Journal Entry

never enough time
mon 5 sept 2011

Yep, I'm busy enjoying my long weekend (ie, having a few more drinks)!! I got plenty done, but there's still plenty on my To Do list.

The important stuff got done, tho, so that's good!

GoodReads group, The PostCard Exchange

High on my list was my GoodReads group, The PostCard Exchange. I became the new moderator this summer -- the owner of the group has been awol since 2009.

As a happy moderator, I have initiated a monthly postcard trade. There are just a handful of active members, but I was very pleased that our first postcard trade in August went without a hitch!!

Thusly, I begin the September PC trade. :)

The group is open to the public, so be sure to check it out! If you're interested, just sign up for a GoodReads account and join our group.

Right now, we are exchanging one postcard a month... but I have plans for expansion!!

oh the plans. And yet, I still haven't changed the group graphic. I distinctly remember that I was going to make it "way more exciting!"

*laughs* Well, I will eventually!
  The PostCard Exchange at GoodReads

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