Journal Entry

sun 26 apr 2009

It has definitely been a postcard weekend! I had a couple PostCrossing postcards to get out. And then I had to make a new postcard for my monthly postcard exchange. And now I've got a couple more PostCrossing pcs. :)

I always make a new postcard for my monthly exchange. Well... except for last month, when I was forced to buy postcards because my creativity wasn't working. And this month, it took longer to design my pc... I couldn't decide which photo to use, or how much zoom to use. I had to go through all of my millions of fonts to find one that I liked. I had to figure out what to say on the back.

It just took forever. And usually I just whip up a postcard in just a few minutes! Literally! Minutes!

That's the thing I really love about my homemade postcards. Now that I've gotten to know my desktop publishing software and I have a bunch of templates set up... once I've got a decent photo (or drawing), the postcards practically make themselves!

And once the page comes out of the printer, I write on the back and cut it down and stick a postage stamp on it... I've got a nice little sense of accomplishment! :)

Plus, there's the occasional mailbox happiness when someone else sends me a postcard!

My mom sent me a postcard this week and the design absolutely delighted me...

gardening pc

I want to draw something like that!

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