Well, well. Another January tenth has rolled around. It's time
to thank people again on my anti-thesis thanksgiving day.
- Thanks to my family. All the general "I love you's" plus:
Thanks Mom and Dad for helping me out. Jeff: You are the coolest brother
in the world.
- My heartfelt thanks to Adric the guinea pig. Good bye Little One.
- Thanks to CrystalShiloh, you're an awesome friend!
- Thanks to s&co. I love you forever.
- Thanks to all the people I have met online.
Thanks to all the forum people, especially Skye whose words have
encouraged me even when she's not around. Thanks to purple_ink
members, stay creative. And I am thankful for my computers,
Temperamental and Fiasco, for making all things possible.
- And Clark. Thanks for putting up with me. Thanks for
keeping me in one piece. Thanks for being the perfect guy for me.