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end of LetterMo
fri 1 mar 2013 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2013/20130301.html | |
Yay Mail! During february I joined the LetterMo challenge to send mail out every day and I sent out a total of 108 bits of snail mail. Mostly postcards, a few cards, and letters for three Amnesty International cases. The one new thing that I really loved about this year's LetterMo website: the "What have you mailed today?" widget, which shows up on your LetterMo profile. I just loved filling it out every day! It had a text block for writing about what you sent and you could upload a pic. Here's an example that I uploaded to Google Plus: 02.16 A secondary LetterMo goal was to write replies. I wanted to write two or three a week. haha. I wrote a total of five replies! But, in my defense: I had actually kept up with the replies until the very last week... which brought a plethora of LetterMo mail! I put one postcard reply in the mail this morning. And I intend to continue with my replies. At the beginning of LetterMo, I had sent a postcard to Save the Rupert VT Post Office. The owner of that cute little PO is an artist, and she offered to reply with art postcard! Here's the art postcard she sent me:
Yay Art! I love her art. And I intend to send her a thank you card soon! |
sat 2 march 2013 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2013/20130302.html |
Daffodils and Crocuses are blooming! I also FINALLY found our Little Free Library...
It was installed in June 2012, and I loved it but didn't see it on my regular walks. ha... It is exactly one house down from where I thought it was! Inside, the only book that interested me was the big one, which is by Anais Nin. I do have several books to trade for it. Maybe I will head back there tomorrow! (Like I don't have enough to read already!) And like I don't have enough mailing hobbies... this morning I discovered this: ∞ Etegami ... is a Japanese folk art consisting of simple hand-painted drawings accompanied by a few apt words, and they are almost always done on postcards for quick and easy mailing. What?! how did I not know about this?? |
Painting Crockery
sun 10 mar 2013 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2013/20130310.html |
He drove me to Peace Love and Pottery, a place where you can paint your own pottery. They had many items to choose from: plates, bowls, mugs & cups, plus random bric-a-brac. SO got a large plate, for which he had a plan: He had a whole sheet of paper covered with ideas! I got a pasta bowl. And we sat together in the small party room, thoughtfully reserved by SO to keep me away from the children and other humans! The nice lady working there gave us a few tips, and then the painting began. Three coats later, about an hour and a half...
My bowl has blue-yellow-purple stripes on the outside, and trees on the inside. Yep, it says "Yay Vegan" in the bottom! :) SO's plate says he's the 2013 Northwest Oh-Pin (pinball) Champion. We left the bowl and plate there... the paint will dry for a bit, then they will glaze them and put them in the oven. We can pick them up on Wednesday. I might like to do that again... |
day of reading
sat 16 mar 2013 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2013/20130316.html | |
This book, Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society, has been on my mind for several weeks... Of course it came up during february's LetterMo... Guernsey Literary is a story told in letters. Plus, it's just so charming, it's a favorite with many. Including me. I first read it in 2011. and then I read it again, immediately after! The re-read was actually the first book I read on my new Kindle. ha. So, it was raining this morning and I decided to read instead of going for my hour-long walk. It kept raining, and I kept reading. And I read until I finished the book. And it felt wonderful! I had a million projects swirling around in my head this morning (well, at least five!), but I changed things up and read a book instead. Undoubtedly, I will get to my projects. But today was such a lovely rainy reading day. |
sun 17 mar 2013 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2013/20130317.html |
But nothing could keep me from a walk through the neighborhood... blue skies, fluffy white clouds, and the cherry trees are blooming...
Oh how I adore the cherry blossoms. I love them so much I might change my favorite season from autumn to spring! Seriously, I love them that much. *happy laugh* I walked out to my PO box and discovered my first real mail there. Some junk mail to the previous occupant. sighs. But at least it was artsy junk mail: from a pottery biz in Seattle. I walked along the creek and saw a female Hooded Merganser!
I didn't even have to look her up in my bird book, she had the exact same shape as the male I saw a few months ago! She was trying to hang out with the teals, but the males were having none of it. They were chasing her away, and she was swimming away pretty fast. I walked out to our Community Garden plot to check on the garlic we planted last fall. It's doing great, plus there are some good patches of the cover crop growing as well! Not sure when we will get around to plowing that under. There have been other happy surprises in the garden plot...
This was a major surprise, because I don't remember planting crocuses! But then I vaguely remembered buying some bulbs from one of my co-workers. That was 2010, but only the wind flowers came up in the following spring. I suppose I also bought some crocus bulbs. And today, I was reacquainted with the hyacinth I planted last year. I am thinking about turning that photo into a postcard. So, if you'd like to see it, be sure to sign up for a free postcard! :) |
sat 23 mar 2013 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2013/20130323.html | |
Earlier this year, I read Always Rachel: The Letters of Rachel Carson and Dorothy Freeman. It is one of those wonderful books that leads you to other books! Many other books... It's not just the fact that Rachel and Dorothy were readers and occasionally talked about the books they were reading (like Ring of Bright Water). But also what book was pushing Rachel Carson's book off the best seller list (Gift from the Sea). Or the books Rachel's friends were writing (Captive Wild). I read Lost Woods: The Discovered Writing of Rachel Carson, by the wonderful Linda Lear, next. And I found out... The John Burroughs Medal awarded for excellence in nature writing was the one award Rachel Carson coveted. Rachel's acceptance speech was one of my favorite essays in Lost Woods. And I immediately looked up the award list for the Burroughs Medal. The award began in 1926. Rachel Carson got the award in 1952 for The Sea Around Us. It's a long list, but down at the bottom, The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating, won the award in 2011. And I loved that book as well. So I scanned the list for something new to read... And I found the 1997 winner, The Song Of The Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinction. Yep, it's 700 pages. and Yep, it takes me about an hour to read 10 pages. I will be reading this book for a very long time. But it's absolutely fascinating! |
procrastination central
sun 24 mar 2013 | ||
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2013/20130324.html | ||
My inbox is overflowing. I've not exercised in the past two weeks. The lunches that I take to work have been the simplest, easiest, quickest I can make, and not always healthy.
I've still got LetterMo replies (from february) to write. Plus I've a stack of over 50 postcards that are sitting in my printer bay, needing to be cut up and written on. 50! I'm signed up for an online class, it started this week but I can't even get through the first lesson. The piles of "I'll deal with it later" are growing. And the wonderful projects that I've planned out in my head, are stuck there in my head. Giving me nightmares. Nightmares! My car is falling apart. My taxes aren't done. And I need a hair cut. Not to mention: It's Spring! I need to start thinking about garden stuff. Some lime needs to be thrown down and the clover needs to be cut and mixed with the soil. (Pretend to be a real gardener!) So! This is my call to action! Sunday will be a Day of Doing! I think that getting just a few things done will help get the ball rolling.
Today's Accomplishments...
worked on paper journal. |
productive weekend
sun 31 mar 2013 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2013/20130331.html | |
Another batch of postcards out the door. Taxes done. All the regular weekend chores are completed. And I got great exercise...
My beautiful Hooded Merganser girl has found someone special! I am so happy for her.
Plus, I discovered several clumps of "The Bane Of My Existance"... an evil weed we tried to irradicate last year. (I still don't know it's name.)
I used my hand tool mercilessly.
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