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sat 25 july 2015 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2015/20150725.html |
And then the following weekend, I had some homework that I brought home from the day job. 6+ hours of overtime, but no time for the blog. And last weekend, I don't know. I was just totally disorganized and a bunch of projects fell by the way side. Arg! So now I'm back to my tenative goal to post here at least once a week. Maybe twice. You'll have to keep an eye on me to make sure I follow through! ;) I have been a bit stressed out, due to the day job and such, and have been considering my options to help me manage. Meditation? Extra Exercise? Journalling? eh. I've done all these in the past, but I want to try something new. How about Colouring?! I've thought about Colouring for a long time. A couple years ago I bought a few posters of line art meant to be coloured. I'm not sure what's kept me from working on them... worried I'm going to ruin the whole thing by choosing the wrong marker colour?! Anyway. A good friend sent me an awesome postcard... line art of an owl! I scanned it in, increased it to letter size, and printed it on marker paper. I started colouring the background on Monday. I'm taking my time. Well, I have to take my time because the design is super intricate, so it's slow going. But that's okay. It's not exactly relaxing... because I accidentally go over the line with my marker and then I cuss... ;) But: Colouring is one of the best forms of meditation. Even when you cuss... I think! :) I will upload a photo of my colouring once I get a little further along. In the meantime, some links: ∞ Doodle Art Alley I've been a fan of Samantha's free printables for many years, and now she's got a couple of books out! ∞ Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book and Enchanted Forest The surprise Best Seller on Amazon. And this is where the postcard art I'm colouring came from. Guess I'll have to buy this book now, since I'm using it anyway! :) ∞ Stuff 2 Color This is where I bought the line art posters, that I haven't coloured yet! I totally adore the Sea Horse! Maybe I'll colour it next?! And a colourful photo...
I don't know how that awesome background happened! But I would do it some more if I knew how! |
sat 22 aug 2015 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2015/20150822.html |
You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write. Yes! Exactly! Different Words on a Page! Here's the colouring project that I've been working on a little bit, about every other day for the past month or so. The owl from Johanna Basford's Secret Garden...
I am just finishing up the green leaves and I'm in the process of figuring out the colours I want for the blue leaves. Once I'm done with the rainbow leaves, the owl will be coloured in light browns with some blue-greens and some light blue-violets. That's the current plan, at least. Thinking about the colours I want to use, I realize I want to buy some more markers. Even though I've got about 100 of the 358 copics, there's always one more that I "need". ha. Unfortunately there's a major supply problem with Copic markers at the moment... too much demand, they can't make the markers fast enough. So it's difficult to get some colours. Making do with what I have!
The community garden is beautiful with sunflowers galore! I've been busy experiencing the wealth of photo opportunities, and lazy about the weeding. So I need to start cleaning up our garden plot before they think about kicking us out of the community again! One of the rules of the community garden is to keep the weeds under control. We get notice every year because I let the wildflowers grow, along with the weeds, so being on the verge of getting kicked out is normal. |
sun 30 Aug 2015 | ||
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2015/20150830.html | ||
birds in flight
sat 19 sept 2015 | |||
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2015/20150919.html | |||
sat 31 oct 2015 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2015/20151031a.html | |
And, because I never learn, I'll be adding another project for the month of november... Art Every Day Month I had signed up for a drawing class a while ago, which begins november first. So I'll be making an effort to work on that every day. I probably won't have time to post here very often, but hopefully I'll have some drawings to show here and there. |
drawing class
sun 1 nov 2015 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2015/20151101.html |
So I pulled out my new sketch book and a nice purple blending group of Copics and...
Yes, it's a Horse and Pony Drawing Class! I used to be a horse person. I rode horses as often as my parents would pay for. And I graduated college with an Equine Science BS. And then I was not a horse person. I didn't have the cash to get regular lessons any more. and I had begun my vegan journey and understood in my heart that turning horses into slaves, forcing them with bits and whips, was wrong. But horses are still my first love. Which is why I'm taking this drawing class! |
daily drawing
sun 15 nov 2015 | ||
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2015/20151115.html | ||
Last weekend, I just didn't have time to post an update... But more than that, I didn't want to show my drawings! I was embarassed. Yes, you can tell they are horses, but gah, so artless, so not pretty, so... beginner. Sighs. Then I decided to just get over myself. Static8 is my home on the internets; if I can't be me here, it's kind of pointless. And yes, I am allowed to be a beginner! So here I am with my beginning drawings of horses. As a kid I drew horses on my homework. But I've never taken a class specifically about drawing horses. I had no idea that there were grids you could use and proportions to measure things out to make them look right! well, not that mine "look right" yet. ;)
Then I got going on the next lessons.
weekend update
sun 22 nov 2015 | ||
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2015/20151122.html | ||
sad holiday, happy time off
thurs 26 nov 2015 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2015/20151126.html |
In protest, I will not be eating today. I have been fasting on thanksgiving for the past few years, my own personal tradition. I am also disappointed in myself for failing at the Art Every Day challenge. Always before, I have taken my november "every day" challenge very seriously. I don't know why I'm not demanding my best efforts this year. Granted, I was not feeling well last week. And this week, I had to work overtime at the day job. Not fun. But I started skipping days well before all this, at the beginning of the 2nd week. And now that I'm acknowledging my lameness, I have also lost my motivation to continue! I will keep going with my drawing lessons, and my occasional sketches. And I think I will try again, some month soon in 2016... Perhaps also making an effort to post here every day as well, to keep me motivated! The day job has become rather oppressive to my spirit recently, and I am happy to have a couple days off. During this long weekend, I will be catching up with my GoodReads postcards (over 60 to send out this month!) and a few other letter writing projects. And a few other random projects!
Stuff I'm learning from drawing horses every other day... I haven't gotten bored of drawing horses yet! Charcoal (top two sketches) is fun, but messy. I hate sharpening pencils, so I dug out my good mechanical pencil for the second 23 nov sketch. Lesson 3 is about drawing horses in motion... I printed the PDFs, and jumped right into sketches without watching the video lessons! I realized right away from my "Ugh #1" that I still need the square grid to help me with the body proportions. |
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