Journal Entry

16 May 2004 ... Currently

Currently Reading

  • Last of the Mohicans
    Good reading, but nothing like the movie! ha. I was going through the Amazon customer reviews, and am sad to see many people commented on how tough the reading is. *shakes head* at the "modern reader"
    You can download a free copy of the text from Project Gutenberg: Last of the Mohicans

  • Otherness by David Brin
    A short story collection by my favorite author. Yum!

  • The Artistic Anatomy of Trees
    This is a Dover Publication of a book originally written in 1915. I am enjoying.

  • Also reading a book at work that I can't remember the name of. eh.

  • So far this year, I've read 20 books. I'm a bit ahead of my usual schedule (30 to 35 books in a year) because I've read quite a few short books like The Wizard of Oz, Opal's Journal, Call of the Wild, Kinship with All Animals, The Book of the Dead. But all my current books are real, solid books.

Current Critters

  • Tegan and Tessera are happily running around on the floor right now. When it warms up in a couple hours, they will not be so happy because they will be getting a bath!

  • Our stray cat is back! Nosey Snowboots had quit coming around two weeks ago. He showed up one day last week, looking rough and I was worried about him. But he must have found someone to take care of him, because he's looking much better now.

  • I saw a little blurb in the newspaper the other day about a local greyhound rescue needing foster homes. I looked at the requirements, and a fenced yard is needed so I won't be able to do that. But one day, I'd like to have a greyhound as a roommmate. It makes me sad to think that foster parents have to teach these dogs how to _play_.

Currently Watching

Watched Lord of the Rings #1 with SO last weekend. That movie delights me, but leaves me sad at the end. I still haven't seen #2 or #3, because I suck.

Last night I caught the last 2/3 of Apollo 13... just before Tom Hanks says, "Houston, we have a problem." Dang, that movie is stressful! But good, of course. Makes me want to get back into learning about astronomy.

Currently Vegan

Or actually, "currently not-so-vegan", with all the birthday cake and vegetarian lasagna slathered in dairy products. humph. But, the food will soon be gone, and then I'll be back to my vegan ways.

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