Day 5
Today Dad and Mom and I went for a bike ride around the subdivision.
My parents live in a rich subdivision out in the country where
everyone has more than an acre of land. So there's lots of open space,
and the back of the subdivision is right up against the foothills of the
Rockies. Some people had horses, some even had a few llamas.
Mom mentioned she saw a rattle snake sunning on the road the other day.
The running joke at home is the interaction between my friend,
Adric the guinea pig and my parents' ruler of the house, Poudre the cat.
The first night, I set down Adric's home and lifted Poudre up to see.
Adric stood up on his back legs and was interested in meeting Poudre.
Poudre took one look at Adric, and hissed.