It's time for some more resolutions. It annoys me to do this, because
everyone is doing the resolution thing and I hate to be ordinary and I hate
going along with the crowd, too. But I do love new things, so here we go.
- Reading
Last year, my resolution was to "keep reading".
No problem. *cheri pulls out her common place book* ... I have read 32
books this year, quite a few magazines and eBooks, and I took 19 B&N
classes. Man I love to read. :)
- for 2002 Keep reading! (oh, I am so
predictable) And see about finishing some of those old B&N classes.
- Finances
Last year my resolution was to get a job and get out of debt. Well, it took
a bit to get a job, and in the meantime I built up a huge and seemingly
unmanageable debt. But I did get a job, and still have a job. And I did
pay off the part of the debt that was earning interest.
So I'm not terribly bad off, after all.
- for 2002 Pay off at least 50% of the debt.
But don't worry excessively about it: Set aside some money to enjoy life,
buy the occasional book, go see a movie.
- The Web Site
um. Well, you may have noticed that the web site has kind of fallen by the
wayside. That is sad. I had big updates planned that I never got around
to. I wanted to keep this journal going. The S8 journal had only 71
entries in 2001, compared to the 117 I had in 2000. sighs.
On the other hand I did get my (quote, unquote) art gallery up. Course,
I haven't done anything with it since it went online. bah.
- for 2002
Try for over 100 journal entries. And do something with those damn
- Writing
Last year I wrote over 400 pages in my notebooks and for 2001 I wanted to
complete five, 100 sheet notebooks. Done! All five notebooks... 500
pages of writing. Yipee.
Then the 71 S8 entries, plus about 200 other Internet postings.
Hey, it's a lot of writing.
- for 2002
Um. I don't think I want to do six notebooks next year.
How about another complete five. That's approximately 10 pages of
writing every week, which is what I've been doing and I feel pretty
comfortable there.
- Other Future Stuff
I don't expect to get all or even any of these things in the next year.
I just want a list of some of the stuff I need...
- For Home... I would love some book shelves. And a
rack for my CDs as well. Does the chair I envision in front of my computer
- For Computer... I seriously need some software upgrades. The
latest version of my desktop publishing program. The next version of Paint
Shop Pro, whenever it comes out. Also need to pay for some of the small
programs I use, like AtomTime.
- In the way, way, far off future... I would like to start riding
horses again. It's expensive and can't be in my budget for at least the
next two years. But I still think about it.
Course there's a million other things I could/should be doing to improve
life... Drink more water, exercise, finish some of my projects, be more
tidy, etc, etc, etc.
Yeah, whatever.