Journal Entry

29 June 2006 ... Midweek Munchies #9

Harmonias Midweek Munchies Meme
A Veg*n Meme

What wonderful foods did you bring home from the grocery store?

Midweek Munchies: What RIFT is contributing for the week

I had a relatively short list for Safeway yesterday, but still managed to bring home 80$ worth of food! And today after sharing a late lunch with my Significant Other at the Mongolian Grill (yum: veggies!) we went to the Thursday Farmers Market! (yum: more veggies!)

Some coke, and my usual lunch fixings, granola bars, hummus and chips. Some oranges and an apple for Tegan the guinea pig. And a bag of dried mixed fruit for both of us.

After that, almost everything I vaguely wanted was on sale, so I tried to stock up.

From the frozen isle, I got some green beans, broccoli tops, tater tots, Morning Star crumbles and "steak" strips. My SO had bought a few bags of the strips, and I accidently opened one the other day, thinking it was crumbles. I don't remember being terribly impressed the first time I tried the strips, but this time I've apparently been addicted. haha. Too bad they're so expensive: on sale they were 3$/bag. sheesh.

Filling the pantry with the staples: whole wheat pasta, rice, a bunch of dry vege soup mixes, and some couscous of the pine nut flavor, yum. Also got a new kind of vege bouillon, the Better Than Bouillon brand... I read that it's vegan, and I tried it out with some pasta as soon as I got home from the store. It tastes good, a bit on the strong side, I'll have to use less next time. (tho I may have misread the directions. that would be completely typical of me.)

And some odds and ends. Karo because corn syrup on corn bread is just crazy, but I like it. Dry lemonaide mix because I am sick of drinking plain water, and some cran-raspberry juice because it just sounded good.

When I was searching in vain for my soy nut butter (curse them for dropping yet another of my regular products), I happened upon a can of Amy's No Chicken Soup. hum, it says vegan so I'll give it a go. Expensive at 2.30$ humph.

The quick run to the farmers market cost 13$. We got more golden potatoes, zucchini, a huge cucumber, and a good bunch of basil leaves.

SO's mission for tomorrow is to bring home some pine nuts... I can't wait to make some pesto sauce!!

Midweek Munchies blogroll:
Jess! Webly Sweet Pea Mishka Harmonia Purl Princess Leslie Hayley Kai Vicki Amy Regina Michelle Catherine Sarchan Mal Freedom Julie Gamin Rift Dori VeganDoc Ann The Chocolate Lady Michelle Teddy Jennifer C.

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A special thanks to Running2Ks and Rift for all of their help with coding, graphics, and encouragement for this project.

PURPOSE of Midweek Munchies: Put together by a small group of Veg Women, we hope to spread the word about healthy vegetarianism while obtaining idea starters for meals, recipes, learn about new products, and meet other female veg*n bloggers. Visiting and commenting on other participants lists are encouraged but not required. Have fun and Go Veg!

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