Journal Entry

26 November 2004 ... ABTI 21-25

Getting there! I've got 2119 of my 2500 goal. And I'm going to try to finish up my inches this (long) weekend so I can slack off a bit when I go back to work. As soon as I finish the 2500, my reward will be to install Paint Shop Pro 9 and start working through the 500 page user guide.

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I never know what I'm going to end up with when doing my Scribble Art... but it sure is interesting.

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Trying something new, these are chalky pastels on small black cube paper. Fun! I especially love my "Fat Flower Rat."

The black paper did not scan well, at all. I had to play with the settings a lot in order for the pastels to show up on the computer... so the colours that you see are not exactly the colours that I made. but, eh.

abti 24

Some pencil sketches of Tegan the guinea pig in my art notebook. This time I took away her tent so she could not hide... but she's still moving around too fast! If only I could catch her in the middle of a nap.

abti 25 digital

And an Anteater digital scribble. All kinds of critters lurking in those scribbles!

And today is Buy Nothing Day, to protest consumerism. I'm not buying anything today!

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