25 Nov 2006 ... Friday5: Yellow |
This one caught my eye because of this week's "Yellow" questions. You see, I've been thinking about yellow lately. Green has always been my favorite colour... and after that blue then purple then grey. But lately I'm really liking yellow. A nice, warm, creamy yellow. Can a person change their favorite colours totally out of the blue? heh. Well anyway. The Friday 5 thing... It's located at friday5.org and most of the front page of questions are ones I wouldn't mind typing about. So, I might have to stick around with this meme! Friday 5 for 24 Nov... Yellow
Ahh. That's easy because I have only recently discovered spaghetti squash! Yum! I stabbed it with a fork, I set it in the oven for an hour and then I sliced it and pulled out the stringy, crunchy innards. I ate it with salt and margarine and some garlic herb spice mix. ahh, vegan delight.
I have one yellow teeshirt that I occasionally wear as a work shirt. I'm not sure where it came from... I certainly would not have bought it. Partly because yellow doesn't look good on me and mostly because I never liked yellow. Until now. But I think I still need to stick with dark coloured clothings. :)
I just got done doing some painting and all my watercolour stuff is out. I can see a yellow watercolour crayon, yellow pan watercolour and a tube of lemon yellow. Also right in front of me is a note to myself on yellow paper. Usually I use the pastel green or purple papers, but recently of course I pulled out the yellow ream! heh. The quilt on my bed is purple and yellow and multi-coloured. oh, and obviously there's a yellow happy elephant on my front page, too!
hm. I do have some kind of anxiety disorder... however that anxiety is not labeled as cowardice (in my own head). And even tho I am naturally shy and quiet, I can be bold when I see fit. But yeah. I will always stand up for the downtrodden (aka the animals), but I don't always stand up for myself.
I use whatever paper I can get my hands on to write notes to myself... And believe me, I own a lot of paper. I am surrounded by notes to myself! There are two sticky note pads right in front of me at the computer. The top one is a light blue pad. The top half is scribbled out, "Upload" and a couple file names. The bottom half says "Vernor Vinge Rainbow's End". It's a book I need to check out at Amazon, but seriously, that note has been sitting here for at least a month!
So. Another meme. I think I should start a page that lists all my meme entries. Wouldn't that be organized?! |
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