Journal Entry

22 July 2006 ... Overtime

BLEH! This week they increased our work time to ten hours a day, plus partial Saturdays. Everyone else was excited about getting more money... But I had been wondering if I could survive on the money from a part time job!

So, I am seriously not interested in a 55 hour work week. True, it's more money for books. But there's no time to read them. So why bother?!

Eh. Well, I haven't quit the job yet. And probably won't. I thought perhaps spending all day at the job place would help me "fit in". I've been there six weeks, and I'm still not comfortable... I am the "do everything" girl, so I can't just run my own little screen printer, but help everyone who needs me. And since I'm all over the place, I don't do a good job. I miss major mistakes, I feel bad when I catch them after half the order is ruined, I try to over compensate by being anal about small mistakes, and I worry about dealing with the evil girl.

So, yeah, the time I spend in anxiety about this job is hardly worth the pay I get. But, it's the most interesting and least laborious of all the jobs I've had since moving here last year. eh.

And after four hours of work early this Saturday morning... I apparently decided I needed to spend all the money I'm earning. Gave the grocery store 100$, which may or may not earn a "Midweek Munchies" post later. And then, I had to go and buy a couple of ebooks from Fictionwise. And who knows what else I will find online that I can no longer live without! heh.

I'm also trying to figure out how to save time at home, in order to get to the things I care about quicker. 'Cause, you know, work starts at 5am, I get home at 4pm, and I have to go to bed at 8pm in order to get eight hours of sleep. This leaves me with precisely four hours a day to live my life.

I'm already pretty efficient tho... and if I don't want to do the chores around the house, I just don't do them and my SO is wonderfully wonderful about keeping house.

So the only thing I've thought to do was to turn on my spam protection for my email. I had it off, due to certain complications... but I was starting to get between 100 and 200 spam and virus emails every day. It takes a while to go through all that!

Now, it looks like I'm down to about 25 spams a day. Which is manageable, but I'm disappointed that the spam protection isn't catching everything. I guess I'll have to fiddle with the controls a little bit.

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