Tag: August 2010

Art Day
fri 13 aug 2010

Entry #1 on this page (tagged: august)

Happy Art Day!

  Artists for a Better World Art Day is the second friday in august!

Art Day is about bringing a smile to others and forwarding the concept of creating a better world though aesthetics. Although Art Day was formulated around a particular date to celebrate creativity, ideally, one would forward creativity all year round. Art Day helps to call attention to its importance.

Well. I've not done any art or doodles or photography or much of anything this week. Been fighting off lethargy and headaches. eh.

But! Here's a doodle from the other week...


Doodled with Copic markers, including the "G21 Lime Green" Wide marker. And Multiliner SP brush tip.

Definitely got plans for art this weekend!

Garden Flowers
sat 14 aug 2010

Entry #2 on this page (tagged: august, )

In the spirit of Art Day, and bringing a smile to others, I would like to share a few photos from the Community Garden...

The vegetables are kind of um lacking. Spring was wet and mostly killed everything. So all the plants now living are late and confused.

We've got 4 cherry tomato plants, 2 cucumber plants, 2 celery, a watermelon and a sweet potato. Also a chili pepper and some basils.

I think Significant Other eats about one cherry tomato a week. And he did cut down the "mystery" cabbage the other day, but we've not eaten any of it yet.

so anyway. I started planting flowers!


Planted this Aster in mid July. The little purple flowers delighted me. The flowers are lookin' kind of rough now, but that's okay... there is new growth and we were told it would come back next year.

My hopeful desire is that the Aster will take over the entire garden plot!! :)

dahlia hybrid

Dahlia hybrid, planted last weekend. It's got plenty of blossom buds, and the dark green leaves are lovely.

sadly, our baby sunflowers got killed in a tragic mowing accident. Depressing. But I've already taken photos of other people's sunflowers. so that's okay.

And there are a few other wildflowers growing in our plot. The wild makes me happy.

Vegan Things
thurs 19 aug 2010

Entry #3 on this page (tagged: August, , )

In August 2003 I went vegan after being vegetarian for ten years. Yeah. Here's the epiphany: Static8: 18 Aug 2003 But I knew that _vegan_ was the best and only thing for me the ENTIRE ten years that I was vegetarian.

That's a long time to live with yourself, knowing that you are not the best you.

And now, I've been vegan for seven years! and I still Love, Love, Love being vegan. In fact, I'm pretty sure it gets more wonderful every day!

For those of you who missed out on my July postcard... This is Justice!

Justice at Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary

... and that's Ember in the distance. They live at Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary which I got to visit on my vacation to Colorado at the beginning of July.

Garden Surprise
sun 22 aug 2010

Entry #4 on this page (tagged: august, )

Little Watermelon!!!

Yay! It's a little watermelon!! Currently approx 2 inch diameter (5cm), and there's a little marble sized watermelon on another branch to keep him company!

These are "Sugar Baby" watermelons, only get about 8 to 12 pounds. I've been told by several people that watermelons are hard to grow. The first watermelon plant did die right away. And I've got all kinds of advice on this one! "Water it like crazy!" "Water it like crazy!" and "Put the watermelons up on straw." okay!


a neighbor's sunflowers. The sunflower plants growing in our plot got killed, but there are many other sunflowers in the community garden.

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