Journal Entry

sunday evening
sun 31 jan 2010

What the heck happened to the weekend?! I got a couple chores done on saturday... and then evidently I was done with real life. Since then I've been drinking or napping!


I've been reading The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon (very slowly) and enjoying the "published" journal aspects immensely. As a journal, it is completely fascinating to me. And as a reflection of a culture that I know nothing of -- 990AD Japan -- I'm surprised that the footnotes fascinate me as much as the journal!

And, in synchronicity, one of my egroups introduced an article concerning Wabi-sabi, a Japanese world view:
Wabi-Sabi: The Art Of Imperfection

"The Art of Imperfection"?


Whoa! Wikipedia "Wabi-sabi": Richard R. Powell, "nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect"
Wikipedia: Wabi and sabi both suggest sentiments of desolation and solitude.


"desolation and solitude"? Really?!

Okay. so this is another thing I need to research.

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