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Behind the Times
fri 20 jan 2017 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2017/20170120.html |
I have had some creative down time... I never completed the posts for my daily drawing month in November, I didn't post again after that, and, most importantly, I did not post my annual First of January "year in review". I've been doing a Jan 1st post for about a million years, and this is the first time I've ever missed it! My Excuses: I got busy. Then I got busy with the holidays. And then I got sick with a bad and lingering flu. I'm feeling better now, so, here's the plan... I will fill in older posts as I get the time. I will back date them, but I will post them here on this page in the order that I type them. I have deleted the rest of my front page in order to encourage my participation in this plan: it looks kind of empty around here, doesn't it??! Look! You can see the bottom of the page! hello, rift?! Type something, rift!!! *laughs*
for Inauguration Day:
Looking down at an Egret in the Rain. |
LetterMo Plans
sun 22 jan 2017 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2017/20170122.html | |
Yay Mail! and Yay Month of Letters! Okay, so you know the State of the Blog is "way behind"... so what is the State of the Postcards?? Well, there's good. and bad. and normal. Good: I got a slow start at the beginning of the month because I was not feeling well... but I am catching up big time and am on track to have a regular month. During a regular month, I send out about 130 postcards and notecards! Yay Mail! Bad: I am very behind on my mail log. What's involved here? I scan my incoming mail and type it into my mail log and then postcards need to be registered with certain websites. I'm still dealing with december mail, here! ack! And Normal: xmas Thank You notes, not written yet. Probably won't be sent until March or so! haha! yep. this is normal.
My letter writing work space in Dec when I was writing Amnesty International protest letters for Write for Rights. I thought the Star Trek stamps were appropriate! and I'm still decorating my envelopes with my Wide markers. |
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