Journal Entry

Booking: 4 books at a time
Fri 17 Aug 2007

Booking Through Thursday meme

  • One book at a time? Or more than one? If more, are they different types/genres? Or similar?

I keep a weekly tally of the books I'm reading and the page count, because I obsess over numbers. ha. I read three to five books, mostly four that I'm actively reading and at least one magazine of short stories (Mag of Fant & SciFi).

Usually there is one novel and several different kinds of non-fiction. It's not difficult to keep things straight, but it does take longer to read a specific book. Sometimes that's a good thing.

Currently Reading:

  The Golden Compass
This is the first book in the His Dark Materials series, and the reading was extremely iffy at the beginning... the book almost got thrown across the room and left for Tegan the guinea pig to munch on. The offending comment was after we find out that women aren't allowed where the men talk business: a comparison is made between "Women Scholars" and trained animals in costume. Yeah, that kind of language pisses me off from both ends, as a feminist and as an animal rights advocate. GRRR!

  Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol 2
I enjoy reading Charles Darwin and I'm glad he was such a prolific author. I started reading his books in 2004, and I'll probably still be reading him for a couple more years! And then maybe I'll start on some of his other editions (Origin of Species had 6 editions). And, by the by, you can read this for free at Project Gutenberg: Darwin: Variation, Vol 1 and Darwin: Variation, Vol 2

  James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon
This is the first biography I've ever read and I'm enjoying it. I only recently discovered Tiptree, but he (ze?) is now one of my favorite authors; sci fi, very end-of-the-world writing and I love it! I'm hoping the success of this biography will lead to putting Tiptree's books back in print.

  The Creative Habit
This book has some good ideas, but the basics are nothing I don't already know. So I read it in bits and pieces and don't really get into it.

I've also got a bookmark in a World Treasury of Science Fiction, but haven't read it in weeks. It's a huge book, just over 1,000 pages and I'd really like to finish it this year. So I should probably get back to reading it as well!


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