Journal Entry

a good saturday
sat 30 apr 2011

Yes! Did you see my "to do list" updates?! I am jammin'!

Also did a 6 mile-ish bike ride, which has kind of worn me out. It was the first time on my bike this year. Of course: Major thanks to the Significant Other for getting the bike tuned up the other day!

Surprisingly, the daily blogging in April did not wear me out. I really like the mini-entry idea, where I just write a few sentences! I did "cheat" a couple times... there are some days when I just don't feel like turning on the computer. And on those days, I did actually _write_ blog entries -- long hand on an index card! Then I typed them in the next day, along with my regular post.

And, in that spirit...

National Blog Posting Month

Yep, I'm going to sign up to do an "official" blog posting month. The theme for May was just too appropriate to pass up!!


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