Journal Entry

science fiction
sun 20 nov 2011

  BookingTT: Category Of the books you own, what's the biggest category/genre? Is this also the category that you actually read the most?

Sighs. I have a ton of science fiction books. But I've not read a scifi book in a year or more!

It's just really hard to find good scifi that I enjoy. At one point, I decided to go through the Tiptree Award winners.
I ♥ James Tiptree. Completely! and Utterly!

... But I hated a couple of the award winners. And therefore I quit reading from that award. And I had such despair that I just quit reading all scifi in general.

heh. Well, that isn't exactly what happened, but it kind of feels like those few crummy books ruined my scifi experience!

I used to read the "Best of" sci fi books with short stories. Good way to discover good authors. I also used to subscribe to the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. But then they screwed up my digital subscription over at FictionWise (they suck). And I never re-subbed to the print version.

So maybe I should just re-subscribe, and then focus on a more popular scifi award. huh... like the Nebula: Whee! I've already read loads of the books on that list! or maybe the Hugo...

well. yeah, ya know... I should definitely read more of what I love.

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