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moving the furniture
sat 5 may 2012 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2012/20120505.html |
My bedroom is small, and I have a lot of junk jammed in here... including all my computer stuff. Moving computer stuff isn't really fun to begin with, and I honestly thought I had the perfect arrangement. But then Significant Other came home with an orphan computer. Somebody's mom bought a new computer and wasn't sure what to do with the old one. SO figured I could look at it and keep it if I could use it, or we could take it to our lovely neighbors Next Step Recycling. (They refurbish old computers and sell them cheap to people who need them!) I suddenly remembered that I love playing with computer bits! And I looked at my current computer set up... I was down to one monitor, the cords and cables are chaos, and nothing is easily accessible. ugh. serious ugh. And I started thinking about how to make the back of the computers, with all the cord connections, more available. If I had just a couple of feet of clearance... Yep. And now I am re-arranging my bedroom! I spent a few hours on it today, and now my main computer has a new home. With 16inches of space behind for me to play, and space to set up a secondary computer and monitor. Possibly space for a third computer. nice. I still have a jumble of cables to deal with tho.
It's a major disaster in here. But the important stuff is good: my computer is connected to the internet (regardless of the cords I'll probably trip on), and there is a semi-clear pathway from the bedroom door to my bed (see tripping advisory)! And the bed is available for sleeping. sleep: very important! |
birthday week
thurs 10 may 2012 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2012/20120510.html |
At the day job, we celebrated my birthday at our tuesday company meeting. They got me a delish VEGAN red velvet cake from Sweet Life, a local bakery. And our product specialist Marianne made me a happy-happy unicorn birthday card! ∞ I Like Markers: Quick Unicorn Card (yep, that's my cake! The orange-ish tag on it says something along the lines of "no animal products" :) My mail box and inbox have many happy sentiments in them! Yay, thank you! And my Significant Other has been working in the garden... His goal was to clear out all the evil weeds this week and surprise me this weekend. Unfortunately the weed killing tool broke, so he was not able to complete his goal. But it's the thought that counts and I am very pleased with all the work he has done. I knew the weed killer was going to break, and I went ahead and bought a second one. We will figure out the "25 Year Warranty" on the broken one (and possibly on the broken two!), later. The day job has been so slow that this week, instead of doing my regular job of "Shipping/Receiving Warehouse Person", I have been doing some proof-reading work. It's good to do something different every once in a while, but I really like proofing! And because it's been so slow at work... I almost feel obligated to take a day off. So my birthday on friday will be the beginning of a long weekend! Free Like a Bird! |
fri 11 may 2012 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2012/20120511.html | |
My Mom called this afternoon and reminded me that I was born on a friday afternoon, two days before Mother's Day. :)
Vegan cake for breakfast. My first white iris in the back yard started blooming today. I made postcards and surfed the Internet, and read my books... all my favorite things to do. I ate vegan pizza. And I fully intend to do exactly what I want for the rest of the month! Yay May!
sat 19 may 2012 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2012/20120519.html |
Significant Other has been doing some great work, killing weeds in the garden, while I waste my time at the day job. Remember the weeding tool? Well, the second one broke after it's _second_ visit to the garden. arg! But enough of the evil weed has been killed by weeding tools number one and two that I didn't think it necessary to buy weeding tool number three. (Next project: work on getting replacements from Fiskars.) (and side note: the hand-held weeding tool is pretty handy. Plus, it hasn't broken once! I've used it extensively, with no back pain or shoulder pain... I do have to brace myself with my knee tho, and the muscles in my right thigh have been getting the workout of their lives!! ) Anyway. Significant Other had cleared out a space big enough to start planting things! We got some starts at Saturday Market, and now our garden plot doesn't look like a joke any more. :)
Four different kinds of tomato plants and a couple herbs. Plus some flower seeds tossed down randomly! We still have work to do... the other half of our plot is filled with 4 foot tall grass which we need to kill before the people in charge start threatening to kick us out. One of the community garden rules: weeds can't be over 18 inches. And grass is definitely a weed. Ha. They threaten to revoke our membership every single year. But I'd like to change things up this year, and clear out the weeds before they start complaining. ;) |
Long Weekend Plans
fri 25 may 2012 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2012/20120525.html |
Looks like Significant Other is going to leave me to my own devices for most of this weekend, since he's got his own stuff going on... Just the grand opening of his fav pinball place. It's all good: we will both be working hard this weekend!
My To Do List #1: Fix Bedroom
My To Do List #2: Fix Garden I left the day job early today, and this afternoon I spent a good hour at the garden plot. I forked a five foot square area of grass, and then I pulled out roots by hand. I am very proud of my little section of dirt... unfortunately, the forking may have killed my back, and there's probably eight to ten more hours of weed-killing to do. *laughs* We might have to be the joke of the Community Garden -- yet again -- this year. eh. We'll see how this weekend goes. |
Garden Cont
sat 26 may 2012 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2012/20120526.html | |
Saturday Market provided us with some baby plants. Today we got some cucumbers and some sunflowers to augment the tomatoes we planted last weekend.
Sunflower babies, and in the background, there are nasturtiums and some strawberries! I also planted a row of Snow Pea seeds. It is way late for peas, but the weather has been so cool lately, I think it'll be okay. I love peas! I have major projects this weekend, and I have minor projects this weekend. As is the case, when you are working hard on other things... Ideas for new projects occur.
Ha! What do you do when you have ideas that you don't have time for? I used to have an Idea Notebook... but that seems more like a black hole, where ideas have the life squished out of them! I'm thinking maybe I should just start working on the new ideas. Even just a few minutes working on these projects would give them a momentum which I could continue. But with so many projects going at once -- just like when I am reading three or five books at once -- it takes forever to finish one! That's frustrating. I need more time! If only my day job could be part-time! "If only", but how will the rent get paid?? And so I plug along, like the turtle in the race against the rabbit. |
sun 27 may 2012 | ||
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2012/20120527.html | ||
My one year anniversary at Swap-Bot is coming up on the 29th of May! I have completed 35 swaps there (and I just printed up postcards for my next swap). My swaps are mostly "flat mail" type swaps, but I've also done 4 "package/craft" swaps. I currently have 78 "Fives", meaning all my partners have received the stuff I sent them... and I have 59 "Hearts", meaning 59 of my partners LOVED the stuff I sent them. :) Some of the swaps that I am proud of: ∞ One Sentence Journal - October 2011
I loved doing this, but it was a lot of work! :) The journal I made was mostly a photo journal, and some pages had sketches, and some pages were just my one sentence of the day.
My very first exchange on Swap-Bot. And Currently, I'm in the Thank You Swap-Bot exchange, in which we send a postcard to the owners of Swap-Bot, telling them how amazing Swap-Bot is! I haven't decided which postcard I'm going to send... I might have to send more than one! :) |
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