plants got a big water before I left and
nothing since. They are dry but fine, and I give them all
a good watering. Maybe that will make the African Violet
bloom again... They love dry periods!
Up next, is computer stuff! I've got to move all
the files from the Emily Laptop that I was using
for the trip, back onto my desktop
computer. My file manager system is powerful, but I
always forget how to move new and modified files only...
Edit/Copy To... is the command I need that pulls
up all the extra options to get that done!
Okay! I need a walk! Brr. It's 34° (1°C). And
foggy and 100% humidity! *laughs* It's good to be home!
Well, except for the barely above freezing part.
Oh my gosh, I am so happy to walk along my home
paths again!
Not having much luck with the photography, tho...
Oh well. I'll be back tomorrow to try again! Of course!
Back at home, I have to fiddle with the file transfer
some more. All the photos... there are 1,162 of them.
It will take some serious time to sort all those, but
it could have been worse!
In the evening, I pick up the mail packet. It's a hefty
pile. I get it separated: Happy Mail, official mail,
Partner's mail and junk to toss.
I goof off online for a while, but I am just so tired...
from not sleeping last night, and so worn out from all
the tasks of the day. I'm shutting down early, and
hope I'll get a better night's sleep!
Tag: december 2024
Monday 30 December 2024... Flying Home |
One last regular morning of relaxing at the kitchen
table with puzzles and our devices.
Yesterday Mom had done the trick on my jeans: I had gotten
a drip of wax from the candle at church. She uses a paper
towel to soak up the wax, and her iron to melt it. She had
thrown it in the laundry to get the rest, and worked like
a charm! Thanks Mom!
There's a wind advisory, and I ask if wind ever shuts down
the airport. Yes it does.
Oh great. I pull up a web page that shows plane departures
at DIA, and sure enough, there's a few delays... and then
there's suddenly a lot more delays!
Mostly between 15mins and half an hour.
Arg. Nothing cancelled yet,
and my plane in the evening is still on time,
but if delays start cascading? bleh!
I go look at Dad's weather station thingee. It clocks the
wind at 24mph. Brother goes to look at it too, and says
there are gusts up over 30mph. Crazy wind.
But by lunch time the wind has slowed down. There's fewer
delays at the airport, and most of them are just a few
minutes or 15min at most! Yay!
We head to the airport in the afternoon. We usually get
a bite to eat and have a last chat before going down to
TSA. But as we approach Subway they announce Salads
Only! We're out of bread! oh foo. We wander around
a bit, but there aren't many choices on this side of TSA,
especially for vegan food.
Humph! But I need to give my stomach something to keep it
occupied and at the Starbucks I get some over priced fruit
and a Kind bar.
Last hugs and the Partner and I are going thru the TSA line.
And then we get out to our gate with about 20mins to spare
before boarding.
But we are missing our fourth flight attendant. We have to
wait for them, and it sets us 40mins behind. I'm glad we've
got a direct flight, the delay is just annoying instead
of stressful.
Once on the plane and in the air, there's a guy in front
of me watching Frozen. I kind of watch with him, tho I
can't hear the audio of course. And I cry, anyway, when
Anna saves Elsa. :)
Unfortunately the plane ride lasts a lot longer than the
movie, and I am bored and miserable for the rest. But
there's hardly any turbulence so at least the motion
sickness isn't bad!
We eventually get all the way home, and my goal is to
take care of Partner's paperwork and be in bed by
Tag: december 2024
Sunday 29 December 2024... Christmas Lights! |
Church this morning. And tho it's boring, I can
appreciate the fact that this church is more welcoming
-- dare I say more progressive , ha -- than
the church we went to in Iowa!
Back at home, we are relaxing at the kitchen table.
After lunch, I've convinced Brother to join Mom and me
for a walk!
I already loved this neighbors blowup christmas decorations,
but when I got closer, I noticed the little unicorn in there
as well!! ♥!
Partner is working on some paperwork
that must be done in 2024. He's having trouble with
it and I look at it as well. The PDF they've sent
him can't be digitally signed. ARG!
We will have to take care of it back at home, where I
can print up the page and partner can physically sign
it, and then scan that back in. Annoying.
And since the contact for this paperwork lives in
Florida, we will have to do this the instant we get
home, in order to have it sent by the deadline. Sighs.
Wishing people would catch up with technology! ha.
In the evening, we had signed up for a Christmas Light
display! At dusk, we head out and as we approached the
place, oh wow, all the pretty lights!
When we get to the check in, they are happy that
Dad printed up the receipt on paper. Ha, apparently
the QR code is a lot easier to scan on paper rather
than people's phones!
I have LOADS of fun with the photography, as we drive
around the park!!
After all, even the blurry photos are interesting and
As we are approaching this wall of green and red lights,
which blink and show fireworks, Dad says, They should've
put an American flag there! I'm all, What? Why?
To be patriotic! Uh huh. His idea of Christmas
happened 2,000 years ago in the Middle East. There is NO
reason to insert the USA into that except that my Dad is
Maga. Most of my family is Maga.
I wonder if he knows that the USA flag is now a symbol
for Proud Boys and other violent hate groups of that ilk...
used against progressive people with lefty politics.
People like me.
He must. And it surprises me (... and yet, doesn't) that
he would want to be divisive at a time when his religion
is trying to bring people together.
But if there's one thing that Magas love, it's being
a hypocrite. So there you go.
Most of the lit scenes blick to show movement...
It's fun trying to capture it all... but
I need more practice! *laughs*
Turns out the wall is actually a tunnel!
That was a lot of fun!
Goodbye, Wonderfully Colourful Place!
We go to the Pour House for dinner again... and I got the
same thing I did last time because it was SO Good:
Pink Lemonade Martini and Namaste (avocado) Sandwich. YUM!
Back at home, I pull up the free trivia website and we play
a bit of that.
And then I tell them about an online word game that I found
a few months ago,
We give it a go, Mom and I looking at the letters, and
Brother calling out words from across the table... Every
once in a while, I get a reminder about how smart he is,
and this is one of those times. He didn't even look at
the site, I just verbally told him the letters to use and
he is calling out complicated words just on that!
We get 180 points with Brother's help. I think the first
time I played by myself I got like 70 points! *Laughs*
Partner has come down and we sit at the table with
our devices for a while before bed. Tomorrow is the
last day in Colorado and I'm a little sad already.
Tag: december 2024
Saturday 28 December 2024... Family Christmas |
Back to our relaxing mornings,
spent around the kitchen table!
I look at the newspaper, but then I have some Swap-Bot
chores to catch up with. That takes a while and then
I'm catching up with NPR, The Guardian, Daily Kos and
the couple of Substacks that I'm subscribed to. Yeah,
I'm crazy about the news!
It's 11:30 and I'm starting to feel lazy! *Laughs*
Brother seems to be restless as well, he's wandering
thru the house and looking out the front window
notices a Bunny sitting out in the yard!
And that gets me in motion! I've got a load of
laundry going and then I get some lunch.
In the afternoon and evening, we have our own personal
It took a while but eventually we reduced that,
down to this:
Mom defrosted some soup that she had pre-made and also
had some cornbread to go with it. It was all so yummy,
and that's another thing I need to think about making at
home: cornbread is pretty easy, you just mix and put it
in the oven, right? :)
We played the new card game Junk, and hey! I won!
We also get a game of 65 going, and Brother won that
We start dispursing for bed. But I stay up for a minute.
I grab Dad's camera and steal all his photos! Haha!
I'm looking thru them, and Mom is explaining. They
went to a graduation and had good family time with Dad's
A camping trip shows their trailer camper in a beautiful
spot. And Mom tells me what a Bear Box is! huh.
Eventually Mom and I get to bed as well!
Tag: december 2024
Friday 27 December 2024... Back to Colorado |
Mom and Dad got in early from the hotel this morning,
and Dad loaded up the truck and we were on the road
at 9:05am!
It's cloudy and dreary and well above freezing:
perfect weather for driving. There's some sprinkles
in the morning but the clouds broke up in the afternoon,
unfortunately... a bummer when you're driving west, into
the setting sun!
Brother had loaded his phone up with a couple albums
he had gotten from the library... the soundtracks to
Princess Bride and Lady Hawke!!! Oh my gosh, that was
awesome. Those are my favorite movies!
While we were still on the road, but getting close,
we put in an online order for pizza. We got there
on time, but they were running late... Friday night,
after all! A 15 or 20 minute wait and then we were
heading to Mom and Dad's house!
After dinner, we just continued to sit at the table.
Everyone pulled out their devices and we just goofed
off, in our separate worlds online!
I was reading the news from home and saw that we
had gotten enough rain that the creek was high...
They had to rescue some people and a dog who got
trapped in their tent, under the bridge on our
street! Yikes!
And then I saw this, beautiful photography!
∞ On
a wing and a prayer: the hidden beauty of insect's
flight - in pictures
Barcelona-based visual artist Xavi Bou
Wow, just amazing!
And everyone turned in early! A long day, tho
good to be back at Mom and Dad's home!!
Tag: december 2024
Saturday 8 February 2024... About The Rants, part 1 |
I support local journalism. I subscribe to the paper
version of the local (corporate) newspaper. And Eugene
also has an alternative newspaper, the
Eugene Weekly.
The paper version is free. It's printed on Thursdays
and I usually read it on Saturday because the
regular newspaper is not delivered that day (to give
the delivery drivers a break).
I open up this week's EW, looking forward to reading
the Letters to the Editor (because the corporate newspaper
discontinued this a while ago) (jerks).
I see the Letters, but on the opposite page, there's an
article about 4J, our school district...
I am child-free by choice. But kids are important members
of the
community! So I try to read all the news about the local
schools. There has been a thing about one of the principals
resigning in the last month or so, and I assumed that's
what this article is about.
Nope. This is something else...
∞ Our
Children Are Our Common Ground
The blurb says "Eugene District 4J affirms its
commitment to equity and belonging" and I decide
to read this before the Letters...
By the 2nd paragraph, I'm hooked!
In Eugene School District 4J, our answer is to
reaffirm our commitment to providing a safe, welcoming
and inclusive learning environment - one where every
student is valued, supported and challenged to reach
their full potential.
I love what this guy is saying, and tears have sprung to
my eyes. About ⅔ into the article, I'm reading
the school district resolutions he has included.
The first one is about welcoming students of all
national origins without barriers related to immigration
or documentation status. Yay!
And then the first resolution of 2025, affirms
gender identity, expression and equity for transgender
and gender-expansive students and staff.
... And now I need to pause to have a quiet cry.
I'm happy. This is happy crying. I'm relieved.
I'm so glad that our community, our schools, will
protect children - ALL children. Our trans kids are
so important, and they need all the help they can get.
And I love the city and state I live in!
Okay. It's mostly happy crying.
The reason why I'm so emotional, of course, is because
Felon45 is threatening our children.
It's sad that school districts have to broadcast
the fact that all students are entitled to a
high-quality educational experience, free from
discrimination or harassment. It seems like this
should be just ... expected from our schools.
But here we are.
And it's necessary to point out that
we will protect them by all legal means available.
Hell Yeah!! We are a sanctuary state, so the Legal
Means include not letting ICE into the schools.
I'm not sure what it means, exactly, for trans kids
but the resolution is reassuring.
Tag: february 2024
Thursday 26 December 2024... Last Day in Iowa |
I slept in a little bit and when I finally got up,
Mom and Dad had just arrived from their hotel room.
Everyone was sitting around the table... Uncle and Aunt,
Aunt and Uncle from Texas, Mom and Dad and Brother.
Uncle is going to take us to a neighbor's museum.
But as we are trying to get out the door, other Aunt
and Cousin and his little girl are just arriving!
*laughs* We greet each other and then maneuver
around each other, and the few
of us who are leaving, get on the road.
The museum is a guy's private collection of...
toy tractors...
There were also a bunch of these engines...
They are hit and miss engines with a fly wheel.
And I don't know what they were used for! Like,
running the pump on your water well, maybe? IDK.
Lots of other random stuff in here...
But it's just stuff, with no explanation and no stories.
Back at Uncle's house, Aunt feeds us some lunch and then
the games begin.
I needed to take a step back from the crazy Uno games!
*laughs* but then they decided to play a new game called
Junk. That was pretty fun.
We were going to go out for dinner, to give Aunt a break
from all the food prep! But then we realized that other
Aunt and Cousin and child would be driving home from the
restaurant... so we needed to do the gift exchange before
we left!
Mom's birthday is in a couple days, and also all the
women exchange fun presents. And, of course, the child
gets some new toys as well!
Aunt from Texas makes quilts and those are always amazing!
We all went out to eat, and the restaurant was so
non-vegan that I had to bring my own salad along to
eat. Sighs.
Back at Uncle and Aunts house for a game of Natalia's
Four Square. Mom won!
And then Mom and Dad leave for their hotel room, and
I stay up for a little while organizing the luggage.
We'll be leaving for Colorado in the morning!
Tag: december 2024
Wednesday 25 December 2024... Another Family Christmas |
Traditionally Christmas Day is a day of complete
relaxation. We are usually up pretty late for Christmas
Eve, and it's nice to play with our new toys! :)
But today, Aunt's kids will arrive. We will have a
Christmas with them and then we will move back to
other Uncle and Aunt's house.
So people are moving around quite a bit when I get up
in the morning. We are all packing up, and running
the sheets and towels thru the laundry.
And being generally
unsettled and not relaxed.
At noon, there's a stupid football game. All the
TVs in the house are on and blasting loud. *laughs*
Certain people are very excited about the game. But
it's so loud, I have trouble reading.
Mom and Dad will be staying in a hotel for a couple
nights, since Aunt and Uncle from Texas will also be
staying at other Uncle's and there's just not enough
room for everyone.
I go with them to checkin and drop off their luggage.
The quality of a hotel in tiny town, Iowa ... is not
great. Dad checks for bed bugs, and then he finds
leftover takeout food in the fridge. Haha, lordy!
There's free coffee all day in the sitting room downstairs,
and no coffee maker in the room. Which is probably
for the best, considering the fridge!
Cousins' families start arriving in the afternoon,
and when the children arrive we jump right into opening
It's crazy chaos, of course! *laughs*
Mom and Dad get an awesome gift from Cousins: a hiking
backpack with wine, glasses and utensils for a snack!
That's really cool!
In the evening, we get back over to Uncle and Aunt's
house. Our Texas Aunt and Uncle are there and everyone
is happy to see each other!
After dinner, we all play a game of Attack Uno! Haha,
that is wacky fun! I was trying to pet the little
machine to make it like me and not shoot out a million
cards when I had to draw a card! It didn't work!
People went to bed, and and then those of us left got
a game of All Wilds Uno.
All these different Uno games that I've not heard of
Tag: december 2024
Wednesday 12 February 2024... A Screaming Shit Fit |
I was amused about a coincidence today...
I've been writing blog posts for the end of December,
and so I'm referrencing my journal entries from that time.
This little nugget was in the journal entry I'm looking
at today:
∞ The
Democratic Party's relationship with its voters
has turned spammy and abusive
>>> Yeah, seriously...
I could write a blog post about this!!
And surfing the internets today, I hit upon this
little nugget with the exact same core:
∞ So The DCCC Called Me Up For Money, And I Apply Jiu Jitsu And Vent About The Democrats vs Trump.
It's just unbelievable to me that these idiots
are STILL asking for money. After they got millions
for the Harris campaign. That failed!
Dems are literally doing nothing while Trump and Musk
chaotically dismantle the government, not to mention
dismantling democracy itself!
And then I came across another article today that
made me just start to rage...
∞ Democratic leaders are pissed voters want them to do their job
The outlet reports that a senior House Democrat told
them that Jeffries is 'very frustrated' at activist groups
like MoveOn and Indivisible that have helped concerned
Americans make phone calls to congressional offices....
Democratic Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia, told the outlet
[Axios] that his office has been rebuffing these callers,
telling them, 'Please call the Republicans.'
People are dying because of Trumps policies.
People have _been_ dying from the first go around, when
he radicalized the Supreme Court and they turned
over Roe v Wade.
And people are going to die because of each and every
one of the exec. orders that traitor has been signing
since he became a dictator on day one.
People are
DYING! and all the Dems have is Please
call the Republicans ??! WTF.
I am not a registered democrat. I'm registered as
independent. And for this, for what has been going
on with Dems sitting on their hands and doing nothing,
barely even lip service... I will Never change over to
democrat. I have had it up to here with these worthless
Dems, who are NOT representing us. FUCK THEM!
And it's probably never going to matter. Because at
the rate that things are going... we won't ever get
to vote again, anyway.
*Deep Breath*
And so we must depend on ourselves. We can't trust
those Dem bastards in D.C. They don't care about us and
they don't have our backs.
We will have to take care of each other!
Tag: february 2024
Tuesday 24 December 2024... Christmas Eve |
Our family celebrates on Christmas Eve... it's tradition
to go see the Childrens play at the church in the evening
and then home for dinner and then opening presents.
But the morning is relatively quiet.
There's a couple games of Qwixx, but I'm played out and
don't join. I just need some time, and sit in the living
room with my kindle, reading That Librarian.
After lunch, everyone else sets up for Blank Slate, a
game I'm not familiar with. I stick with reading my book,
tho I glance up now and then at the exciting moments! :)
We head out at 5:30pm for the Christmas Program at the church.
and oh my goodness... this is the absolute Worse program
I have ever attended. Apparently the new pastor is terrible
all over the place!
It opened with the same Stupid Song we sang in
church a couple day ago. Oh Come Emanuel. ALL seven verses.
Seven. Again! That we JUST sang on Sunday. GAH... How
many christmas songs are in your damn hymnal? Apparently
just three, here. *Shakes Head* at the ridiculousness.
And then the program itself.
Kids would read a short bible passage, there was a song.
Rinse, Repeat. Seriously. It was Awful. and Boring.
Just completely lame!
And the end, we got to sing Silent Night with candles
as the kids filed out. Which, that's nice. However, that
made it so there would be no clapping or applause for
the kids. (Because, really, the boring program isn't
their fault! They did what they could with what they
were given!)
Apparently being joyfull and happy
(that this stupid boring thing is over)
is not allowed in this church.
Well. We came home, got dinner and then opened
our Christmas gifts.
Brother had found a new dice game for Uncle and Aunt,
Liars Dice. And we set about trying to play, right
Bahaha! The instructions... were contradictory! They
seemed to say one thing, and in the next paragraph
it said something else!
It was hilarious. And I lost right away, of course.
and Brother professed that he loved the game, of course!
Tag: december 2024
Monday 23 December 2024... A Quiet Day |
The grownups have errands to run, and Mom and Dad
have to go in to town, to do insurance things.
The rest of us sat at the table and played with
our devices and chatted.
Everybody gets back and we have some oh so nice
quiet time, reading in the living room.
After lunch, we play a game:
Up and Down River, the new-to-me card game.
After 9 rounds Uncle won with 69 and I was in second
with 62. Mom 51, Dad and Bro tied again with 43,
Aunt with 42... she usually has good luck with card
games, so it's surprising at how badly she lost this one!
Uncle had a party to go to, and I convinced Mom and Brother
to go with me on a walk. We just walked down to my Great
Aunt's house, which is now a rental. It's just over a mile
away. It's chilly and we didn't walk fast enough to get
warm. And there was no wildlife to take photos of...
the birds and the black squirrels were not out.
We played a bit of trivia from the free site that
I had signed up for.
Dinner was fried potatoes and
their yummy Home Grown and Home Canned green beans
in a flavored vinegar. Oh my gosh, I don't do canning
but eating these green beans made me wish I would.
So Good!
And then a game of Phase 10 that went on forever!
I was losing bad, and Uncle was winning bad.
But it went on long enough that both our fates
changed and Brother caught up and Mom caught up,
zooming thru the phases!
And they are sitting at the 10th phase and Brother
laid down and Uncle laid down but Brother won with
least points. And Mom was at the 10th phase as well,
but took over the Losing, with the most points!
So, I've lost my winning streak but at least I haven't
started a losing streak!
Tag: december 2024
Sunday 22 December 2024... Some Winning! |
Church this morning. The pastor there is new and we had
an amusing chat about communion before we all went to sit down.
Well. I was amused! The pastor, on the other hand... I'm
pretty sure he thinks I'm going to hell! Bahaha!!
After that, I got a load of laundry done. And then we
packed up to go stay at Other Uncle and Aunt's house.
Cousin's family was still there and we played some pool.
I just watched the first games... Brother won a game, and
then Cousin won a game, and then, dangit, I don't remember
who won the tie breaker! *laughs*
Uncle came in and we decided to be partners. I got to
break and I actually put a ball down! And then I got
another ball in! And then Aunt called us back for dinner.
Ha. So much for that winning streak!
Dinner was sloppy joe, and mine made with crumbles was
excellent. I should remember that, so I can eat it at
home since it's relatively easy to make!
Aunt got the party games going again. I happened to
win one of them, but only because Cousin's Wife set
me up for it. heh. The prize I won was a Christmas
Light necklace. Just what I always wanted! *laughs*
Cousin's family left to go do Christmas with other families.
And Dad and Partner bowed out to get some extra sleep.
The rest of us, Aunt, Uncle, Mom, Brother and I played
a 5 handed game of Hand And Foot. I Killed it!! Ha!
I don't even understand all this winning, but it's kind
of fun!
Tag: december 2024
Saturday 21 December 2024... Family Time |
The Adults had a Breakfast to go to this morning,
and when I got up, evenutally, I took a couple photos and
goofed off online.
I took this blurry photo and I wondered who the heck
that is on the left with the striped face!!
I didn't worry about it too much because I was enchanted
by the black Fox Squirrel!
The Eastern Fox Squirrels at home in Oregon are invasive,
and their DNA is limited and they all look the same.
The black ones are fairly common here, tho!
The adults came back and I talked about Wisdom the Albatross,
since I was reading about her in the
Magazine email.
And then I showed the blurry pic of the little bird
that I couldn't identify. We looked at the guide books
for a while and went back and forth. But my photo was
just too blurry to work with!
Then Dad saw that another bird had shown up at the
feeders, with the same stripy face and I was able to
get a better pic...
Ah Ha! Purple Finch!!
Aunt and Uncle were excited because they weren't sure if
Purple Finches ever visited the feeders! And now
they have proof!
After lunch we went over to Other Uncle and Aunt's house.
Cousin and I won a couple games of billiards
until Aunt and Brother beat us.
Brother and Dad beat Cousin and Uncle at foosball...
Brother is actually an expert player so no one is going
to beat him!
And then back upstairs to open Christmas presents with
cousin's family.
Dinner was a taco bar, Aunt made me plain rice and
crumbles, to accommodate my vegen-ness and that was good!
We played Wits and Wagers, on Partner's suggestion.
It was a good idea, because I won! Haha!
The first game at least. I think Brother won the
second game maybe?
And then Aunt had some party games prepared!
Two players got blindfolds and you are to pick up
marshmallows with a spatula and put them into
your big bowl. Ha.
Cousin was the big winner here... he managed to
get 20 marshmallows in his bowl!!
Later we got out a game that Cousin's Kid enjoys...
Happy Salmon. *Laughs* It's pretty obnoxious with
the shouting, but Brother really liked it! And this
is the kind of game where it doesn't really matter
who won since everyone is having obnoxious fun anyway.
We settled down and got Natalia's Four Square going.
It ended up being a long game, but I won this one too!
My luck with games is turning around!
About 11:30 when we left, to go back to our sleep areas
at other Uncles house.
Tag: december 2024
Friday 20 December 2024... Day of Games |
I stayed in bed for a little while this morning, but
I can hear people chatting at the kitchen table upstairs.
Eventually I get moving, and join everyone one at the
table. The house has picture windows looking down
into the back yard, and Uncle maintains a bunch of
bird feeders! It's always fun watching the birds!!
And of course, it's exciting for me to see different
birds! No Cardinals in Oregon!! ... or in Colorado,
for that matter!
At the feeders there are Goldfinches, House Finches.
There are Juncos on the ground, picking up seeds.
And there are some Nuthatches there for the suet.
I tell everyone about the little Lesser Goldfinches
we have in Oregon. And Dad and Uncle were talking about
the Eastern Goldfinches... haha! That's what they always
called them, but they are actually talking about
American Goldfinches!
I wonder if they had a name change
somewhere along the line, or if Eastern Goldfinch is just
a local name!
Our House Finches are the same tho... Technically they
are invasive on the eastern side of the US!
I remember that I always wish I take more photos
of everyone at the feeders... but I figure I've got some
time, and it's not long before I put the camera away.
We start the games with Qwixx, the dice game...
and Dad and Aunt win with a tie of 44!
But I was actually doing good as well, with 41
Dad's Sister arrives and we happily greet her.
And now we are set up for a partner game, so we play
Hand And Foot. Yikes... the men thrashed us so badly
that we didn't even have to count the third hand,
let alone play the fourth. Sheesh!
I insist that we take a moment to re-group before
playing the next game! So what shall we talk about?
*laughs* I have a topic!
I am wearing my Rocky Mountain Raptor Center shirt.
It's in Fort Collins, Colorado and I had gotten it
when we went there, last year.
So that was a fun story as we talked about the raptors
we got to meet that day!
And back to the games... The Women's Team won a game of
Farkle, which is another dice game! Yeah!
We started a card game of 10 card Flipper Golf... but haha
it took a while to remember all the rules! We had forgotten
about the individual discard piles!! Oops! Not sure
who won this.
Dinner for me was rice and beans and a lettuce salad.
We got out the dominoes, and played a game of Chicken Foot.
I started out the first few rounds in low, but fell apart
and of course, lost. heh, oh well.
Dad's Sis left around 9pm and everyone started shutting
down after that.
Tag: december 2024
Thursday 19 December 2024... Travel Day |
We are driving from Colorado to Iowa today.
Dad loaded up the truck with all our stuff and we
were on the road at 8:10am.
My car motion sickness has been getting better over
the years (while my airplane motion sickness seems
to be getting worse). I was actually able to read
about 50pages of That Librarian!
We arrived at Uncle and Aunt's house at 7:22pm.
With the time change, that's a bit over ten hours.
Long day. Aunt fed us soup, Uncle gave out Fireball
shots. We chatted, figured out the bed situations,
and went to sleep!
Tag: december 2024
Wednesday 18 December 2024... Last Day in CO |
Last night, I finally looked at the bottom of
my foot which had been
kind of annoying me... haha, the fast walk yesterday in the
brand new shoes had given me a big ol' blister!
Odd spot, too, on the ball of my foot. There
is a smaller blister in the same place on the left
foot as well. huh. And those shoes felt so comfortable!
Oh well, I'll get used to them!
Just relaxing at the kitchen table again this morning!
Oh how I love it!
I notice another bird at the barn... a female Flicker.
They have the same Red Shaft race that we have in Oregon.
I guess the dividing line for the Yellow Shafts in the
east is not the Rocky Mountains! Maybe it's the
Mississippi River that divides them?
Hm. Drinking water from the gutter?
In my part of the world, the rain gutters would be full
of leaves and there would be bugs to eat there. But there
aren't any trees to shed leaves into these gutters, so
she's just drinking from a puddle there.
At the kitchen table
I read the newspaper and goof off online. Work on the daily
entry for the Highs and Lows swap I'm participating in.
And write another letter!
After lunch I've got presents to wrap. I've got most of
them done, when I hear Partner has gotten up. I can
hear his voice in the kitchen. I go get
him and we finish the rest of the presents together!
I'm checking my list and see I've got two presents that
haven't arrived yet. I double check the amz deliveries,
and the box that is supposed to arrive this afternoon
has two items in it. Great!
The neighbors will be looking after the house while we're
gone, and Dad takes him around and explains what to do
if the furnace dies again. So nice to have awesome neighbors!
When they were done, Mom and I went home with neighbor...
I had been invited to meet their new dog Zoe!
What a cutie. Zoe is a Maltese + Shih Tzu mix. She
wasn't sure about me! She barked at me, and then licked
me and then barked at me again. *laughs*
I don't have any experience with dog photography, so it's
just as well I didn't take the camera with me. But do wish
I could show how adorable Zoe is.
Back at Parents house, we got another fire going in the pit!
The sun is going down and soon this...
... turns into this!
Back inside we play a card game that's new to me...
Up and Down the River. Ha! I won!
And after dinner we got a game of Qwixx going. Mom
won with 112, but I was right there with her with 110!!
We will have a long day of travel tomorrow, so every
one headed for bed pretty early.
Tag: december 2024
Tuesday 17 December 2024... A Great Neighborhood Walk |
Last night, the night light in the bathroom that's attached
to my bedroom went out. I had to sleep in the dark! *laughs*
So that was the thing on my mind when I got up this morning.
Got a new bulb in the night light. And I'm happy to see
Partner is up as well. And it's another relaxing morning!
Mom left for errands and Dad brought up the Rack-O game.
Brother won with 250, Dad 225, Partner 215, and me with...
a lot less. heh.
I started a load of laundry, and after lunch I moved the load
to the dryer and announced a walk for anyone who wanted
to get some exercises.
Haha, no one wanted to walk with me! But Dad came out with
me and rode his electric bike along side as I walked.
And this turned out to be exactly what I needed!
Dad took me around a couple loops. But I kept wanting
to go farther!
And I walked FAST! I started out huffing and puffing,
but eventually I caught my breath and started breathing
like a normal person... I guess the red blood cells have
finally caught up to keep me supplied with oxygen in
the higher elevation. Yay!
In Eugene Oregon, our home is 420 feet above
sea level. Out here in Colorado, Parents home is at 5,180
feet above sea level... This is a helpful website!
∞ What
is My Elevation?
At the end of this road, you could see out to the
base of the foothills. Parents house is so close
to the foothills, you can't actually see the mountains!
Out in the distance, there was a Prairie Dog here
and there! Too far away for any kind of photography,
that was a bummer. But fun to see them keeping watch
at their burrows!
And then, with my extra oxygen being supplied, I was
able to walk fast AND look around. There are quite a
few neighbors here who have big pets!
And who have amusing christmas decorations!
Haha, looks pretty real, doesn't it!!
But, back to the big pets!
Alpacas! Aren't they cute!
The walk made me feel SOOO good! So glad I went out!
When we got back, I folded up my dry clothes and Partner,
Dad, Bro and I played a game of 65. I guess Bro was tired
of keeping score, so I did it this time...
And I was winning several hands at the beginning!
Then Bro won a couple hands. Mom finally came home
(it was like 5pm and I was starting to wonder what
had happened to her!)
Dad won the last hand... but when I added up the scores
Bro and I were tied with Stars but I got 2 extra stars
for the low score!!
I WON!!! WooHoo!
*laughs* I should keep score more often!!
We got drinks and I tried to create a raspberry thing
with real raspberries... four raspberries, muddled
+ two fingers vodka, a splash of 43, 4 drops of
Lemon Ginger Bitters, a bit of lemonade, ½
spoonful of sugar. It was on the okay side of good,
definitely not great.
Dinner was taco salad, very excellent! And then we got
out Kimbo.
This is a game that requires a bit more strategy and
planning ahead than I actually possess. Brother won
with Dad close behind and Mom and I still only had
three guys in the center.
Fun, but not a game I'll
ever win!
We tried out some photo trivia on the free site I found.
Until Aunt and Uncle phoned to talk to Mom about our
upcoming trip out to see them!
Everyone else goes to bed early, and Mom and I hang
out in the living room. She's reading her library book,
and I'm comfortable on the rocking recliner with the
Tag: december 2024
Monday 16 December 2024... Christmas Walk |
I was happily surprised to see Partner at the kitchen
table when I got up this morning. They were talking about
football and cars, and you know what? I'm glad I mostly
missed that! haha!
I wrote letters like crazy and with the two I started
yesterday, there were four to drop in the outgoing mail
today!! Yay!
After lunch, Dad, Bro and I went to the liquor store to
find some gifts for Uncle. We also stopped at the grocery
because Mom was running out of cookie ingredients!
Can't have that!!
Along the way I tried to take another photo out the
car window of the mountains... and my goodness!
It doesn't even look real!!
And the wind coming off Mount Meeker and Longs Peak,
really cool!
We are continuing to play the free trivia website, and I
decide to sign us up for an account. Here we are:
∞ M-Fam
at Fun Trivia
At 5pm we headed out to Pour House
in Loveland for an early Happy Hour and dinner.
We picked out
Pour House
because they had a few vegan things on their menu.
I went for a veganized Namaste, an avocado sandwich
with red pepper hummus. Yum, so good! And happy to
say they use Dave's Killer Bread for this sandwich,
which is vegan too.
(so often restaurants have zero knowledge of bread
ingredients... very frustrating!)
I also got a Pink Lemonade Martini, again with the
raspberry flavoring, and it was so much better than
the cocktail I'd gotten the other day...
Okay. It was probably just the sugar that made it so
But Mom was not impressed with her gin and tonic.
The house gin was not up to her standards! *laughs*
I enjoyed the art.
The labels say the price of each painting... over 2,000$!
And then we went on to the Christmas Walk in the Woods.
I loved this! All the pretty lights!
And look! That's the moon again!!
The temperature was a few degrees below freezing...
but there wasn't even a breath of wind, so it was
actually pretty nice for all the cold!
We admired the projected lights up in the trees and
debated about whether Dad and Mom should get some for
the spruce in their yard that is getting too big to
string with christmas lights!
We arrived at the end.
I would have walked thru again, but it was cold
and I thought I'd gotten good photos.
Back at home and gathered around the kitchen table again.
Mom, Bro and I were just fiddling with our devices.
and I suggested a game of Monopoly Deals...
And MOM won! Yay! ... Altho it does not make up
for her terrible loss at Aggravation yesterday!
Tag: december 2024
Sunday 15 December 2024... Relaxing |
After church we came home and got back to relaxing!
I wrote some letters. Mom made more cookies... and Brother
and I frosted and candied some Peppermint Melts. Mmmm! I
think those are my favorite!
I found a good free trivia web site and I called out questions
for a while and then we got down to some real games.
Can't Stop is a pretty fun board game. Brother usually
wins this... but this time I Won!! woohoo!
Haha! I'm green, of course! The first person to get to
the top of three columns, wins... I've got 2, 3 and 8!!
And that might be the
first time I've ever won that game! *laughs*
Scattergories is another game I love in theory, but
I really really suck at, in reality! ... I think it's
the timer. My brain just goes blank!
Brother had 19, Mom was right behind him with 17 and
then surprisingly Dad and I tied with 12. It's a surprise
that I got that many points! ha!
Aggravation is definitely Mom's game... but everyone
kind of ganged up on her for this round! haha, Brother
won and Mom came in last. It just seems wrong!
Dinner was left over wipe out, except more spaghetti
had to be made.
And then we sat and played GeoCities at the tv again.
The walks in the UK started out in cities, which is usually
easier to figure out because eventually they will go past
a sign. But then we started getting more of people walking
thru that big park in England.
It's beautiful, but getting it over and over got to be
Everyone shut down early, but I needed to take care of some
Swap-Bot stuff. I glanced over the GR stuff as well.
Keepin' things organized!
Tag: december 2024
Saturday 14 December 2024... Fossil Creek Reservoir Moon Views |
And then I noticed the moon coming up...
As we walked back up the path, Mom was looking down
instead of up!
But I can't get enough of the colours in the sky!
We get back to the head of the trail and see that the
blackboard has been filled out since we arrived! Darn it,
I missed the Magpie!
We head out, and I try to take a picture of the
mountains and sunset from the car.
The tallest mountains on the right
are Mount Meeker and Longs Peak.
We were going to a whiskey tasting room... but it was closed.
Bummer. We picked a bar randomly that was near Brother's
house, and it was pretty good.
There was a wide variety of cocktails, Dad and Bro
got beers, I got a hard lemonade with raspberry vodka (meh)
but Mom's Caramel Express something was excellent!
It was very not vegan, so I did not try it,
but everyone else agreed that
it was amazing. Mom took a photo of the ingredients
so they could try to re-create it at home! *laughs*
Back at home, dinner was spaghetti and lots o' veggies
in the sauce! oh yeah!
We played 65 and of course Dad won, with five stars.
Brother had low score, but had four stars. Partner
had three stars, but he was the one who went out on
the last hand, and that's the hardest one!
Tag: december 2024
Saturday 14 December 2024... Fossil Creek Reservoir |
Another wonderful morning of hanging out in the kitchen
and being relaxed! We goofed off online, did crossword
puzzles and Mom made more cookies.
In the early afternoon, Mom has Another mild dizzy spell.
She's sitting again when this one comes on, so it's not
a huge deal.
But it's concerning that she's getting a couple, so close
together! I think usually they are several weeks apart!
But when it's time to leave, Mom's up for it. So that's good.
We are going to
Creek Reservoir southeast of Fort Collins.
It's a place where Bald Eagles hang out during the winter.
On Saturdays there are naturalist from Auduobon who
set up spotting scopes and are there to tell stories and
answer questions.
We've been out to visit several times in past years, and
I really enjoy it!
We chat with the Audubon people who have a table
at the head of the trail. And then we head on down
to the lake!
There's a large viewing platform, and the Audubon people
have set up four spotting scopes!
One of the spotting scopes has a phone attached, to see
There are only five Bald Eagles here today and the
Audubon people are so disappointed. They explain that
there have been up to 45 Eagles hanging out around the
lake in the past!
Almost straight across the lake are two juvenile Bald
Eagles standing close to each other.
Bald Eagles start out life with mostly brown feathers,
with varying amounts of white as they get older.
When they are five years old, they will look like the
iconic Bald Eagle, with the white head.
The Eagles are here for the fish, and they might get
to eat a duck or a goose.
It's a beautiful place.
We listen to the naturalists talk for a while. There
are over 300 breeding pairs in Colorado now... much
more than in the bad old, DDT days!
They also said how many Bald Eagles are in the area, locally.
I've forgotten the number, however many dozen,
but Mom asked if that included
an active nest that she watches every year, near a road
they drive along often. She gives the location and our
naturalist knows it and says, Oh Yes!
And Mom asks questions about when they lay their eggs.
So she knows what to look for when they drive by the
Eagles' nest in January and February! I think he said
the babies will hatch in mid-February.
The sun is starting to get low, and there's another
family arriving at the viewing platform. We decide
to walk down to one of the blinds... they've said that
there might be some shore birds running around on the
beach there.
We've walked down Sandpiper Trail, to the closer blind...
Nope, no shore birds.
But the number of ducks and geese here, all across the
lake, really is incredible.
There's a few that are closer to the blind.
Looks like Canada Geese and a lot of Mallards.
And who is that over on the right?
Ah, he's a Wigeon.
The Audubon people had told us that these are
Great Blue Heron nests. They nest in colonies... they
get the tops of the trees, and Egrets might have nests
under them!
Stay tuned for Part 2!
Tag: december 2024
Friday 13 December 2024... Parents House |
Another blissful and relaxing day!
Just hanging out at the kitchen table. Chatting and doing
crosswords and playing on the laptops and phones. It's just
so wonderful!
I got a bunch of GR postcards written, and that made me
feel accomplished!
In the afternoon, I convinced Brother to walk. But it's
so crazy windy, he didn't want to go out on the road like
yesterday. He just wants to stay in the yard.
So I will walk the same route as we did yesterday, and he
will walk around the yard. And then we will see how many
laps it takes when I get back.
I set out, and I'm trying to capture the little clouds
at the horizon, just above the foothills. But the camera
exposure says oh hell no. And eventually I just give up.
*laughs* Damnit.
But here's the land underneath the little clouds.
And the wind is just so insane. It's nice and warm, the
high is 52°, and I don't need a jacket. Dad says when
the wind is out of the west, it's always warmer!
But the wind
makes walking unpleasant...
It makes me glad I don't live here!!
And when I get back, there's no sign of Brother in the yard...
he had given up after just a couple laps,
because of the wind! Haha!
We get a game of Monopoly Deals going... It's a card game
and I really like it. Not that I win, or anything! *laughs*
Dad won, of course.
And then we played the Crazy Camel game. It's fun as well,
but there's some set up at the beginning, and end, and each
leg of the race. At the end, Brother was a couple of dollars
above Dad. And at the poor end of the spectrum, Mom had a
couple dollars more than I.
heh. It's normal for me to lose all the games.
We started a game of Trivial Pursuit. This is a game that
I like in theory, but the questions are so old, and so random...
It's just not as fun in reality.
Dinner was chic patty sandwiches with tater tots and a
really yummy Canned Veggie Salad. I loved that, I should
get the recipe!
Mom gets a dizzy spell, which is distressing. She says it's
a mild one. After we get dinner cleaned up, we join her in
the living room.
I connect the Emily Laptop to the tv and we play some
GeoCities. "Monuments" is a bit too easy, except the ones
we have no clue about. We do some "America" and some "Europe".
There's a bunch of walks in a big park in the UK... those
are really absolutely lovely. You could set those to
play and just watch them for some meditation time!!
Tag: december 2024
Thursday 12 December 2024... Relaxing at Parents House |
I slept in! I relaxed at the kitchen table with Mom
and Dad and Brother. We did puzzles... Dad collects and
prints up crosswords, and there's the odd sudoku as well.
Out the porch door...
Aw, how cool is that? She's a female Kestrel, the males
have blue on their wings.
I fiddled online for a bit and then wrote a couple of my
goodreads postcards. When I take them out to the mailbox,
oh my gosh, it is lovely outside, warm and no wind. We
should go for a walk!
At 10:50am the furnace guy arrives... Dad and Mom have
been having ongoing issues with the gas furnace for months!
It just shuts off, every week or so!
With Winter in Colorado, this is terrible! But it's happened
so often, Dad has the temporary fix down...
with the fire place and the stove running with
fans they can keep the house warm!
But since we are traveling to Iowa soon, the furnace needs
to be actually and permanently fixed before we go!!
After lunch, Brother and I go for a walk around to the
end of the street.
I am crazy for the Rock Doves here, too!
A Robin in an unknown tree
We were back to hanging out at the kitchen table again,
later in the afternoon. And Brother just declares, Sister
wants a fire! Everyone agreed, and we all got up
immediately to make it happen!
*laughs* Dad went to haul wood, Mom gathered some mulling
spices for drinks, and Brother and I got the patio chairs
out of the barn!
The mulling spices were for the apple cider, and there
was some Fireball too. mmmm!
Stir fry for dinner and then we got going with the games again.
Dad won the first round of Qwixx. But then Mom won the
second round, and broke Dad's winning streak!
Natalia's Four Square is a card game. Dad won.
And then Dad suggested Hand And Foot, a partner card game.
Since Dad has been winning so much, I suggested he be my
*laughs* We lost spectacularly!!
Tag: december 2024
Wednesday 11 December 2024... Travel |
We got up at o'dark thirty for a plane ride to Colorado!
Let me tell you something. I hate airports. The only
thing I hate MORE than airports... is airplanes!
I hate the stress and I really hate motion sickness.
But I deal with these things to see my family!
We arrived at a decent morning hour and I am so happy!
We got some breakfast at a little local diner... I was
mildly amused when our server didn't know what a vegan
is. I'm trying to figure out what I can eat and she's
all We do have eggs! *laughs* and *sighs* (and *yuck*)
And then we drove to my parents house.
Partner went to bed, since he hadn't slept. And I was
thrilled to settle in and just relax at the kitchen table
with Mom and Dad and Brother.
Eventually we got some games going!
Fun City is very old board game, but new to me! It's a
bit complicated but fun! Dad won.
Phase 10. Also fun, but Dad won.
And a card game called "65". Dad won. hmm.
For dinner, Mom had pre-made Pizza Soup and Rosemary Scones.
And then we all shut down pretty early... I took a blissful
shower and was in bed at 9:15pm!
Tag: december 2024
Tuesday 10 December 2024... A Good Walk |
Good Morning My Dear.
A grey day, 36° when I left the house. But no wind.
Oh, nice! It's been ages since Suspish has been out here!
I admire the colours of the foliage of the
native rose bushes along the creek.
There's a huge flock of Cackling Geese at the back of the
Events Center again! Hundreds!
I'm looking for that one goose with Leucism on her neck.
But I don't see her today.
I move on, but a guy and a dog disturbs the flock!
Wow! They circle and some of them come back down.
Aw, look! Some Nutria kids are out of their burrow!
Oh my gosh, they are so adorable!
Does your Mom know you are out and about??
Too Cute!
I go into the Community Garden one last time to
double check my plot. But I am easily distracted
by the birds hanging out here!
Oh, hey! We've got a new Solar Baby?!
*laughs* Nah, here's the original Solar Baby!
Lots of awesome experiences today!
Tag: december 2024
Monday 9 December 2024... Hidden Trail |
I'll be heading out for my December travels later this
week, and thought I would get in one last adventure up
the hill today.
Ha! A Squirrel munched a Persimmon!
Actually, the squirrels must LOVE Persimmons! *laughs*
There are a few houses in the neighborhood with christmas
decorations up.
I like the penguins on the left with the US Mail Box!! :D
Other than the Steller Jay, there don't seem to be many
birds around today. I resign myself to looking at foliage
Thimble Berry.
Red Flowering Currants.
... and more attempts to capture the beauty of the
little waterfall.
I get to the Acorn Woodpeckers territory... aw, I don't
see or hear ANY birds up here. Not the woodpeckers and
no little birds in the brush...
But I do hear construction further up the hill. sighs.
Back to the foliage, I guess!
Oh Hey!
well foo. Little Nuthatch was too fast for me! I also
missed quite a few Bewick Wrens on the way down.
eh, that's how it goes sometimes!
Back in the neighborhoods and I've found some more
cute christmas decorations.
A Robin in an Elderberry tree.
Wow, all the berries! crazy!
Raw Elderberries are poisonous to us humans, but once
you cook them they are good!
Tag: december 2024
Sunday 8 December 2024... Bad Photography Day |
*laughs* Yep, it's one of those days when I just
can't get a good picture.
Hermit Thrush? Dang it.
Lots of Bewick Wrens all over the place. But they are
too bouncy, even on the best of days!
I stop by the Community Garden to make sure the plot is as
Borage-free as I can make it. My little friend is
still hanging out!
Yet another Bewick Wren is bouncing around the
Comm Garden compost pile!
And IN the compost pile!
I guess that's as good as the photography is going to
get, today. eh. That's okay... I will keep trying! :)
Tag: december 2024
Saturday 7 December 2024... Okay, Community Garden |
I'm heading out to the Community Garden to see what I can
do to bring the plot into compliance with the rules.
If I don't, I will get a mark against me. The old rules
said if you get three marks in a row (for the three compliance
checks in a year) they would kick you out. The new 2025 rules
say there are now four compliance checks in a year and if you
get two marks, you're out... and it is not clear if that's
2 marks in a row or in a year
or if it's 2 marks ever .
So it's bullshit all around, and if I want to stay
in the Comm Garden I should probably do something.
Yep. I did seriously consider just letting it go and
making them kick me out next year.
But visiting the Community Garden makes me so happy.
All the birds and bugs and flowers and all the thousands
of photos I take! Thousands? Maybe millions!
I don't care about the veggies so much, altho I do love
the Lemon Cucumbers and the SunGolds.
But the work gives
me pleasure... I feel good when I put things
in the ground and they start growing.
I feel strong when I haul wheel barrows of
leaves to the plot.
So yes. I would desperately miss all of these things if
I was forced give up our Community Garden plot.
So I'm going to the garden today to satisfy the stupid
powers that be, who seem to have it out for me. Or who
hate the beautiful chaos which I cultivate in the plot.
And, of course, it's raining today.
But Rudra is here, and it's nice to see her!
Here I am at my plot.
Borage not managed, weeds not managed.
Okay. They said we could keep the Borage, but you couldn't
have any within a foot of the border. I only just pulled up
all that borage along the front, next to the path. So possibly
that's what they are referencing.
But I can't take the chance. So I'm going to pull up all
the borage today. I feel so bad and sad for the Honey Bees
who think this is a place to get nectar from the Borage blooms.
And then the weeds not managed. Looking at the plot,
ahh! Okay, they don't like the couple of Amaranth stalks
I've left standing in the front with the Fava.
The Amaranth seed heads are full, and I wanted the birds
to come and have a snack. Again, it makes me so sad that
I have to take food away from the wildlife. :(
Here's the After pic... Just the winter cover crop of
Fava is left, with some Garlics growing behind.
The Leeks are out of frame, on the left.
The Borage has been managed to death. And what they call
weeds have been pulled up.
But I've been having some subversive thoughts along the way!
What I've done here today, will keep me in the Community
Garden for another year.
But what they've done... Changing the rules arbitrarily,
making us comply with the new 2025 rules when that's not
what we signed up for (we literally sign a contract!),
and trying to classify Borage as an invasive when no
one has ever called it as invasive and it is the
best Summer companion and cover crop.
All of this. And I'm going to fight them from the inside!
You can't plant new Borage? hmm. That'll be an easy rule
to bend. Seed bombs are fun.
I'll have to study the new manual to see what else I can
do to help nature and thwart idiot humans who have too
much time on their hands and who have too much propensity
for rule making.
heh, heh, heh. *Mine is an evil laugh*
Tag: december 2024
Friday 6 December 2024... Community Garden sucks |
Henrietta... I never noticed before...
It looks almost like he has a bald spot since his blue
feathers are so long!
*laughs* It's kind of cute, actually!!
I'm at the garden and I am jamming thru the last bit
of winterizing that is required by the Community Garden rules.
I've hauled four wheel barrow loads of leaves today
to cover the front...
A light sprinkling of leaves in the Fava!
And a tidy layer of leaves in the front to cover the
Borage I pulled up yesterday.
I've also moved the trellis and tomato cages...
Usually I leave them lying down in the plot, but they are
so hard to see, I worry that someone would accidentally
walk on them and hurt themselves! But now that I have the
big trellis, I've set it up with all the tomato cages
inside it. This seems more visable and less dangerous!
I've also tidied up the little junk pile...
I had some wood stakes, and I put them under the bucket.
And the rest is all neat as well, with the bricks and grids
approximately at the border with Kevin's plot.
I'm proud of all the work I've done!
And I'm really happy the new rules let us keep the Borage
in our plots! It's crazy that they still have blooms!
Pretty, pretty!
And I still have some time when I leave the garden, so I'm
going to walk an extra mile!
Stumpy still has its leaves!
Steller Jay... no cooperation!
And a Scrub Jay... I love all our blue coloured Jays!!
And then I get home. In the afternoon, we get an email
from the powers that be at the Community Garden.
Your plot is currently out of compliance.
*And cussing*
Borage not managed, weeds not managed.
... ummmm? What?
I thought they decided the borage was fine? And Weeds?
What weeds? Do they think the Fava, Leeks and Garlics
are weeds? Or what?
I am so confused and so blasted annoyed!
*more cussing*
Dang it, I was so proud of all the work I've done.
And here they are again, telling me that I suck.
Tag: december 2024
Thursday 5 December 2024... A Better Day at the Garden, with Strawberries |
Good Morning My Dear!
Again with the freezing fog, and again little wind.
There's no frost on the ground but the trees were
dripping as I started my walk... the frost above the
ground starting to melt.
Okay! I'm going to plant the strawberries that I picked
up the other day! The strawberry patch is not doing great
and some borage took over.
So I'm going to clear that...
There are probably half a dozen strawberry plants,
each with a couple green leaves coming out of their
root balls. But this one, near the Fava,
is the only plant that is still really living...
It even has two little green fruits on it!
Hopefully All the plants will come back alive in the spring!
I get the new ones planted...
And then I cover them with leaves. The big strawberry
poking out so it can catch what little sunshine there is!
I hauled six wheel barrow loads of leaves, and got
the rest of the back of the plot covered!
I had extra time, so I pulled up the Borage that had
grown up between the path and the front Fava patch.
I just laid it down where it was, to return the nutrients
to the soil, and I'll cover it with leaves tomorrow.
And I'll probably be done tomorrow! Yipee!
I don't like to eat peppers, but I do like
how bright and cheerful they are right now!
Tag: december 2024
Tuesday 21 January 2025... Evil |
Yesterday I purposefully avoided all the news about
the inaugeration of that traitor and rapist.
The ignorance was bliss!
Today, I barely skimmed a few articles.
Because maybe I want to
keep my ignorance.
But this got thru...
∞ Trump
Pretends He Banned Birthright Citizenship.
You Gonna Go Along With That?
So much for that silly oath to preserve,
protect and defend the Constitution.
I'd assume that all those other
dictatorial decrees
are unconstitutional and unlawful and probably generally
unworkable. He doesn't care.
All he wants to do is make chaos. fucking moron.
And, let's see, what else?
Oh hey. We've got some anti-trans bigotry wrapped up in
some heavy misogyny.
All of this hate will only lead to emboldened violence.
But it's what the Maga-hats wanted. They want hate.
That's what they voted for. Did they understand that
our democracy would come crashing down as well?
I'll be standing up for love. We need to protect our
neighbors and friends as best we can.
Tag: january 2025
Wednesday 4 December 2024... Hauling Leaves |
Another dreary and foggy day, just below freezing
but little wind again and I'm good under all my
clothing layers.
There's a bunch of ducks gathered along the bike path...
and the Mallard with his tail ripped out is still alive!
And it's always nice to see some Non-Mallards at the creek!
These are Green Wing Teals.
As I approach the Community Garden, there are three
cars in the parking lot, ARG!
But the van was pulling away. Good. And the one
guy was just finishing up and left as I got my first
wheel barrow loaded up with leaves. Good!
The last guy was just covering his raised beds with
leaves. He hauled another couple of wheel barrow loads
and was done and out pretty quickly as well.
Great! It's so much nicer to be at the garden alone!
And THEN the squirrels came back! All the ones who
like to dig thru the leaf piles. And even the one
hanging with me in my plot! And a couple crows
as well. And the chirping happy birds in the tree
and shrubs on the east side!
so I'm not the only one who prefers the garden
without men.
So anyway. The neighbor on the right side has covered
their plot with leaves... barely. There's hardly a single
layer and there are holes all along the damn border, jerks!
So I haul a couple extra loads to reinforce that
border. Ticks me off, doing extra work for these
useless Pot People. I wonder if I'll have to put
up with them again next year.
Well. I have hauled 7 wheel barrow loads of leaves
to my plot today. But I've been annoyed almost the
entire time. So I try to get my happy vibe back
on the walk back home.
Some cute little birds.
Some Snowberries.
And an attempt to capture the beautiful colours of
the native Nootka Roses along the creek.
Tag: december 2024
Tuesday 3 December 2024... Digging out the Sunchoke |
Heavy fog this morning but it has warmed up from freezing
to 34°. The wind is light, so it's bearable.
The dew on this spider web is still frozen, tho!
Okay! Here I am at the garden plot!
Today I'm going to dig up the Sunchoke roots that are
on the left side border. I've already broken off all
the stalks, and it's mostly just the roots left.
The Sunchoke here was a volunteer, but
it's really not kosher to have such a tall plant near the
border. I want to be a good neighbor, so I'm going to
try to remove this thing. Hopefully, it won't be like the
Comfrey and take years to kill!
The roots are the food part of Sunchoke... but I don't like
them. I'll be hauling them to the Community Garden compost
heap! Here's the first bucket...
... The second bucket...
... The third bucket... I'm having to dig a bit deeper
for the roots now. And I'm shaking thru the soil with
the fork.
... And the fourth bucket! a bit over half full!
That bucket took a while, sifting and digging further
out to find new roots.
And dang, that was some work! This area is probably 6x4 ish.
And those buckets were difficult to carry. Guessing
a good 20pounds each... well over 75 pounds total.
And that's just so much food!
You know, if you could eat it.
I now understand what neighbor Kevin meant when he said
You'll never go hungry! when he saw the Sunchoke
growing. *laughs*
Meantime, my little friend has been digging at my plot
as well.
The same one as yesterday? I'm not sure, but we are just
as companionable, both of us with our digging projects!
Nom nom!
I consider my next projects as I head out...
Continue hauling leaves in, of course.
But I need to think about the other Sunchoke that was
in the front garden square, as well... I had pushed
over the tall stalks the other day. I guess I will
leave those roots tho...
It is a beautiful native plant after all and it makes
the bees and birds so happy!
Hmmm... I also need to clear out that Borage in the front,
that's mixed in with the Fava cover crop.
For the new 1 foot rule... They've decided we can keep our
Borage, but it cannot be within 1foot of any borders.
Tag: december 2024
Monday 2 December 2024... Back to hauling leaves |
Cold and dry... I guess the droplets on the pine tree
above are dew from the high humidity.
It's 32° when I leave the house, but no wind! Walking
warms me up nicely, under all my layers!
A Sweet Gum caught my eye with interesting shapes.
I get to the Garden, and the squirrels are still having
a hay day with the leaf pile!
Found something yummy!
I start hauling leaves. I'm working on the left side of
the plot today... but getting the wheel barrow over these
stupid clumps of grass is difficult...
So I got the heavy fork and I jammed it in... huh!
The clumps just popped right out! Ha!
That was a surprise! The work is going much smoother
now! And I'm able to enjoy the day.
It's just me and the squirrels, here at the Community Garden.
And one Crow.
I so enjoy the squirrels company!! This one
in my plot wasn't even worried about me. Let
me walk right up and watch what he's doing!
I hauled six wheel barrow loads today, and this is the
view from the back corner with the stunted Leeks...
I did go a good bit over the border with the leaves.
And I am just so pleased that getting those stupid
clumps of grass out was so easy!!
There is a bit of a hole there, tho. So I covered it with
sticks from the back Sunchoke. It's not perfect, but should
alert anyone walking by to the tripping hazard. I'll add
more sticks when I chop down the front Sunchoke.
An Oregon Junco on some Red Amaranth in the
diagonal plot behind ours...
His Amaranths were unusually short... maybe stunted in the
same way that my Tofu Patch plants were? I guess I'm lucky
that only a bit of the dirt in my plot is like that!
I'm heading out, but my friend the squirrel is still hard
at work in my plot!
Tag: december 2024
Sunday 1 December 2024... Just a bit of garden work |
Ugh, it's 34° when I leave the house, brr! But there's
no wind, for once, so it's not too terrible.
Henrietta! So nice to see you!
At the garden, I'm taking it easy today because it's Sunday!
I just need to clear a path on the left side of the plot
so I can get the wheel barrow thru. There was some Borage,
the Giant Marigolds, and a couple of stunted Sunflower
stalks. And I just pulled it all up and threw it in the
Tofu Patch.
I had planted the Tofu Patch with some Fava on Nov7, but
nothing has come up... Mostly likely it's just been too
chilly, but maybe also whatever is wrong with the dirt here
has contributed too. This is the place where most all the
plants were stunted.
Here's the After picture...
I really need to get rid of those huge clumps of grass
there at the front, as well. Ugh. I feel like that's
going to be really hard, and I've been avoiding those
stupid clumps all summer!
Maybe tomorrow.
As I leave, I see three Flickers checking out the Community
hmm. Not great photography today with the dreariness.
Oh well.
Tag: december 2024
Saturday 30 November 2024... Fun Sparrow Antics! |
Good Morning My Dear!
Always nice to greet the wildlife right outside the door!
And then I get ½ a mile up the bike path, and this
one notices me watching her. And she sweetly invites me
to come with her!
I love Song Sparrows!
She kicks leaves out of her way, which totally cracks me up!
A bike goes by on the path, and she flies out of the way.
And then we start over, with another invitation to follow!
Back on the path, looking for stuff to eat.
... And Looking...
And, haha, your leg looks funny!
Oh, have you found something?
Thanks so much for letting me watch!
But I've got work to do at the garden, so I move on
Ugh, the sun comes out and I get hot with all my layers.
But I've done 6 wheel barrow loads today.
I'm happy the powers that be have decided to let us keep
our Borage. It's still blooming, and there's a few Honey
Bees out today, buzzing in the sun!
The plot is slowly filling up with leaves.
Tag: november 2024
Friday 29 November 2024... Happy Birds and Serious Garden Work! |
oof. It's cold today with a bit of a breeze and I am
glad for all my clothing layers under the rain jacket,
which is acting as a wind breaker!
Okay! I arrive at the garden and I get to work hauling
leaves to the plot! I am doing good work today! Seven
wheel barrow loads!!
As I go back and forth with the wheel barrow, I do some
math in my head to keep me occupied...
I go by 13 plots + mine + out to the leaf pile
== 15 x 20feet each x 2 rounds
== 600ft x 7 hauls
== 4,200ft
There's 5280 feet in a mile.
So if I did 9 hauls, that would be just over a mile!
I've also moved the big trellis out of the way. And
here's what the plot is looking like from the front
Like I said yesterday, I am layering these leaves very
thickly. The leaves do bring in a lot of slugs, which is
unfortunate. But they are also just organic mass...
I think about all the weight I took out of the garden
in the form of zucchinis, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans...
Take, take, take!
Putting leaves on the plot is my only real chance to give
something back. Sure, I put vegan fertilizer down during the
growing season. But that doesn't even come close to the
weight of a single big Old German Tomato! Granted, it's mostly
water, but still!
So I am happy to haul leaves like a crazy person!
I'm heading out, but stop to take a portrait of one of the
squirrels! There's LOADS of squirrels climbing and digging
thru the leaf piles!
They are good company for me, and they make me smile
every time I come back to the leaves!
Tag: november 2024
Thursday 28 November 2024... Happy Thanksgiving |
I don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Too depressing with
all the turkeys being murdered for the day.
But I am happy to go out and start the serious work of
dumping leaves on the garden plot to winterize it. It's
part of the Community Garden requirements.
Heading out, I come across a little flock of Lesser Goldfinches,
but I'm too impatient to get anyone's portrait.
I had trouble sleeping because both my
shoulders are sore from the vaccinations I got yesterday.
Covid vax in the left shoulder, flu shot in the right.
But no problem doing my pushups this morning,
and no problem hauling leaves today either!!
I get to the Garden and have a little issue in the tool
shed. There's plenty of wheel barrows, but only one
pathetic looking fork that looks like it's going to break
the moment I scoop something!
*Cursing* How am I supposed to get any work done around here?!
I rage for a moment! And then I notice a bundle of tools
in the corner. They are strangely wrapped up with blue tape,
and I find a potato fork and two more heavy forks.
Why? Just... why?
I pull out what I need and put the rest on the hangers
where they belong so they are easy to find, because
*more cursing*
A *Deep Breathe* and I'm ready to work. But first... There's
some freebie Strawberries on the picnic table! I nab those
and drop them off in my plot.
And then I notice Kevin's Nasturtiums have dumped seeds
into my side of the plot boundry!
I gather some of them up to plant next year. A couple of
his chili peppers have fallen too... but I am definitely
not interested in eating those, or saving the seed!!
Okay! Hauling leaves!
I didn't accomplish much... just four wheel barrows of leaves
hauled today. And I'm laying the leaves very thick, so I didn't
cover much ground.
I'm starting slow because I don't want to
kill myself on Day One, here!
There's more weeding to do, and I will need to move the
trellis out of the way as well.
Much to do, much to do!
At home, I put the gathered Nasturtium seeds in front
of the fan so they can dry out!
Tag: november 2024
Wednesday 27 November 2024... Walk to Appointment! |
I've got an appointment to get a covid vax and flu shot.
I'm grateful that it's not raining, so I can walk to my
appointment without trouble. But also there's not much
wind, for once, and that makes it such a nice day!
I've given myself some extra time to take pics on the way...
Well, whatever!
Very spikey in there!
Okay. There's a Red Shoulder Hawk standing in the tree
over Blazey's Throne...
... But this is my turn off for the pharmacy.
I go in and get my shots. Like last year, it's no big deal
and I hardly have to talk to anyone! Don't even have to
pull out my ID or insurance card. So nice to just be able
to get health care without trouble. Yay Oregon!
I was out in just 15minutes, and I headed straight for the
Red Shoulder, who is still hanging out!
And, you know what? I think this is Rudra!
But Suddenly there's so much going on, all over the place!!
This one is saying "Check! Check!" and I assume he's a
Red-wing Blackbird... I don't know it at the time, but
he's obviously NOT a Red-wing!
There's no time to assess the blackbird, because my friend
the Belted Kingfisher stops by for a second!
This is the female, and the pair fly up and down the
creek every winter! I love to see them!
But she doesn't stick around, so I go back to the blackbirds.
This is a male Brewer Blackbird!
But why did I think he was a Red-wing? Ah... Brewer's
Blackbirds often make a tchup or chuk similar to the
calls of other blackbirds. Okay! He was speaking the
language of Red-wings, who I am more familiar with since I
see them more often!
I continue with my walk, and the sun comes out.
That's nice, it makes the day nice and warm.
And I come across another Red Shoulder. Not Rudra, she's
moved on.
And then I get to see Solar Baby, too! Red Shoulders
Tag: november 2024
Tuesday 26 November 2024... Good Bird Day! |
There's a heavy misting happening off and on. I just drape
my arm over the camera and don't have to tuck it under the
rain jacket.
Not Rudra.
But very patient with me wandering around her tree.
Probably I should give this one a name as well!
A Yellow Rump Warbler...
With her white throat, she belongs to the Myrtle subspecies,
supposedly of the eastern side of the continent. The Audubon
subspecies of the west has a yellow throat... but I think
they all get mixed up here during the winter!
I stop by the Solidarity Garden again, and am impressed
with how much is still alive again!
Sunchoke still blooming.
Even this potted Angel Wing Begonia!
The Rock Doves are here again!
I wish they would let me get closer!
I've stopped off at the garden to drop off some compost.
This is from the back corner...
And here's from the other back corner, where I've been
working lately... Clearing out the Squash Square and the
Wax Beans from the big trellis.
I really need to stop fiddling and start hauling leaves
to winterize the plot.
Aw! A Caterpillar in the Fava... tho I bet she wishes she
had dug herself underground instead of being all exposed
in the cold like this!
I am thrilled to support any kind of bugs in the garden plot!
And caterpillars are so so important for the birds!
This Red Shoulder Hawk loves the new solar panels along
the bike path! I'm going to name him Solar Baby!
was a scifi movie from the 80s that I LOVED!
... okay, this write-up about Solarbabies totally cracked
me up...
∞ Trilogy
of Terror: Solarbabies (1986)
Yep, it really is that awful!! And yet I still love that
movie!! *laughs*
Bath Time!
She's yelling for her friend to join her... The
water's fine!
Your feathers look a bit muddy, for all that!
It's fine, you're not done yet. Okay!
Tag: november 2024
Sunday 24 November 2024... Sunday Stroll |
A little pop of colour!
I stop by the garden and admire the Fava.
The first planting is well over a foot tall! I love all
the seeds on the Amaranths, too. Will be good meals for
some birds!
Oh! Who's this?!
They look like a squash bug, but with colour! *searching
the internets* Ah!
Whitecrossed Seed Bug! An American native.
This makes me laugh... the cute little teeth marks!
Tag: november 2024
Saturday 23 November 2024... Todays Walk |
It's raining as I leave the house today.
Aw, really? *snort*
Okay! That's better! Thank You!
I walk past the Solidarity Garden... how come their
Sunflowers are still alive?? I am entirely jealous!
Their Asters are still alive, too. I used to have Asters
at the front of my garden plot, but that was years ago...
I should plant them again!
Wayside Micro Park... with a jar of peanut butter and,
a squash? ha.
*laughs* I just can't get enough of that tree over there!
Back at home, I finally shelled the soybeans.
There were so few, it took me less than 15minutes!
Remember last year's crop of soybeans?
Nov7 Shelling Soybeans
It took me Four Days to shell all those!
Tag: november 2024
Friday 22 November 2024... Hidden Trail |
Good Morning, My Dear! You've got a good breakfast!
Oh! Point and Click and Hope! A crappy photo of a
Golden Crown Kinglet!
Unlike the Ruby Crown Kinglet, the Goldens always show
their crown. And the Ruby Crowns are winter visitors, while
the Golden Crowns are here year round.
Supposedly. But I don't get to see them all that often.
But maybe instead of taking crappy bird photos, I could
look at the waterfalls instead.
... Annnd, he never turns around! SIGHS.
Back to the waterfalls! *laughs*
I get to the top of the trail and I walk up to the
Acorn Woodpeckers territory.
This is the bioswale that feeds the waterfall.
Ha! The wind up here is crazy!
I wonder where the boys are today.
And then on the way back down the hill, it started
sprinkling and then pouring. So much for that blue
Tag: november 2024
Thursday 21 November 2024... Day of Little Birds and a surprise. Part 2 of 2. |
Oh hey! A Ruby Crown Kinglet!
He's bouncing around so quickly, I'm just pointing the
camera and hoping for the best. But look!
He's showing his crown! There must be a female here,
who he's trying to impress!
(I don't ever see her tho.)
I am just at the turn-off for the Community Garden... and
here's yet another little flock of birds! This is just crazy!
They are mostly House Finches, but there's some White
Crown Sparrows as well.
I think this is an Ash tree that they are eating the
seeds of.
I am really focused on the happy flock, but I kind of
notice this one has been approaching me.
He's getting closer and closer and I've already told him
that I don't have any treats or anything for him.
But he's still coming towards me, and I finally pay attention
when he is WAY closer than it's safe to be to a human!
Do I know you? I look at him closely, but I
seriously don't recognize him. He bounces on past me
and I go back to looking at the finches.
But then I feel a tug on my jeans!
Dude. Haha, he thought about climbing up my leg,
crazy guy!
He bounces away again. But I'm thinking I need to carry
some walnuts with me, or something!
*laughs* Not that this kind of behavior should be rewarded!
He's liable to get himself hurt by a human who isn't so
But he is really cute! :)
Tag: november 2024
Wednesday 8 January 2025... Same... |
I'm at the same level of unwellness as yesterday...
Headache, occasional cough, lack of energy.
And I'm really getting frustrated. I've been sick for
a week now. And yes, I'm better... I'm definitely better!
But I have so much to do. And no energy to do it.
Tag: january 2025
Tuesday 7 January 2025... Getting Better? |
There were a couple hours, yesterday evening, where the
coughing calmed down a good bit. And I was finally
able to get some better sleep as well!
Thank goodness! I still don't have my energy back. But
being less miserable is a big win.
Tag: january 2025
Thursday 21 Novebmer 2024... Day of Little Birds, Part 1 |
It's sprinkling, and then pouring, this morning. But the
clouds are moving around a good bit as I head out. And
there's some blue sky happening by the time I get to the
bike path!
But there's still some low clouds in the hills.
Hi, Robin! You are looking dapper today!
With the rain this morning, I'm walking past the garden.
There is much to do there, but I don't want to work in
the mud!
Past the end of the bike path, I walk thru the neighborhoods.
In someone's front yard...
Oh my gosh! Look at them all! Pine Siskins!
Wow! I walk a little further, and here's another bunch
at a feeder!
I wonder what kind of seed is in the feeder.
Hey! No Fighting!
Did you get pecked in the face because you WERE FIGHTING??!
Sheesh. :(
Moving on, again. Pigeons!
I love the Rock Doves and wish I got to see them more often.
But today is not the day... One of my bike path friends
rides by, just then, and when we greet each other, the
Pigeons fly away. :)
To be continued...
Tag: november 2024
Sunday 5 January 2025... Covid |
Still very sick.
My Mom and Brother are sick too... *Wails*
I don't want them to be sick!
They both had covid tests that are less expired than mine,
and they both tested positive.
Tag: january 2025
Saturday 4 January 2025... Ugh. A Sick Rant. |
I am so tired of the constant coughing attacks.
Partner had mentioned that he got us some throat spray,
Chloraseptic. I am not a huge fan of trying new medicines,
due to my propensity for side-effects.
But I've been coughing sooo much, I just need a break.
Partner says he sprays about 10 times, and gargles.
Uh huh. I read the directions. You spray once, let it
sit in your throat for 15seconds, then spit it out.
It's good for two hours, (is that all? jeez.)
and you shouldn't use it for
more than two days. Which begs the question: why do
they sell such a big bottle if you can only use it for
two days? There's probably thousands of doses in this
bottle. I know I have some brain fog, but this does not
compute at all!
Okay. Anyway. Focus.
I sprayed. And I spit it out immediately!
And walked away!
Gah, that stuff is gross!
But the next time I did it correctly.
I didn't cough for 25mins.
Which would have been nice. Except I couldn't get to sleep
during that time, which is all I really wanted. Side Effect?
And then the cough came back with a vengence.
So that was a major disappointment. But at least that
one actually does something...
Let me take a little tangent here to chat about another
one of
the many reasons why I hate cold medicines and how the
FDA failed us.
When pseudoephedrine (the good Sudafed)
started being abused, they put it behind the counter,
or in my state they made it prescription only.
Phenylephrine replaced it in most cold medicines.
Trouble is phenyleprhrine doesn't actually work.
On top of that, it gives me a headache. That side-effect
thing, you know.
Studies were done, repeatedly, and at the end of 2023,
there was some news about this stupid worthless stuff.
And how the FDA knew but did _nothing_ about it for decades.
∞ How
Two Pharmacists Figured Out That Decongestants Don't Work
A loophole in FDA processes means older drugs such as
those in oral decongestants weren't properly tested.
Here's how we learned the most popular one
[phenyleprhrine] doesn't work.
So, thanks for two decades of headaches, FDA.
The thing is. With Felon 45 (Traitor. Rapist.)
loading up all his political
appointments with evil, stuff like the above is going
to proliferate and become commonplace.
All of these appointments want government to come
crashing down and they will wreak as much havoc
as they can. It'll be chaos on every front.
It's terrifying. It's going to result in more than just two
decades of headaches, that's for sure. And Republicans
don't care about how many people die because of their
actions... they've already got lots of practice killing
pregnant people in red states, post-Roe.
Tag: january 2025
Friday 3 January 2025... definitely sick |
Fever, most all night. Major couging attacks. Miserable.
I'm so miserable, and with the fever, I'm pretty sure it's
break-thru covid. I've got some weird symptoms, too. So
there's no doubt.
Glad I got vaxed before the December travels.
Tag: january 2025
Wednesday 20 November 2024... Garden Work |
We had some wind last night, but it's much warmer and
nicer today. Even with the bit of off and on wind,
it's not cold at all.
∞ 'Bomb
cyclone' kills 2 and knocks out power to over half a million
homes across the Pacific Northwest
There's some branches down from that, and a couple sections
of fence down, too. But we didn't get the big wind and
there's no major damage here.
*sadness* ...
This is a black ball cap in the middle of the bike path,
but at first glance all I saw was a black thing, in
Blazey's spot, curled up on the path with a bit of white.
I miss Blazey SO MUCH.
Jan26 Tribute.
I arrive at the garden and find pumpkins at the gate!
*laughs* Too big for me to carry home. But they will
make someone very happy!
Okay! I'm going to work on the big trellis today!
I thought the Wax Bean vines would give me trouble. But
when I cleared the back of the trellis yesterday, they had
decomposed just enough where I could break the vines in
places. I still have to unwind long sections, but it's
not as hard as I thought it would be!
Again, I left the blooming Borage for the Honey Bees.
And I found some surprises! One last Tomatillo! Yay!
And there was a Wax Bean plant still alive under the Borage
with green leaves and everything!
It had one edible bean on it...
Also in the pic: another skeletonized Tomatillo husk,
and some Sunchoke roots!
There were a lot of wax beans on the vines that I didn't
want to bring home. I tossed them in the Squash Square.
Maybe they will grow next year?
On my way out, I noticed how healthy the Columbine is looking!
It barely bloomed last spring, but it has grown big and
happy under the Zuc where it got watered regularly!
Hopefully, it will make babies next year!!
Tag: november 2024
Tuesday 19 November 2024... Some Garden Work |
Another stupid windy day with 14mph breeze. I am tired
of being cold out here, and I've loaded up my layers!
The trees still have some beautiful autumn colour!
But when I go a bit further, the hills in the disance
have a dusting of snow!!
The squirrels think the wind is making things too cold, as well!
*Laughs* Look how chunky this one is! Good Job getting
all that winter bulk!
Squiggles in the Willow twigs make me happy.
Okay! I'm at the garden and it's time to do some work!
Here's my spot today...
And after...
I've cleared some of the Squash Square, and most of the
Wax Bean vines from the back of the big trellis.
I'm leaving the blooming Borage... When it warms up, Honey
Bees are still visiting here!
On the way home, I encounter a little flock of sparrows...
And one of the Juncos stood for a portrait as well!
Tag: november 2024
Wednesday 1 January 2025... Happy New Year |
Happy Happy New Year!!
In the past, I have traditionally done a huge
Review and Revise post for the first of
the year. But the last few years, it's been
too much work to complete. So I'm just going to
keep this post simple!
2025 is going to be a hard and heartbreaking year.
Felon 45 (traitor. rapist.)
will take office and he will destroy everything
that is good about America. I am part of the resistance,
so I need my personal life to be calm and comfortable.
To make that happen, I want to do a major overhaul here
at home. Declutter and Clean. With the book,
Unf*ck Your Habitat: You're Better Than Your Mess
motivating me to move along!
I hate cleaning with all my being. And it's kind of a
disaster around here. I would be embarrassed for my Mom
to see this. So I'm going to tidy!
My specific goal is to do three 10-5 sessions every week.
The book advocates for 20-10s... 20 minutes of work and a
10 minute reward. But twenty minutes is too long for me,
I would never even start! Ten minutes of work seems
more doable.
Beyond that,
I will need to buy a car this year. And get a job. bleh.
Last year I worked hard to catch up my reading journal...
I want to continue that, of course. But I also want to
get back to typing book reviews on GR. Posting reviews
helps me remember what the book is about and makes it
easier to find books I've already read.
We'll see how that goes... I'm just home from traveling
most of December, and I'm not back to my normal yet. So
this post is Subject to Change! :)
Happy New Year!
Tag: january 2025
Monday 18 November 2024... A Walk in the Wind |
I have been meaning to take out the poor dead Petunias
for a while. Monday is the day to take the bag of
kitchen scraps to throw on the garden as compost...
A tiny spider had taken residence and made webs around
the blossoms. In case she is still living here, I wanted
to make sure the plant is at the top of the bag so she
can potientially just go free at the garden!
I love spiders, and always wish the best for them! :)
I head out and oh my gosh the wind again today is so annoying.
Yesterday it was 16mph, and today it's down to 13mph but gah.
You know, I hesitate to say I hate anything about Nature.
But this wind. It's seriously getting to the point of hating!
Even when it makes the clouds do interesting things.
A Red Shoulder Hawk, not Rudra.
Rudra has more grey on her face going up between her eyes.
I'm at the garden, but someone else has arrived as well,
so I'm not going to stay. I don't want to chat, so I take
a longer path around to the garden plot.
I quickly dump the compost and head out.
Tag: november 2024
Sunday 17 November 2024... Stewart Pond |
It's pouring down rain, and I decide to walk down to
Stewart Pond Park for something different!
The tiny forest here is my favorite part! With the heavy
rain, I figured the wildlife would be hunkered down...
But there's actually a little flock of sparrows boucing
around here!!
Juvenile Golden Crown Sparrow.
With the rain and thick clouds, I have trouble getting
decent photos. But look! This one is thinking about
eating a Snow Berry.
The clouds start breaking up as I take the long path out
past the Frisbee Golf course. Here's the wet prairie in
front of the park...
No ponds yet. We'll need a lot more rain for that!
Heading home on the bike path, I encounter another flock
of little birds. Yellow Rump Warblers!
I'm almost home when I see this cute juvenile White Crown
Hanging out with this Golden Crown Sparrow!
All the birds today make me happy!
Tag: november 2024
Saturday 16 November 2024... Today |
Last night, I was lying in bed and I heard funny and cute,
interesting sounds. I sat up and looked out the window...
A little family of Raccoons!
I immediately wished for the camera, but there's no good
photos out the window and in the dark! ha, oh well...
A Mom and two grown kids maybe?
I think there were three of them,
but they wandered off pretty quickly.
It is nice to have wildlife around.
Yes, even you my invasive friend...
Yes, Really!
It's cold today. 39° when I left the house and
I'm walking into the 6mph breeze.
Oh! Is it Rudra?
*laughs* Not sure.
But this is definitely Henrietta.
He's preening, with feathers in his beak!
I walk past the Events Center, and there's a bunch of cars
parked out back. I try to remember what all was going on
there this month... Oh! Could it be the Saturday Holiday
It is! Admittance is free so I go in and wander around.
I don't take any photos tho. Humans make me nervous! *laughs*
But I did make note of one business I want to check out...
∞ Cosmic Garden
Unfortunately, her website is a facebook page, and
she doesn't have anything on her etsy page. But here's
an example of the work that caught my eye:
Saturday Market,
Amazing layered paper creation
I keep walking after I emerge from the Holiday Market
and go up to Wayside Micropark. It still looks weird
without it's big trees, which came down in January's
ice storm.
They haven't cut down the Mimosa that's trying to
Back to the bike path. Bleh, there's foam in the creek.
But I have to get artsy with it!
It reminds me of that line in Miss Potter:
Last summer, at the farm, I was drawing something
that looked quite lovely in the sun, until I realized
I was drawing the pig's swill bucket.
Haha! Yep!
Here's Shadow, our local stray, trying to be
Tag: november 2024
Friday 15 November 2024... Hidden Trail |
I am thinking about taking on a new swap at Swap-Bot.
A friend of mine had a post in the forums that said
she needs someone to host the December edition of her
monthly swap while she takes a break.
I have been considering it, and last night I decided Yes!
I'd like to take it on, and I was excited and thinking about
it thru the night!
This morning I got up and sent my friend a message!
I get to the top of the trail, and go into the Acorn
Woodpeckers territory. I do see a couple... but everybody
is too far away for photography.
And that's all I get today. ha. oh well!
At least I got good exercise getting up here!
On the way back down, I happen to notice this
little patch of plants for the first time...
Oh my gosh! Thimbleberry!
Tag: november 2024
Thursday 14 November 2024... Birbs!! |
Clouds are moving around a lot and this morning the
sun comes out while we are having a little rain shower!
I think I should be able to see the rainbow from my window...
it must be up there, but I can't find it.
The break in the cloud doesn't last long. And the bit of rain
doesn't last long either. But the two weather conditions tag
team it, all morning! Sun and Rain chasing after each other!
I head out, just walking today, no garden. The ducks are
walking the bike path too!
Oh but then I see the one male has gotten his tail feathers
ripped out. Second from the back. That's painful, poor guy.
I see birds moving around... but they're the kind that
bounces around too fast for me and the camera. But hey!
Here I've got two birds for the price of one, random
point and click! haha!
A blurry Chickadee on the far left, and more difficult to see,
a Ruby Crowned Kinglet on the far right.
The sun came out and oof, I was hot with the heavy shirt
under the rain jacket.
But on the way home the next storm
rolled in and poured down rain and the wind picked up and
made the wet clothes chilly... I was glad for the heavy shirt,
keeping my core warm!
White Crown Sparrow... she's got a Snowberry and looks
like she's trying to decide to eat it or not!
Maybe not?
Tag: november 2024
Wednesday 13 November 2024... Rainy Day of Cool Geese! |
The wind kept waking me up last night, and
there's some branches down this morning.
But the Wind Advisory has switched to a Flood Advisory.
I think it rained a bit thru the night, and it was off and
on this morning. But now that I'm heading out for a walk,
it's pouring. Coupled with a 10mph breeze, annoying.
I decide to do the Neighborhood Zig Zag. No frogs singing
at Gudu-Kut right now... I don't know why, isn't this their
weather?! Maybe not with the wind.
You don't like the wind, either?
I've come around the back of the Events Center... there's
a big flock of Cackling Geese! And the Crows are keeping
an eye on everyone.
Cackling Geese are the smallest cousins of Canada Geese and
they are so cute! um. Hang on...
Oh my gosh!
This one has Leucism!
is a condition with partial loss of pigmentation. They will
be white or pale in splotches, or entirely. Except for the
eyes! If they are white with pink eyes, then it's albinism.
In humans, leucism is called Vitiligo.
So that's really cool.
Then I turn around and see there's a pair of ... Canada Geese?
ha, nope! The one on the left is a hybrid...
Goose and Greylag!
So that is super interesting.
I went digging for more information. This type of hybrid is
sterile. There's just too much genetic difference between
Canadas and Greylags, since they are in different genuses.
So I'm glad this hybrid goose has a friend!
Well. Moving on. I'm walking around the flock of
Cackling Geese.
It's funny how the Crows are always around!
Song Sparrow. Not singing right now, but a fast Jeep. Jeep.
Jeep, their contact call.
The pouring rain lasted for most of my walk, and now we
are down to sprinkles.
We got so much rain today! Total = 1.21 inches!
The normal average for a day of November rain
is 0.20 inches.
Tag: november 2024
Tuesday 12 November 2024... Another Blustery Day |
Gah with the climate change wind.
Weather page says it's 16mph again today,
and we've got a wind advisory in the forecast for tonight.
But the sun is trying to come out and I'm walking out to
the garden for some more work.
Oh nice... They've finished the lights on this side!
The clouds are moving around quite a bit, and when the
sun comes out it heats stuff up right away. I'm glad I
just wore my light shirt, but the rain jacket feels like
a sauna!
And the wind is making the trees wave all around. Even
tho we've had this climate change wind for most of a year
now, I still haven't figured out how to find birds in
these conditions. Heck, even taking pictures of flowers
is an exercise in annoyance. I finally just grabbed the
stem to hold it steady...
Hope that wasn't contact poisonous! We've got a bunch
of wildflowers around here that are! Ha!
I get to the garden and oh sheesh. Michelle is here,
working in her plot, the next one over. I'm grumpy about
the wind messing everything up, and don't feel like talking
to her. Fortunately, she's the same this morning, and
we both manage to avoid looking at each other!
I had meant to cut down the Sunchoke today, the one
that's on the border that I need to eventually dig out.
But that's on Michelle's side, so instead I decide to
clear some of the Squash Square behind the Wax Bean trellis.
Here's the before photo...
Ugh. It's muddy. I hate that. But here's what I
And I found a few more Tomatillos! A couple had gone
soft, but these are all firm and I think they are good.
So cool how the husk sometimes decomposes!
Michelle left, and I had time to cut the Sunchoke down,
after all. I just forgot to take photos of the thing.
Oh well. Heading out.
Last time the unknown flock was Robins. This time...
It's Cedar Waxwings! It's funny how close they like to
stand next to each other!
There are a variety of Dogwoods along the creek.
Red Osier has white berries, Silky Dogwood has these
beautiful blue berries...
We also have some Yellow Twig Dogwoods, but most of those
are farther from the path, so I don't notice their flowers
or berries.
The sun peeks thru the clouds one last time...
And then the rain clouds roll in.
Tag: november 2024
Monday 11 November 2024... A Blustery Day |
It rained and poured last night. The temperature is decent,
it's 48° when I leave the house this morning. But the
wind is blowing like crazy. The weather page says 16mph.
Those trees still have leaves, but between the heavy rain
last night and the serious wind this morning... most
of the pretty autumn leaves are on the ground.
The view past the dead Leaning Tree is much less colourful
At the back of the Events Center, there was a guy
walking a little black terrier.
And he was throwing snacks to the crows!!
At first,
I thought he was throwing crackers or something,
because the crows were bringing them to puddles.
But they were peanuts in the shell and the crows wanted
to eat them right away, instead of burying them for later!
And maybe it's easier to get into the shell, once they've
been soaked?
You have to roll it a little if your puddle isn't deep
So that was fun! And a little bit along the way...
A Red Shoulder Hawk!
Is it Rudra? I'm not sure!
But very cooperative for the photography! She lets me
walk all around her tree!
I do stop at the garden, I'm dropping off the week's
compost. And the sun breaks free for a minute... and I'm
trying to capture these amazing colours!
Just... My Goodness!
I am still processing the election, and terrified
of what that guy is going to do to our democracy.
and the climate. and how many people are going to die.
My new mantra: What would Sarah Connor do?
ha. I will never be as bad ass as Sarah Connor, or as
dedicated. She's a warrior, and I'm just a soft, little
But I'll be part of the resistance... I just need to figure
out how.
Tag: november 2024
Sunday 10 November 2024... Garden with Sparrows |
There was a bit of rain last night. As I'm heading out,
I'm thinking about other projects to work on at the garden,
since it might be too muddy to continue weeding.
I get to the plot and find the section I was weeding
-- the grass that had grown up under the tomato plants --
isn't actually too muddy yet. So I finish that off!
And then I pause before I leave.
ha, camera can't figure out where the focus is.
The one volunteer Fava in the back is getting pretty tall!
There we go! Now we've found our focus!
I've been tossing some of the kitchen scraps into the
front garden square with the Fava seedlings. It will
compost thru our rainy winter. The bad Aubergines
amuse me: 1, 2, 3!
*laughs* There were two Aubergines that the slugs didn't
munch on... I brought those home and I need to figure out
what to do with them! I've never cooked Eggplant before.
Heading home! There's some birds bouncing around at the edge
of the path... A Towhee and Golden Crown Sparrows.
Oh, Cool! There's a White Throat Sparrow with them as well!
They are winter visitors as well, along with the Golden
Crowns and White Crowns. I don't get to see them as often
as the other sparrows tho, so I'm excited to see this one!
And on the way home, at the back of the Gudu-Kut Park,
I hear four? frogs singing! And then another one, further
It makes me happy to hear them, our cute little
Chorus Frogs!
Tag: november 2024
Saturday 9 November 2024... Ever More Garden Work |
Good Morning My Dear!
The weather is similar to yesterday, and I again misjudged
and wore the heavy shirt that I really, really did not need!
(stupid pole!)
There's a family of Scrub Jays bouncing around at the
Community Garden!
Oh my gosh. What's going on with your foot?
All the front toes are contracted down? ugh, poor baby.
This garden plot in the back always has cute decorations.
Okay! Here I am at my plot, and I'm going to fork and
weed some of this grass that was growing under the tomato
And the After pic...
I marked the area with zucchini branches, ha, because I
need to keep track of where the third Fava planting begins!
And Look, look! These are definitely little Favas germinating!
Let's see... I put that third planting down on Oct23.
Not quite 2.5 weeks and that's not too bad!
The nights have mostly been in the 40s since
Heading home. Who's this? Just a little too far away to tell.
Oh! Robins! First sign of spring, right?
Haha. Actually Robins can be found all year round in
most of the US!
They finished 12 of the lights on the bike path yesterday!
The battery on these things is pretty substantial!
Probably a little bit bigger than a car battery.
It looks like the rain is going to start up again tonight.
which is a bummer for garden work.
Tag: november 2024
Friday 8 November 2024... Garden Work |
The sun has burned off the morning fog! It was still a little
chilly, but I regreted wearing the heavy shirt under
my jacket almost right away, with the sun beating down!
And oh my gosh, the sky is amazing today!
And that cute little tree is so bright.
They put up "Path Closed" signs blocking the bike path a couple
days ago, with no actual work being done. It was annoying,
and I was thinking about moving the signs aside today,
just to be subversive, ha...
But they've finally started working!
They are putting solar lights on the poles they set up a
while ago! Yay! They are just finishing up the second one!
Still admiring the cirrus clouds!
But sometimes I look down, too!
The sun has even made it warm enough for the bees!
Okay! I'm at the garden and today I'm going to pull
out the dead tomato plants. There's an Old German, a Black
Tomato and the big Sungold here...
And here's the After pic.
Dang it, a lot of grass was growing under the tomatoes.
That'll have to be cleared out before I start putting leaves
down for mulch.
Also, Dang it, I am not having good luck with the birds.
Oh well, try again tomorrow, right? *laughs*
Heading home, and they've finished a couple more lights!
So. The ongoing experiments with consuming Sunchoke roots!
*laughs* I tried some raw Sunchokes in my Casserole Bowl...
hum. The chunks are a little bit too hard, I should have
cut them up a bit smaller.
And they are tasteless. Which would have been fine,
if they were just adding a bit of crunch.
But even this, I'm still pretty meh.
As a plant, Sunchoke is lovely and makes a variety of birds
happy with the seeds in the flowers. But I'm not so much
interested in eating it!
Tag: november 2024
Thursday 7 November 2024... Fun Day of Birds |
Chilly this morning but the sun is vanquishing the
heavy fog, and the walk to the garden warms me up nicely.
Our little Lesser Goldfinches are so bright!
Ha, their little feet!
There's no one at the Community Garden, Yay! Walking past
this plot, I could hear a bird in the trellis...
This is Trumpet Vine, and on the other side of the trellis
is some kind of Honeysuckle.
I keep hearing contact calls, and I walk to the other side.
and then back again. Hello? Are you going to make an
A Bewick Wren! huh. I was not expecting that! I guess I
should look up their songs and contact calls! (Yeah, they
have a variety of different contact calls, besides the
buzzy one I'm familiar with!)
Such a cute little bird!
With a funny tail.
And who bounces around too quickly for the camera to keep up!
Okay! I'm at my plot! My work today is to put down some
Fava beans in the Tofu Patch as a winter cover crop.
I work around the Leeks, on both sides.
It's probably too chilly for the Favas to grow now, but you never
know. We might get some warm days to get them germinated and
growing. Or they will have a head start in the spring!
I put down a LOT of beans here! and there's not much left
of the one pound bag of Small Fava that I bought.
Hmmm... This could be the first of the 3rd planting of
The third planting of fava was
when I put some beans in the hole created when I pulled
up the front Sungold, and I also seeded some more at the
back of the Front Garden Square.
Good to know that might actually come up,
despite the cooler nights!
And always happy to see more Elephant Garlics come up!
And the first planting of Favas are very happy. They are
a good 1foot tall! There's lots of Borage mixed in with it,
and I'm surprised it's still alive... but the Honey Bees
are still at the blooms, so that's great!
Heading home. There's still some fog on the hills, but
the sun is catching the colours of the autumn trees!
Oh! Haha! They are probably both doing the same thing...
working on their winter stores!!
Mr Unnamed! How lovely to see you!
And the handful of Sunchoke roots I ate today, again in
my Casserole Bowl...
I don't know. I think I'm leaning towards I don't like
Sunchokes. *laughs*
Maybe I should try them out raw instead.
Tag: november 2024
Wednesday 6 November 2024... Gathering the First Sunchokes |
Dreary and Cold, it's 43° when I leave the house...
but at least the wind isn't blowing and no rain, either.
So I'm heading out to continue work at the garden.
I get to the Community Garden, and from the outside,
I notice the cream coloured cat is stalking here. And
then I get around to the gate and see that Rudra the
Red Shoulder Hawk is here too...
Making all the little birds very nervous!
She flies over to a different tree...
But then decides to go elsewhere.
I finish weeding around the Leeks at the end of the
Tofu Patch that I cleared yesterday...
I've dumped a good bit of our kitchen scraps here, to
compost through the winter. (Yep, those are a couple
of yellow zucchinis that went bad before I could eat
them!)... Just hoping to improve the poor soil with
nutrients and organic matter!
And then I decide to gather some of the Sunchoke roots.
I just pull up a couple stalks and gather what's at the
I don't want to bring home too many... They don't keep
well, and there's only so much I can eat at a time!
I look around one more time, but the little birds are
still being nervous. I think that cat is still here.
And at home, I've cleaned and chopped a couple of the
Sunchoke roots to eat with my Lunch Casserole Bowl.
Anything you do to potatoes, you can do to Sunchoke.
Roasted, fried, mashed, whatever. But you can also eat
Sunchokes raw, it's kind of a water chestnut vibe.
But you are supposed to wait until after the first hard
frost, which changes the sugars. And then the Sunchoke
roots will have a nutty taste.
We might get that kind of weather in January or February,
but not right now. So the Sunroot tastes kind of ... meh.
It has the starchiness of potatoes, but without the
yumminess of potatoes.
They are mostly okay, since I'm mixing them with a bunch
of other veggies and flavors in my Casserole Bowl. But I
think I'm going to have to figure something else out.
Because they aren't great. At all!
Tag: november 2024
Tuesday 5 November 2024... Garden Work |
The sun has been trying to shine. And it's not actually
raining. So I need to get some garden work done!
With all the rain we've had, and all the rain in the forecast
as well... I'm thinking that I need to use all the non-rainy
days for garden work as much as I can. I might even need to
work in the rain, ugh!
The winter compliance check is mid-December, but it's an
important one that I cannot screw up! And there's a lot
of stuff that needs to happen before then!
But first: I'm enjoying the walk to the garden!
Look at all the Hooded Mergansers!
They are nervous around humans staring at them, and they
always paddle away to hide themselves behind bushes.
Oh, haha! Here's the Mergansers again!
Oh my gosh! I caught one diving! It's a little hard to make
out because the water is distorting his shape... but there he
is, underwater, top left!
That's fun!
Okay. I'm at the garden and here's the spot where I'm
working today... This is the former Tofu Patch, along the
left border of the plot.
I'm pulling up the veggies and flowers: the poor stunted
Soybean plants, the Tomatillo, the Giant Marigolds and
the wild Amaranths. And then I hand weeded the little bit
of grass. It's muddy so I'm just pulling the green part.
Here's the After photo!
The Borage is still blooming and supporting bees, so I left
the bigger clumps of that.
My goal is to put some Fava seeds down here. It's way too
late in the season, the nights are probably too chilly for
them to germinate. But, dang it, I have to do something for
the dirt here... I don't know what is causing the stunted
plants, so I'm going to throw the whole tool box at it! *laughs*
And I'm looking at the Sunchoke roots again...
The Internets say this won't taste great until after the
first hard frost. But who knows when that will happen around
here... our rainy winters are mild! But this back Sunchoke
is too close to the border and I will need to dig it up
and get rid of it.
Heading home. Oh Hey! It's Henrietta!
I can't get a clear view, and he's clearly busy. I wonder
who he is hunting.
Ha. Someone has disposed of their Halloween pumpkins by tossing
them off the bridge into the creek!
The ducks have an interest!
Tag: november 2024
Monday 4 November 2024... Todays Walk |
It rained a good bit thru the night, and it's sprinkling
off and on this morning. It's 50° when I leave the house
and I'm grateful I switched to my light shirt under the
rain jacket... there is a bit of wind cooling things down,
but when I have to zip up the jacket it starts becoming a
On the way back, I go into the Community Garden to dump our
kitchen scraps in our plot. And admire the little Favas.
Tag: november 2024
Sunday 3 November 2024... Sunday Stroll |
This is one of our local stray cats. She's not human friendly
but has been around for ages. She must be getting pretty old.
And yes, she only has one eye.
One neighbor had named her Frodo, but I heard a different
neighbor call her Shadow... and that's a much better name
for her. Shadow gets lonely, and often follows the
outdoor cats around.
The sun is trying to make an appearance this morning!
Golden Crown Sparrows are winter visitors.
I don't know what this little tree is, but it's been
catching the light so beautifully.
Gulls come to visit us in the winter, as well.
Identifying their species, tho...
There's five species of gulls that all look the same:
white with light grey wings.
∞ Gulls and Terns in Oregon
Identification of the large pink-footed gulls
(Herring, Thayer's, Glaucous-winged, Western and Glaucous)
along the West Coast is difficult.
I stop at the Community Garden, but I'm not doing anything
The front right of the plot is looking good, with two plantings
of Favas growing, and the Amaranth providing seeds and
perches for the birds.
But, sheesh, the front left side of the plot is looking
kinda messy...
I need to tidy those tomato cages. And cut down the pretty
Sunchoke. But I don't want to mess with the blooming Borage,
since they are still providing nectar and pollen
to the few bees who are still out and about when it warms up!
Haha! This Butternut went bad, and I left it as compost
in the garden... a mouse, perhaps, is munching it...
And it's surprising how nice the innards look. Probably
I could have eaten that myself. ... Except I have standards
for when things start getting moldy! haha! Little mouse
is welcome to it!
Happy Favas.
Tag: november 2024
Saturday 2 November 2024... Hidden Trail |
And that ball of red in the lower left corner...
Poor thing has a serious underbite... with Pugs it's cute,
but not so much on a dragon! haha!
I'm at the top of the hill... oh good! There's one
Acorn Woodpecker up here to take photos of!
But it's also started sprinkling... and pointing the
camera up is just getting water drops on the lens!
English Holly... invasive. and really, I think our native
Oregon Grapes, which also have holly-like leaves,
are much prettier!
Tag: november 2024
Friday 1 November 2024... Great Bird Day! |
It's been pouring down rain this morning, but now and then
it takes a break to sprinkle down instead.
A point and click at these juvenile White Crown Sparrows
because they are blending into the foliage a little too well.
The birds are out... but am I going to get any luck with
the photography today??!
The clouds are moving around! More light is going to
help the camera.
And as I walk by the back of Gudu-Kut park, I hear frogs
singing! Winter is their breeding season because of the rain!
Our new 900 pound blocks.
I thought this was a pair of Flickers, but when I get
close enough I see they are both female.
Of course, they may still be a pair! *smiles*
This one keeps an eye on me.
Ha, it's weird to see a Flicker standing on a twig...
it makes them look like a regular bird instead of the
woodpecker they are!
There's been so much rain, the bike path is flooded under
the bridge.
The sun is emerging and all of a sudden I can't get
enough of the trees! *laughs*
I come around the corner, walking thru the neighborhood
and... OH MY GOSH!!!
BAHAHA! I love that SO MUCH!!
And walking back, Rudru the Red Shoulder Hawk is at the
Community Garden!
∞ Trump
shares totally normal fantasy of Liz Cheney facing a
firing squad
I don't know what is wrong with people.
∞ Trump's
Civil War ignorance shows why 'letting states decide'
abortion is wrong
Excellent article, worth thinking about!
Tag: novmeber 2024
Wedensday 13 November 2024... Doom |
We're screwed. In so many different ways. And each
and every way overwhelms me, individually.
So how do we face all the different ways Trump is going
to kill us? I don't know. ... I don't know.
Goodbye Science.
Mass deportations. Families can be deported together.
14th Amendment, birthright citizenship, gone.
The Department of Education, gone.
The National Institute of Health, corrupted.
and ivermectin instead of vaccines.
ACA repealed, and not replaced.
EPA was already getting corrupted from Trump's
first time round and SCOTUS rulings.
He'll be making Climate Change worse.
A national abortion ban will kill a lot of us
and maternal mortality will skyrocket.
Mifepristone access removed.
Because the FDA will be corrupted.
Rolling back safety regulations... on food even.
Climate disasters will be worse and
FEMA support will occasionally go to red states,
but it won't be long before someone starts lining
their pockets with that money.
Each of these things is utterly terrifying!
And that's just the goals for the first month or so.
Democracy will not survive four years of Trump.
A lot of us will not survive four years of Trump.
∞ PoliticsGirl:
What's Next America?
∞ Will
the American project survive the anger of white men? by
Carol Anderson
At key moments throughout US history,
white male anger has been privileged
over national security, progress or basic welfare
Tag: november 2024
Friday 8 November 2024... Doom |
Last night I accidently dipped my toes into Maga land.
There was a video I watched.
A person who was worried about physical violence,
happening to them personally.
And their family was organizing to leave the country.
They talked about their projects which wouldn't be
finished. They spoke calmly and they reiterated
several times that they don't hate Trump supporters,
they just don't understand why.
The Maga comments fell into two categories. The first one
was along the lines of Suck it up, Buttercup. One comment
near the top really caught my attention, You need to
toughen up, it's the only way.
*shakes head*
The other category of Maga comments was Oh, you'll be fiiine,
and rolling eyes at the unnecessary drama.
The utter cluelessness of the Magas is just ... stunning.
Cis/het white males. They will be fine.
But when will they look around and notice that the rest
of us are really not fine??? How many people have to die
before they pay attention?
Tag: november 2024
Thursday 7 November 2024... Doom |
America voted for hate.
The rest of us need to grieve, do what it takes to take
care of ourselves...
And then we need to get back to spreading LOVE!
It's going to be bad, folks. People are going to die.
A lot of people.
And we need to love and comfort them in all the time
we've got left!
We needed to do something drastic for climate change
fairly quickly. And with Trump, that is not going to
But honestly, we should have been doing something drastic
20 years ago. heck, 50 years ago. Democrats have failed
us by being too moderate this entire time.
And now we've blown it. Climate change will get worse,
our bugs will continue to die, ecosystems will collapse.
We can witness. We can grieve. And we can live our
lives with love and empathy.
That will kill us too.
Iris Ridge was closed yesterday morning, someone
had died on the trail. They choose a beautiful place
to go out.
If you're heading that way... please call or text the
if you're in the US. You can also chat on the website.
Give them a minute... they're busy.
Tag: november 2024
Wednesday 6 November 2024... Doom |
Trump won. I'm surprised. I really thought we had learned
our lesson.
Stay and Fight?
There's nothing to fight for. All of our neighbors are
Maga. This is what they want.
Climate change will accelerate. If you don't understand
what that means, well, ignorance is bliss. I envy you.
But we're going to die. We are going to destroy nature
and we will all die.
Women and many others can't get healthcare in 22 states...
as a result of the first Trump presidency.
It's just a matter of time before we lose the right to vote,
as well.
Having a president who is a traitor and a rapist is going
to embolden violent tendancies. Open mysogeny and racism
will become normal. We will all suffer.
America is dead. Apparently it's been dead for a while,
we just didn't notice.
Tag: november 2024
Tuesday 5 November 2024... I Voted! |
Yay! I voted!
Since Oregon has mail-in ballots, I didn't get a sticker.
But! On the back of the paper with the list of Ballot Box
loctions ... is the inaugural I Voted colouring page
by Keri Fountain, Election Specialist of Lane County Elections!
How delightful!
The mountainous skyline is the Three Sisters, to the east.
That's Heceta Head Lighthouse, out at the coast. Douglas Fir
and an acorn for our Oak trees. Salmon and Mushrooms and a
Bumblebee. The Ducks are the local college sports team, here
in town.
Not sure about the covered bridge and the blueberries. Are
those a thing here? Asking the internets. Oh!
Oregon grows the second most blueberries out of any state in the country.
Wow! I had no idea!
And the covered bridges? Yep, Lane County has more
covered bridges than any other county west of the
Mississippi River.
List of covered bridges in Oregon None close by, tho.
That's a bummer.
But how fun and good to learn these things!!
Back to the art... the generic flowers are a miss!
I would have put in some Rhododendrons... very recognizable
and very Eugene. Also some Oregon Grapes, our state flower.
But other than that, I love the art! And what a good idea,
in place of the I Voted stickers that most everyone else gets.
Tag: november 2024
Saturday 16 July 2022... New Osprey Nest! |
So I've looked at a map, and I hope I get around the new
Downtown Riverfront Park without getting lost this time.
It's closed because they are using it for the
Athletics Championships, which started yesterday
and runs until the 25th.
This amazing mural just outside the Rose Garden was finished
just in time for the Championships.
And, of course, you can't go by the Rose Garden without
obsessively taking photos of the roses.
And then we gotta check the Osprey nest on the other side
of the river. There's one child there today, and she
takes off ... only to make a loop and come back to the nest.
XXX... Goal: Finish this post!
Tag: xxx 2022
2018... BLOG POSTS |
(Posted 18 Dec 2020...)
I have managed to move all of the 2018 journal entries
into an archive page. I did not write very much in 2018,
so I decided not to divide them up into months, like I usually do.
The new archive is HTML5, and completely validated!
2018 journal entries
Tag: 2018
2017... BLOG POSTS |
(Posted 19 Dec 2020...)
I have managed to move all of the 2017 journal entries
into an archive page.
And again, I didn't write very much, so the posts for
the entire year are on one page.
The new archive is HTML5, and completely validated!
2017 journal entries
Tag: 2017
I am rift vegan!
I live in the Pacific Northwest of the USA,
with my Partner in a tiny townhouse.
I am vegan for ethical and environmental reasons,
my love for animals and nature is
a very important part of my life.
This blog is currently a place
for the photos I take while out walking.
Topics include...
∞ Nature! Flora, Fauna, Funga and Phenomena.
∞ Clouds and the fog on the hill.
∞ Trees, native plants, blossoms and botanicals.
∞ Wildlife! Mostly birds and squirrels.
Occasionally other creatures, including bugs.
∞ Reading and Journaling.
∞ Veganic Gardening.
∞ Rants!