I've been going through lots of light reads,
but now I'm slowing myself down with some heavier, more thoughtful stuff.
I finished
not too long ago, about the cruelty humans inflict on animals. If you're
read the review at Suite101, Extraordinary Animals. (and be sure to
hit the "Topic Page" there, too... great site!)
Now I'm reading
Dynamics of Creation, exploring the apparent link between creativity
and "madness". Also reading
The Future of Life,
basically we are all doomed. heh. And also half through a Fantasy and
Science Fiction Magazine.
Listening to
When I was driving the rental car around, I was greatly amused to find
a radio station playing techno dance music. But now I am back to radio-less
silent driving. Sometimes in the evenings, I put my relaxation CD on.
It's got birds singing and stuff. I like.
Angel. I've caught a couple Mythbusters. I finally got around to watching
LOTR #2. My favorite scene is when the horse saves Aragorn. Nice horsey.
Oh yeah, B&N U
is supplying me with free classes again. Currently I'm embedded in a
class called All About Your Dreams, ie night-time dreams.
Also signed up for Everyday Ethics and book club
The Chronicles of Narnia. Cool eh, but at the moment I'm a bit
overwhelmed, because I really want to spend time and effort with each of
these three subjects!
Jasc came out with
Paint Shop Pro 9.
Now, usually I buy every other
edition: I bought 4, 6 and I've currently got 8. But 9 has some paint
features that I've been looking for... a palatte knife. I really can't
decide if I want to spend my 50$ for one little feature,
or wait another year for the next edition which will have many new
features. hm.
Tegan the guinea pig has been running around on the floor all day long.
Usually on
weekends I get her out when I get up at 6ish and put her back in her home
around noonish. But it's now evening and she's still out, spoiled girl.
My stray cat isn't coming for food anymore. Hope someone took him in or
to a shelter.
I've got a humming bird girl whom I'm in love with. She sits at the top
of a tree at the end of the block, buzzing back and forth to a feeder
at someone's porch. I want a feeder, too!
Web Site Stuff
The hotlinkers were
stressing me out, so I am blocking all direct links to images via my
htaccess file. During the summer I had one of my drawings stolen and
at one point I was getting over 200 hits a day to one of my photos.
I hated it and so I've put a stop to it.
I'm hoping this will give me renewed confidence to start posting pics
and drawings again. 'Course, first I'll have to actually draw something.
Motivation, where are you?