Journal Entry

projects galore
sun 30 oct 2011

Okay! Yes, I am trying to get organized with my projects again.

  Sept Postcard to everyone in my address book Started this last weekend, and I'm about ½ way through mailing the postcards. If you don't have one yet, you will have one soon!

  One Sentence Journal This is a Swap-Bot project that I'm working on that I'm really enjoying! One sentence a day, on a tiny platform (3x5 inches). I'm a little bit behind on finishing my pages. Of course. But some of my pages are awesome! (and some of them are going to be turned into postcards!) (and some of them were formerly postcards!) ha! I can't wait to bind everything up and send it to my partner in Germany!!

  National Blog Posting Month Yep, it's practically november! Sadly, the official web site has changed hands, over to BlogHer. I Think I'm signed up? And I haven't really figured out my new profile yet. BlogHer is almost completely incomprehensible to me!! *laughs*

BlogHer, NaBloPoMo

Anyway. One of my friends is going to do her version of National Novel Writing Month, and I want to support her by throwing in my lot on the blogging end!

Okay. So. You'll be hearing from me! Stay tuned!

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