Journal Entry

fri 10 july 2009

I wandered down to our community garden plot today after work, and Significant Other met me there with my camera!

Oh sweet weeds. laugh. Yeah, okay, I love the weeds. The day job wore me out today, so I was too tired to even pull up the ones that might strangle the "real" plants. eh. maybe later this weekend.

yay, happy flowers

The Tiger Eye is so lovely and happy. I'm glad we planted it in the front of the garden so everyone who walks by can see it!

so cute

One of the strawberry plants. Both of the strawberry plants have a couple tiny strawberries growing! Oh, yay!

pretty, pretty

And a random wildflower growing on the left side wildflower patch. Don't know what he is.

On the right side wildflower patch there is some kind of daisy plant which has taken over where the garlic and green onions used to be. And I think there was a Poppy in there as well.

I should look at the list of species in the wildflower seeds I threw down and figure out what everything is!

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