A list of things I miss:
- Adric
- my car
- forests and being just down the road from the State Botanical Garden
- being a jobless bum
- being around horses
- updating my site design every once in a while
- playing Nintendo games all day. Simon's Quest. Super Mario Brothers.
- moving. or maybe I just miss traveling.
A list of things I could buy:
- new eye glasses
- new drivers liscense
- Coroplast for the new guinea pig home
- 900$ digital camera
- 400$ handheld Palm
- Paint Shop Pro 8. quit teasing me with the Beta, Jasc.
- the extra-special Cheri Chair (if I could find it)
- a horse. Actually that's on the list of things I Wish I could afford.
A list of Cheri Says:
- "People are Stupid"
- "You should hit save BEFORE the computer crashes"
- shrug
- "I don't know. AND -- I don't Care!"
- "Ack!"
Happy things to do on a Saturday:
- Much surfing
- read
- play with the guinea pigs
- play with the kitty
- drink coke and eat hersheys
- play with a new site design?
Okay, I'm off to go do that last one... Keep your fingers crossed!