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sat 25 jan 2014 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2014/20140125.html | |
I have also been working on my daily
Clearing The most helpful thing about the class... is that I'm thinking about "clearing" every single day. When I go to lay something down, even when it's in it's "proper pile", I have second thoughts! Do I actually need to keep this? Maybe I should put this in the recycling bin instead? Or Maybe I could put it on top of my keyboard to remind myself to deal with it quickly? You can't actually tell yet, but my piles are getting shorter. I am dealing with some small stuff every now and then. And I am happy with my progress: the piles weren't built in a single day, I don't expect to dismantle them quickly either. But today is a cause for celebration. My goal for 2014 is to work on a 4x6 inch bit of art about 5 days a week. But, I've been so busy with the postcard stuff, I haven't been able to work on this daily art project. In my clearing for the past couple of weeks, I've been organizing to get started on the art again. One night, I got a little box to store some of my supplies in, and I put my Nov 2013 art book in it. Then I bought and added some new white pens. Another evening, I cut up some watercolour paper and anticipated working with InkTense pencils on it. Then I cut up some blue paper, thinking to add white writing on it. And then a big job. I decided I wanted a drawer for my reference photos. I have three sets of Iris drawers that I store paper and stationery in, and 2 of the drawers (out of 18 total) are "junk" drawers. If I cleaned one out, I could use it for my art project. It took a lot of thinking. aka planning, preparing, THINKING. A big issue I have is trying to figure out where things go. Things need a permanent home once I've moved them off their pile or out of their drawer, so that I can easily find them again. I need to be able to find things because I get upset when I'm looking for something and it's not in it's place. Today, I cleared out the drawer. Recycled some stuff. Put other stuff in the second junk drawer. Put some stuff on the "I'll deal with it later" pile. The drawer was empty. And then I put a dent in one of my piles: I put all my reference photos and some magazines and my 20 Ways To Draw A Tree books -- into the empty drawer! Ha! I feel so organized!
from Blah to Boing!
sat 26 july 2014 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2014/20140726.html |
I went to bed thinking about it, Friday night, and I woke up thinking about it, Saturday morning. I got nothin'. I didn't want to get out of bed, ever.
And then suddenly it hit me. I literally jumped out of bed and started tearing thru my tubs looking for my favorite crochet hook and some fun string. I made two dish cloths last weekend. It was exactly what I needed. The thinking time. Keeping my hands busy. And making something.
I'm not sure when I last crocheted, but my last crochet blog entries were posted in 2011. Well, I don't think I will continue crocheting... it was a one weekend deal and now I'm done. I think! So this week, I am back to my postcard projects. I won't be able to get my letter writing goals attended to before the end of the month like I wanted... but that's okay. I've got some other stuff going on anyway. Including the Community Garden plot. I've eaten yellow zucchini every day this week for the first time. and today I brought home the first significant haul of Sun Gold cherry tomatoes.
Sun Golds are the yummiest. The first Lemon cucumber is about ¾ grown! And I think we will be overwhelmed with butternut squashes! Oh, and I'm bringing home an occasional beet, as well. I'm not sure how they have organized themselves so perfectly, but one is ready to be pulled up about every other week. Just the one, and that is all. nice! And... someone else's art, which I noticed on the walk home from the garden...
"Pick up garbage = ♡" |
sun 17 aug 2014 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2014/20140817.html |
We have new summer-time neighbors at the day job...
A mom and four kids. We have been putting out cracked corn for them... along with the sunflower seeds we give to the local squirrels! The above photo was from a month ago. The four kids are quite a bit larger now. The family wandered into the warehouse last friday, just as the FedEx guy was picking up. Gil snapped a few pics on his cell phone before getting our packages into his truck! haha. Art Journal. I've worked on a couple pages in my new art journal...
... and there have been experiments. For instance, the back of the left side page of the above spread, had some watercolours on it. The next page after the above spread has a background "painted" with beets. Beets from my community garden plot! ha! How awesome is that?! I don't know what I'm going to draw on that page. Maybe nothing. It's a lovely shade of red-violet. :)
Stuff in Sept: Passenger Pigeons
sat 6 sept 2014 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2014/20140906.html |
In the early 1800s Passenger Pigeons were the most abundant bird species in North America. They migrated across the continent in flocks that were made up of billions of individuals. Billions! And humans made Passenger Pigeons extinct. We killed all of them through hunting and mass deforestation. And we've learned nothing. We continue to kill animals like it doesn't even matter. Sometime through hunting (wolves!), sometimes by mass poisoning (bees!), and mostly by mass destruction of ecosystems (everyone!). So here is a project to bring awareness... Fold the Flock. I love their About statement: Fold the Flock is an initiative of The Lost Bird Project, an arts-based environmental non-profit that connects people more deeply with the earth through art. Yay Art! Their goal is to reach 1 million origami Passenger Pigeons by the end of the year. They are currently at ~453,500. And you know, one million sounds like a lot... but it is a tiny fraction of the billions of birds who formerly roamed North America. Here's my first attempt...
I've never done any origami before, and you can see that my folds are not great. Regardless, it still looks good, and it stands all by itself! ha! I hope you'll try it as well. They have a free download that fits on letter-sized paper that you can print. You will have to cut it down. And you'll have to run the instruction video many times. :) It's fun learning some origami! |
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