Journal Entry

thurs 30 july 2009

Starting to feel better... less like the zombie I turned into yesterday, at least.

What I meant to mention yesterday about the terrible heat: The all time high temperature for the area is 108°F, 42°C which happened 9 Aug 1981. We've not beat that record: the high on tues was 106° and wed was 105°. Today is "cooler", the high is supposed to be 93°, 34°C... tho I don't think it got that hot.

I do wish it would magically go back to the normal temperatures for this time of year. Doesn't a high of 83°F, 28°C sound just blissful? :) Stupid global warming anyway.

A huge shout out and thank you to my Significant Other who has kept me supplied with cold water, and making sure I'm still alive and was out running errands for me today.

He is some kind of awesome. The best kind.

So anyway. Tomorrow I'm going to try to get back to my regular life. Go to the day job for a few hours. Come home and play on the Internet for a few hours. Relax over the weekend.

It's the end of July, and will be the end of my daily blogging. Kind of an ignoble end, with the sickness and the complaining.

But maybe for August, I'll just keep relaxing. Not take on any daily projects. Maybe watch some movies and read some books.

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