Journal Entry

25 Oct 2006 ... Midweek Munchies #12

Midweek Munchies UPDATE:

There is now a Halloween graphic for MwM! If you'd like to use it, the code is over here at the new site...
Halloween Midweek Munchies Code!
The rest of the new web site will be live, um, later. :)

Harmonias Midweek Munchies Meme
A Veg*n Meme

What wonderful foods did you bring home from the grocery store?

Midweek Munchies: What RIFT is contributing for the week

Dang, did I just go and spend another hundred at the grocery, when it was barely a month ago that I spent two hundred?!? I gotta stop eating, or something.

Standard Coke, ramen. Tangelos for Tegan the guinea pig.

Some frozen broccoli, sugar snap peas, asparagus. And some Morning Star crumbles.

For work lunches I got the yummy Yves Veggie "Turkey" slices and some more Whole Wheat Flour for my sandwich bread. Some potato chips and corn chips.

I was disappointed to see that they are no longer carrying the Willow Run Soy margarine sticks... which means they aren't carrying Any vegan stick margarines anymore. Curse them. I got a tub of Earth Balance, which is fine, I just think the sticks are easier to deal with, and are more earth friendly since they don't come in plastic packaging. Damn the plastic.

Restocking: Rice, the huge macroni pasta bag. The jumbo sized creamy peanut butter. A gallon of white vinegar which I use for cleaning. And a little thing of apple cider vinegar which I use for cooking my pasta. Some almond extract and Sugar In The Raw.

Treats: yummy Artichoke Hearts in a can. Fudge Stripe shortbread cookies, these are usually vegan! Spiced Apple Cider (dry mix) and Tomato Soup... with the cooler weather, I've been craving these warm things!

Midweek Munchies Blogroll:
Jess! Webly Sweet Pea Mishka Harmonia Purl Princess Leslie Hayley Kai Vicki Amy Regina Michelle Catherine Sarchan Mal Freedom Julie Gamin Rift Dori VeganDoc Ann The Chocolate Lady Michelle Teddy Jennifer C.

Click here for the Midweek Munchies code
Click here for Harmonia's blog

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A special thanks to Running2Ks and Rift for all of their help with coding, graphics, and encouragement for this project.

PURPOSE of Midweek Munchies: Put together by a small group of Veg Women, we hope to spread the word about healthy vegetarianism while obtaining idea starters for meals, recipes, learn about new products, and meet other female veg*n bloggers. Visiting and commenting on other participants lists are encouraged but not required. Have fun and Go Veg!

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