sat 3 mar 2012

The Month of Letters is over. I am so glad that I participated. I sent out at least a postcard every day, and after the last weekend of february, I put 13 letters and notecards in the mail on monday morning! yay mail!

I rewarded my enthusiasm with a couple gifts for myself...

stationery and stamp coffee mug

Some stationery which makes me happy and a coffee mug from the US Post. :)

I took a single day off from mailing (March 2nd) but this morning I am back at it! heh: I go through all this self doubt because I mailed a lot of stuff in february, I got out all my "january" postcards and then some... but I am just now designing my "february" postcard, and I will have to mail Even More if I want to get caught up with a "march" postcard.

And so the self doubt. Such a big project! Maybe I should just quit! I will never catch up!

But I love sending out my postcards. Showing people my photography and telling them about the picture I took. And imagining the happy surprise when someone opens their mailbox and finds some real mail.

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