Journal Entry

a Return to projects
sun 21 feb 2010

It took me a while to "recover" from the january daily blogging. I guess I discovered chronic pain last month... and was in denial: A muscle in my back -- which I had messed up in a glorious sledding adventure -- was giving me trouble, and I didn't understand that it would be long term and thought it just needed to heal. Thusly, the blogging did not come easily, and I burned myself out.

Anyway, finally; I got going on some projects...

single cable


This thing, a Single Cable Scarf, said "intermediate" skill level, and I gave it a try anyway. Confusing instructions, but I got it down and now I'm cranking it out!

I am incredibly proud of this scarf! My stitches aren't perfect, but it is way fun and I can't wait to incorporate the raised stitches into my own designs.

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