tues 12 may 2009 | ||||
This was my only avatar, for like ten years of Internetting. ha.
But it's too small, most communities want bigger images and I
was too lazy to create a new unicorn avatar. So, I started using
different ones about a year ago...
This is the avatar that I've got
at my National Blog Posting
Month profile. I made this when
I got fascinated by heraldic
words... this is my Rampant Blob.
My avatar
at PostCrossing. Just a random scan of a scribble
in my journal.
And this is my avatar at the Snuggles Project and Ravelry
(both private groups).
That's Boo and Twitch on the first (well, only)
Snuggle I made.
Little bits of "me". I think I'd like a avatar with a frog. And one with a dragon. and one with a pig. and a chicken. Another unicorn one. etc. I could post a different one with each of my blog entries. ... 'cause I always need one more project to work on! | ||||
Tag: may | ||||
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