Journal Entry

Blogging and Journaling
sun 25 oct 2009

This morning, the thought that got me out of bed, was the November National Blog Posting Month. Yep, I'm going to have another go at daily blog posting. But since November is the "official" month to do these things -- lots of prizes are offered to people who keep up with the daily blogging in November -- I think I'm also going to offer up a prize (at the site) for a randomly picked winner. or two.

A full set of glitter pens, anyone? :)

And perhaps a sketch book, with that blissful Italian paper.

Well, I just thought it would be fun. So yeah. I'll update my NaBlo page when I've actually figured out exactly what I'm offering.

I'm reading the november edition of the Smithsonian magazine... a too short column about an Artist's Journal. The artist is Janice Lowry, and she started journaling at age 11, and kept going until she died last month.

126 journal books. Drawn from Life

That photo of her sitting on the floor with some of her books (the first in the photo gallery)... makes me wonder how I would look in a photo with my journals.

I started journaling seriously in 1997, just a little bit before I started blogging. It was morning pages in the beginning: loose leaf sheets that I contained in a couple plastic envelopes. And various books and notebooks since then.

The box I put my journals in, became full several years ago. And since then the books are just randomly stored in various places. One day, I'd like to get a chest or something to put my journals in. But I'm too lazy for that right now.

Janice Lowry's journals are mostly collage, which I dislike. But, I guess, mine are mostly text, which is boring.


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