Journal Entry

other projects
mon 13 july 2009

It made me so happy to work on and finish a few of my projects this past weekend. One hundred percent caught up with the PostCrossing postcards. Finishing my june paper journal (and a bit more work and my may paper journal will be done as well).

Feels good, ya know. But made me think about all the other little projects I've Not touched!

  I didn't finish my dog blanket! I've only got 6 rows left... maybe 1.5 hours of crocheting. So close!

  I bought a cable several months ago to connect a hard drive to the computer via USB port. Yeah, that cool little toy is still in its box.

  I got some magazines on CD a few weeks ago... Unfortunately my computer no longer recognizes the fact that it has a CD/DVD player. sighs. Really, really, seriously need a new computer.

  Never mind the piles of dirty laundry on the closet floor. I pulled down a clean teeshirt and noticed huge holes in the armpits. ack. I need to go through my closet and repurpose some of those shirts!

  I keep saying I'd like a new web site design. Yep.

  Reading. In june, I read one whole book. wow, huh? Last year at this time, I was probably reading two books a Week! and now look at how pathetic I am! *weeps*


And these are just the projects off the top of my head that I've been thinking about in the past week or so. Give me a few more minutes and I'll tell you about the Peter Rabbit books I want to desktop publish and bind, the other crocheting projects, the surprise treat packages I want to send people, my abandoned drawing project, my abandoned digital drawing project, and, and, and.

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