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LetterMo Plans
sun 22 jan 2017 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2017/20170122.html | |
Yay Mail! and Yay Month of Letters! Okay, so you know the State of the Blog is "way behind"... so what is the State of the Postcards?? Well, there's good. and bad. and normal. Good: I got a slow start at the beginning of the month because I was not feeling well... but I am catching up big time and am on track to have a regular month. During a regular month, I send out about 130 postcards and notecards! Yay Mail! Bad: I am very behind on my mail log. What's involved here? I scan my incoming mail and type it into my mail log and then postcards need to be registered with certain websites. I'm still dealing with december mail, here! ack! And Normal: xmas Thank You notes, not written yet. Probably won't be sent until March or so! haha! yep. this is normal.
My letter writing work space in Dec when I was writing Amnesty International protest letters for Write for Rights. I thought the Star Trek stamps were appropriate! and I'm still decorating my envelopes with my Wide markers. |
Wed, 01 Feb 2017 18:50:25 PDT![]() Sent: 1 GR Welcome PC |
Thu, 02 Feb 2017 19:02:55 PDT![]()
Sent: 1 GR Welcome PC |
fri 3 feb 2017 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2017/20170203.html | |
Sent: 1 condolence card sighs. Last year I lost track of how many condolence cards I sent. And this year is starting out the same. This is the second sympathy card I've sent this year, already. It's a hard thing to do. It's sad and there is nothing you can say on a card that will help. But, believe me, it is very very important that you write and send something! |
Sat, 04 Feb 2017 18:26:33 PDT![]() Sent: 3 welcome postcards |
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 18:32:30 PDT![]() I cut up a couple world maps to make a bunch of postcards this past weekend. They came out amazingly well! I put 11 of them in the this morning's mail.
Also Sent: 2 welcome postcards |
sun 12 feb 2017 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2017/20170212.html |
So, here is what I worked on this weekend, with the standard boring background... tho I do like the Copic markers as props! :)
Sending on Monday: 4 letters Oh, and I love to use digital paper as belly bands when I send standard letter-size paper in the US#10 envelope... You can't see it in the pic, but the brownish dot paper is very beautiful and is included in this set, made by my friend Linda at Happy Print Club: Tea Time Stationery Printables. And yes, there's tons of free printables on the Internets... but I prefer to support artists, financially! |
sat 25 feb 2017 |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2017/20170225.html |
So this week, I've been working on the february postcards for the postcard group I host. I like to send a postcard to everyone who participates. It was a fun and joyful thing to do when the group was small. Last year, the monthly exchanges hit 50 and 60 participants, which was more difficult: I would spend hours every evening for most of two weeks writing postcards. I enjoyed it, but it was taking over my life! This year, the group is up over 70 players every month. I've simplified my process by typing my message on the postcards instead of writing. It has helped immensely. It's not as personal, but I can type a lot more since I can reduce the font size. And of course, things go much more quickly now. We are back to having fun and joy again! Here's a pic of my work space as I'm cutting up the 2nd half of the postcards...
As I cut out each postcard, I arrange them by country. I send out International postcards first since it takes them a bit longer to get to where they're going. When I cut up the USA postcards, I arrange them by zip code so I can send to the east coast first, which is the furthest away. Closest locations -- California, Oregon and Washington state -- are sent last and only take a day or two of travel time. Before I printed all the postcards, I did stress a bit about the wordage I was typing. When I was hand-writing my postcards, I would practice what I wanted to say and my words would change as I edited myself. And that doesn't happen when I'm typing my words. I guess in the future, I need to actually write my stuff a few times over before I go to the computer to type it! It's a big project, and I love it. The people are wonderful and kind and I always enjoy conversing with them... both online and in the post! |
#TheIdesOfTrump Free Printable
sun 26 feb 2017 | |
Permalink: http://www.static8.com/journal/2017/2017_theidesofmarch_free_printable.html | |
There is a mailing campaign aimed at the US White House for the Ides of March... And I intend to participate and inundate!!! I made a postcard which I am offering as a free download. The PDF has two single-sided postcards on letter sized paper. Print it up on card stock at Actual Size and cut it on the crop marks to create two 4x6inch postcards. Write your comments on the back. Put a Postcard or Forever Stamp on the front... 34¢ is all that is required. Then mail on 15 March 2017.
Free Printable:
#TheIdesOfTrump postcard
Sun, 26 Feb 2017 20:04:38 PDT![]() |
Mon, 27 Feb 2017 20:30:48 PDT![]() Today's outgoing mail included a postcard protest directed at the Department of Education.
I'm looking forward to the big postcard protest of the
15th of March... |
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