My bed. The digital camera doesn't do justice to my beautiful quilt.
My Grandma made it for me, and I love it. Bunny Da-ya and PePe the Pound
Puppy live on my bed, and usually get to sleep with me.
Next to the bed is my little night table. I've got my notebook there, a
sketch pad, about 70 pens of all colors (!), a couple books and a couple
more blank books.
My little plants are growing like crazy.
Except a few hours after I took these pictures, I opened the window and
the breeze made one of the babies unhappy. opps. But I think he'll be okay.
He's just going to lean over like a little drunk plant. :)
My frog. Actually he's glass and has a hole in his back for a candle.
I think frogs are pretty cool.
Ha. Remember this image? Gods, the original Zelda game came out, what...
15 years ago? Amazing. And here I am playing it again on the computer.
Download it for yourself...
Zelda Classic