Welcome to the New Year!!
Resolutions, anyone? I started on a whole big list of them. And then
decided to go back and see how I did on last year's set. From a year
ago, 1 Jan 00, the over all theme was
to "Be true to myself" and I think I've done a pretty good job.
So, here's last year's list and what I think...
Reading Yep, I've done some reading. Tho, truthfully, I've not
done as much reading as I wanted to. I've still got a big old box full
of books I've not read yet.
- The renewed resolution for year 2001: Keep reading! Make a dent
in that box of books.
Quit the job Heh. I think I went over board with this resolution.
I worked less than five months this year.
But you know, I worked very hard to get the savings it took to get me
through my jobless bum stage. Unfortunately, things haven't worked out
in the end, and I am now jobless and pennyless and in debt. But that's
- My resolution for this year is to get a job, maybe even a "real"
job, pay off my debts and start a new savings account.
The Web Site I am pretty proud of how my site has evolved this
year. I bought my domain last January and moved my site in April. I've
gone through a couple design
changes and I've updated much of my site to reflect the new standard design.
It does take a lot of time and energy to maintain a site as huge as mine
is, and I was not able to take as much time at the end of last year due to
my job. So, I've got a bit of catch up to do, updating old pages and such.
For the New Year:
- Update old pages -- the library, the quotes site, the
Chicago and Iowa pics added to the travel log.
- Keep up with the journal!
- Possibly join more webrings and advertise the different sections of the site.
- Think about some new sites -- I have many interests and can expand my site
to reflect more aspects.
- Most importantly... work on an art gallery to
display my drawings. I got a scanner for Christmas from my wonderful
brother and I have had plans for a gallery for years.
Writing Yep, I've done some writing. I'm on my fifth notebook which
means I have written well over 400 pages in the year 2000. I wrote 117
online journal entries here. Plus approximately 100 journal entries on
other sites. Hey, you know what? That's a lot of writing. :)
I also joined a writing/creative community, tho I have not been active
there lately.
- Next year? Let's see if I can beat the 2000 writing stats...
- And as a side note to the writing thing, I would also like to
focus more on drawing as well. I don't have much talent with drawing,
but I do have several years of practice behind me, no sense in letting
that go to waste. I don't need to draw every day, like I do my writing.
I just want to keep it in mind, do doodles in my notebook, do doodles
on the computer, do the occasional full page drawing.
So, basically, look for a flurry of activity on this site for about a
month or so before it dies into the usual boring ho hum. :)