Journal Entry

wed 28 apr 2010

I have been really gung-ho on the crochet this week. On monday night, I finished the little Diagonal hot pad thing. And on tuesday night, I started a pretty big Diagonal Snuggle blanket. And tonight, I think I'll continue working on that.

But spending all this time on the crochet, has me a bit distressed about my other projects. The to-be-read book pile is growing every week (because I have this problem with amazon... I mean, I can't just buy some stupid printer ink, can I? I should get at least one book with that, ya know.)

And my april postcards? I can't be bothered to look at a calander or anything, but I'm pretty sure that "april" is almost over!

And the garden? who knows what's happening there.

Sheesh. Ya know, I started the daily blogging again in order to motivate myself with my other projects....

I'm Motivated! I just don't have Time!


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