Journal Entry

sun 13 nov 2011

oof, chores getting done this weekend, and so many little things which have piled up over the last month or two. The list is ridiculously long, but I'm getting through it. and I'm sure you don't want to hear about it!! :)

When the mundanities drive me crazy, of course I turn to art as my resting point. Some of my favorite web sites:

  Sketching In Nature
Award winning group blog and the art is just stunning! I love the fact that it's very International as well... Maree posts from South Africa, and her current spring/summer drawings are a delightful contrast to the fall/winter drawings from the northern hemisphere!

  Artists' Journal Workshop
A group blog which is the basis of the above blog, with contributers from the book (which I also enjoy).

  The Intangible Blog
Blog entries are drawn every single day! Donovan is a snail mail enthusiast who makes up a part of the Letter Writer's Alliance. Yay Mail!

  Creative Every Day
The home of the Art Every Day Month Challenge. Leah has awesome art, and the AEDM links can be delightful!

Yep! Art is good. Many times I have said that I want to buy art... to make my tiny townhouse beautiful, and to support artists...

Occasionally, I print up my own art and nail it to my bedroom wall. But I get bored of it quickly. Which is what worries me about buying art! So I've not actually bought any art yet...

But, Artist's Journal Workshop has a post by an artist who intrigues me... Sandy Williams. Her art is colourful and wonderful to me! Her prints are 65$, which is within my price range... I'm thinking about buying one as a xmas present for myself!

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