Journal Entry

29 Dec 2006 ... Booking: Resolutions

Booking Through Thursday meme

  • Any New Year's Reading Resolutions? A certain number of books you want to read in 2007? Certain genres? Something from your TBR pile? Classics to read? Authors to try? Anything at all??

Yep, I usually include reading in my New Year Intentions list. For 2006 my goal was to read 52 books... a book a week. And I completed it, having so far finished 54 books. There are a couple days left in the year, and I'm not sure if I'll finish another book or not.

The length (ie page count) of the books were not a concern for me, but I kept track this year. I read 12,950 pages, which means my average book had 240 pages. The longest book I read was The Years Best Science Fiction #20 which had 640 pages. The shortest book was Walking by Thoreau which had 31 pages... yeah, technically that's not a "book" but I did want to include it in my list!

24 of my books were digital, 30 were of the dead tree variety.

For 2007 I won't be able to read a book a week, since I'll assumedly be working the entire year and also working overtime. :P~ So, I'm going to concentrate on reading the big fat books in my Unread pile... I know there are some hefty books in that box that I avoided this year because I was trying to make my 52 books.

Also, I give myself permission to quit reading any book I don't like! There were several books that I read this year that I just didn't care about... but I don't figure this out until I've read a decent proportion of the book, and if I've read that much I may as well finish it. From now on, as soon as I realize I'm wasting my time, I'm just going to delete that book. (eBooks only, obviously. I'm much more picky about the paper books I get!)

And I need to figure out some kind of system for reading my magazines. I have gotten way behind on all of the mags I get, even my favorite one, Satya. The Fantasy & Science Fiction I don't worry about since I read those at work and I'm only three months behind. But I've got five Smithsonian magazines laying around! sheesh! And I'm considering trading out my Smithsonian subscription for something else. So I need to get caught up!

So, yeah. I'll probably type about my other resolutions in a January 1 post. And maybe I'll have finished another book by then, to make 55 books in a year! :)

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