Journal Entry

3 May 2003 ... Critter Links

Don't you know this weekend is Pet Adoptathon?!

This is a program started by the North Shore Animal League in 1995, and the goal is to adopt out ALL the animals in the shelters!

So, if you're ready to invite a new family member into your home, please stop by one of your local shelters and pick someone out...

Pet Adoptathon Participants

And don't forget to go clicky-clicky every day at The Animal Rescue Site. When you click the purple button every day, the sponsers pay for a bowl of food at one of the adoption centers like North Shore Animal League and the Fund for Animals, or a sanctuary like the Black Beauty Ranch in Texas (recently featured on the Best TV Show Ever, the Pet Psychic!).

Oh, and be sure to check out the store at The Animal Rescue Site... they have got the most awesome stuff there. I visit often and make lots of wishes.

my favorite animal sites:

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