Journal Entry

29 July 2006 ... Blogathon

Hey Folks! Today is Blogathon! Yay, it's exciting! Blogging for charity: participants add a entry in their blog every thirty minutes for 24 hours straight, and then sponsors donate to the charity, whee!

This year, I'm sponsoring Heather Singer at Blogging for Birds. She's blogging for Eastern Shore Chicken Sanctuary. (Same charity that I supported last year!) Pattrice Jones, co-founder of the sanctuary, is guest blogging about her day with the chickens and other creatures.

There are a couple other interesting blogs that I'm hitting "reload" on as well.

  Heather Singer: Blogging for Birds
Hit her "sponsor me" link, because she's blogging for Eastern Shore Sanctuary and they are the coolest.

  How Animals Save Us
First time blogathon-er, blogging for Glendale Humane Society in California. Lots of great animal stories!

  Tam Nesbit of Full Moon Farm
Trying to raise money for the sanctuary, since they have a few extra wolf dogs there.

  Oh, and don't forget to visit Blogathon, the official website!

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