Odds and Ends
Sat 3 May 2008 |
∞ The SO has been forced to join me in my jobless bum state. sighs. It is irritating to have him invading my space all day, but I will adapt. ∞ My mom will be visiting next week. Cleaning a year's worth of dust is also irritating, but I guess it will get done. ∞ My favorite magazine, Creative TECH suddenly quit publishing. grr! And a new magazine that I subscribed to, Science Illustrated, sent me a bill, but no magazines. GRRR! I enjoy getting magazines in the mail. so now I'm feeling bereft. (Even tho I still have a stack of unread mags.) (but they are old and boring.) ∞ that silly girl squirrel with the droopy tail continues to dig holes for her nuts, RIGHT NEXT TO the new plants in the garden. All the plants are still alive, I guess they don't mind her much. Well. Plants, dead or alive... the squirrel still has precedence. :D ∞ The other day I ran into this news article, A crusade to edit America about a guy correcting typos on signs and public text. I followed the links to the website and blog, and it's mildly amusing! Reading the typo blog, I was momentarily ashamed of my own typing laziness... I very often ignore the possessive apostrophe. It's a conscious decision, usually, because I can't figure out if it looks right or not. um. Sorry people! I will try to do better! But I still reserve the right to capitalize or not where I see fit. heh. My interest in language, written and otherwise, is on the ironic side. In grade school, my worst subject was Spelling (and I never got any better). In high school my most hated and worst subject was the section in English class where we diagrammed sentences. An "A" student totally flunking! haha... I know what a noun is and usually I can pick out the verb, but beyond that I am clueless. It's kind of embarrassing when SO brings me a newspaper article with a grammar problem. He says, "Shouldn't this be a predicate past tense something or other?" and I have to hide the fact that I have no idea what he is talking about. ;) He also mentions "dangling participles" often, and I still haven't looked up what that means. ∞ Ah, yes. The irritant on the icing. Yesterday I got a call from my old job: the lady I trained finally quit and they need me to come back and get them caught up and train someone new. I refused, perhaps with a bit too much staight-forwardness. heh. And now I feel kinda bad... but it's not my business that's going down the tubes, and they never appreciated me enough to be their miracle worker in the first place. |
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