Blogging the Infinite Static

Sat, 08 Jul 2023

Partner's Mom passed away early this morning.

Tuesday 4 March 2025... Today

Henrietta and the rubbish. Sighs.

Great Blue Heron standing near the bank of the creek with litter

The Creek really needs some clean up!

Great Blue Heron standing near the bank of the creek with litter

All the crap the wildlife has to deal with from humans. Ugh.

Male Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

Daffodil bloom surrounded by leaves

Daffodil blooms

Cloud in a blue sky past a winter bare tree

American Crow silhouetted in a tree with old maple keys

American Crow standing on a brach, grey sky behind

A single Cherry blossom surrounded by many unopened buds on a tree

Close up of a Cherry Blossom, surrounded by unopened buds

Oh, hey! Is that some nice soft moss for your drey?

Squirrel sitting on a branch with moss in her mouth

Birds only build nests for their babies. But squirrels build their dreys to sleep in!

Clouds over the trees

We are having some maintenance done in the house today... and the shower had befuddled the one guy so he called in the plumbing expert.

So now there's two guys, coming and going, all thru the afternoon! Pretty disruptive... Especially when our expert guy says they may have to break some tiles in the shower to get to the problem with the pipes! ACK!

But they got it done without breaking tiles. And plus we now have nicer faucets - that don't leak! - in both bathrooms and the kitchen.

And the water pressure in the shower is wonderful again! Yay!


Monday 3 March 2025... Community Garden

I'm at the Community Garden today, to murder some invasive Lesser Celandine for my required volunteer time!

But first I'm going to wander about and look at the flowers!

Daffodil blooms

Two Daffodil blooms with some blooming Dead Nettle in the background

Single Daffodil bloom with rain drops on the petals

Hm. I don't know what this stuff is...

Rosemary blooms

Ah ha! It's Rosemary! *laughs* another Rose that isn't a Rose. :)

Rosemary blooms

It's a pretty plant, but this is another example of people, who aren't me, getting away with breaking the rules. We aren't supposed to have woody plants.

It is nice tho... I wonder if I should grow some. The internets say it will thrive in a Mediterranean climate, which is what we have here!

Rosemary blooms

I've wandered around to my plot. The big clump of crocuses is still blooming!

Purple Crocus blooms

And there are a couple more blooms here and there!

Purple Crocus blooms surrounded by leaf mulch

Single Crocus bloom surrounded by leaf mulch

And my Columbine is peeking thru!

Columbine leaves coming up thru leaf mulch

The leaves are so pretty!

Close up of Columbine leaves, several holding drops of water

What the heck?

Columbine leaves

Uh. Yeah, I have no idea??!

Seriously, what is that???

A little monster watching me from under the leaves! ha.

Okay. I have to get some work done here!

I dig up the couple more sprouts of Lesser Celandine from the west side neighbor's plot. And then I get started on some clumps in the pathway to the north of my plot.

yellow bloom of Lesser Celandine growing in grass

It's a major pain to try to dig in the grass. But I get the small bag filled up.

small trash bag filled with grass and Lesser Celandine

I double bag it and stuff it into the small backpack to haul home. I'll toss it in the trash there.

As I'm walking around the garden, to get back to the bike path... A Bluebird of Happiness! He's preening...

Western Bluebird standing on a wood fence, stretching his wings back

um. Excuse me? Could you just look normal for a minute?

Male Western Bluebird preening on a wood fence

Oh! Thanks! You are so Floofy!

Western Bluebird standing on a wood fence

Western Bluebird standing on a wood post, glancing back

The female is over here on the apple tree, but she's not interested in photography and flies away!

Blury female Western Bluebird standing on twigs


Sunday 2 March 2025... Sunday Stroll

Purple, double petal Lenten Rose blooms

Purple Lenten Roses with other colours in the background

Ha. All the flowers called Roses that aren't Roses! Lenten Roses above, and here are Primroses!

Pink Primrose blooms

Canada Goose standing on the other side of a grassy puddle

White Crown Sparrow up on a twig

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a branch

And this guy, an Anna Hummingbird, who flew away before I could see about decent photography! ha.

Anna Hummingbird standing on the top of a twig

A pair of Canada Geese sitting and standing on the other side of a grassy puddle

A pair of Canada Geese sitting and standing on the other side of a grassy puddle


Saturday 1 March 2025... Flowers and Bees!

Blue sky with cirrus clouds, past green Magnolia leaves

Knotty? and the rubbish. bleh.

Great Blue Heron standing in shallow water near the bank

Cirrus clouds in a blue sky

White and purple striped Crocus blooms

Yep, I'm still being a sucker for the Crocuses!

White and purple striped Crocus blooms next to a sidewalk

Oh look! It's warm enough to wake up a Honey Bee!

European Honey bee flyiing over a crocus bloom

European Honey Bee hovering in a Crocus bloom

Haha! Honey Bee doesn't appear to be quite awake! Needs Coffee! Um, Dearheart? Licking that petal will do nothing for you... You gotta lick somewhere else!

European Honey Bee licking a Crocus petal

Daffodil blooms with forest trees in the background

Close up of Daffodil blooms with forest trees in the background

Lesser Goldfinch standing among the twigs

I stop to admire the Cherry Blossoms again.

Cherry Blossoms

Aw! There's a Bumblebee working these flowers too... and doing a better job of it! *laughs*

Bumblebee on a Cherry Blossom

She's got a red butt... Makes her easy to identify!

She's a Red Form Black Tail Bumblebee and they are widely distributed across western North America, from the Pacific to the Rocky Mountains, and from Alaska to Baja California.

The Red Forms are found primarily in higher latitudes of Oregon and points north, and in the Mountain West whereas the Dark Colour Forms are most common in California and southern Oregon

Nice! I'm glad we get the more colourful variety! *laughs*

Oregon has 25 species of Bumblebees!!! We are awesome! Check this site:

Bumble Bee Field Guide (for North America)

You can filter the bees by your own state or province, and if you mouse-over you can see the different forms!

So cute and precious!

Black Tail Bumblebee hanging from a Cherry Blossom

Red Flowering Currant bloom

Ruby Crown Kinglet standing among twigs with blue sky background


Ruby Crown Kinglet flies away from her twig


Friday 28 February 2025... rant

President Zelenskyy says Ukraine won't enter peace talks with Russia until it has security guarantees

The show Felon45 put on here is absolutely disgusting.

I am so pissed! Fuck Trump. You do NOT disrespect President Z. Ever!

President Zelenskyy did the right thing by walking out.

It's just gross. President Z should not have bothered coming to Washington DC to talk face to face with our stupid dictator... and honestly, I hope other world leaders pick up that lesson as well!

I was happy to see this, tho, at the end of the article:

European leaders were quick to reiterate their support for Zelenskyy and Ukraine. In a post on X, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said Zelenskyy's dignity honors the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Be strong, be brave, be fearless, she added. You are never alone, dear President.


President Zelenskyy is a hero. The American people support President Zelenskyy and Ukraine, regardless of our idiot dictator.

And to try to set things right, I've donated directly to the Ukraine government here...

United24, Ukraine


Friday 28 February 2025... Flowers! More Flowers! ... And cool bird behavior!

Ha. I was preoccupied when I left the house this morning. I should have walked in a different direction, for something new... but since my brain was distracted, my feet just walked in the usual direction!

Male Green Wing Teal paddling on the water

I didn't have very good aim for the point and click at this Ruby Crown Warbler! *laughs*

Ruby Crown Warbler at the edge of the photograph

Purple Crocus blooms

Am I getting tired of looking at Crocuses yet? No.

Purple Crocus blooms with a winter bare tree in the background and blue sky

Okay! Here's something different! Cherry Blossoms!

a scattering of Cherry Blossoms in front of a pale aqua fence

Cherry blossom in front of an aqua fence

Three Cherry blossoms in front of twigs with more cherry blossoms

Cherry blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

I love the colour of that privacy fence!!

Cherry blossoms in front of an pale aqua privacy fence

Moving on... to some Red Flowering Currants!!

Red Flowering Currant bloom with just a couple flowers open

Well, these flowers need a couple more days to open up before they get really pretty.

Red Flowering Currant bloom in front of a brown fence

And then this freaked me out! I thought something was wrong!!

Scub Jay with his wing held out

But I just happened to catch her sunning! Basking in the sun!!

She saw me, but it was a few long seconds before she did anything! Eventually she rousted her feathers back into position and then flew away!

Here's a Great video with a bunch of eastern birds doing this.

Sunning Birds and Why They Do It

And the title image is a Blue Jay with the exact same feather floof at their lower back! Turns out birds have a gland right there which makes oils to be spread on their feathers! huh!

The sunning birds... look really weird! But it's perfectly normal and they are happy birds!

So I'm glad that I walked this way, after all! I did see something different, and now I've learned something!


Thursday 27 February 2025... Even More Crocuses!

Another blue sky day, and I've got some extra walking time so I'm heading towards the downtown neighborhoods!

And check this out!! A bunch of new sapling have been planted in three neighbors yards!

Neighborhood yards

That's awesome!

The signs say: Friends of Trees, Because Trees make this place, Find your tree at

All three yards have the same sign, and Friends of Trees is local to the Pacific Northwest, with offices in Portland and Eugene. A pretty active group, it looks like! That's great!

But then I get distracted by some Crocuses!

White, purple and yellow Crocus blooms next to a sidewalk, with tree shadows

White Crocus blooms with purple blooms in the background

A group of lavendar coloured Crocuses with one yellow Crocus

Two White Crocus blooms in front of a group of purple Crocuses

*laughs* I am such a sucker for the pretty flowers!

lavendar coloured Crocus blooms

White Crocus blooms

Purple and white striped Crocus bloom surrounded by yellow Crocuses

Purple and white striped Crocus blooms

Okay. I'll stop! But they're so pretty!

Back to the bike path!

There's a Ruby Crown Kinglet bouncing around, and I try a few Point and Clicks to see if I can get him.

Ruby Crown Kinglet peeking from behind a leaf

*laughs* AllAboutBirds says they are are restless, acrobatic birds Ha!

Ruby Crown Kinglet hanging sideways from a thorny vine

Oh, that female Kingfisher flew by me... I've not seen her in weeks. And she's still quiet, not announcing her territory.

I guess that means she's still not found a new mate. Sighs. Poor girl. I am so sad for her.

Two Pine Siskins standing in a winter bare tree, with pussy willows all around

Pine Siskin standing on a twig with blue sky behind

Pine Sisking standing on a twig with blue sky behind


Wednesday 26 February 2025... Tiny-Cleans and More Crocuses

After being all grumpy about the Tiny-Clean I'm doing on the living room window... yep, I've decided to move on. Today I started on the porch room by cleaning a single porch door blind. That took 5minutes and I'm done.

And when I came for the second cup of coffee, I looked over and noticed the kitchen window was a little bit dirty. So, I got my rag and got to work.

I wiped down the glass and started cleaning the frame. It's like I can't stop myself!!! Tiny-Cleans are SO AWESOME!!!


I head out for a walk... but foo. I have walked pretty far and I'm just not connecting with any birds. And such a nice, bright day! Humph.

Chickadee standing on a branch behind a budding twig

Huh. I've not noticed this before...

Woodpecker hole in a snag, past other branches

I wonder how many years it's been here. The hole is big enough for a Flicker. Did someone raise a family here?

Two Crows standing in a winter bare tree, blue sky behind them.  One crow caws!

Purple Crocuses blooming in a hell strip

Hm. I wonder what caused the crinkling on the petals?

Purple Crocus blooms, with crinkled petals

*laughs* So many unanswered questions today.

Purple Crocus blooms


Tuesday 25 February 2025... A Walk with the Crocuses

I am a bit grumpy this morning about my new Tiny-Clean habit.

I am working on the living room window for 5minutes, and then when I go for the second cup of coffee, I work on the pantry door for 5minutes.

But I'm almost finished with the window, and it's harder to see the results when I'm down to the details. Maybe I should stop and move on to something else... the window looks a lot better, and it doesn't have to be perfect!

It can't be perfect, actually. The building is old and the paint job before we moved in was... excessively rushed.


Yeah, don't even get me started!

Like I said. Grumpy. So let's head out and get some happy nature time!

Puffy white clouds over the hill

Purple Crocus blooms

Close up of a purple Crocus bloom

Purple Crocus blooms

oh! A cute tiny fly! Hello Friend!

Tiny Fly standing on a Crocus bloom

ha, she's been preening and has feather fluff on her beak!

Female and Male Mallard paddling on shallow water with green grasses

This is a temporary wet prairie pond... and the prairie is thinking about taking over, even with all the rain we've gotten!! All the green grassy things are Camas Lily leaves!!

Squirrel looking down from a mossy crook in a tree

Purple Crocus blooms with some yellow Crocus blooms

Purple Crocus blooms with some yellow Crocus blooms

Hooded Merganser pair paddling on the water

When I get home, I have renewed energy! I pull out my journal pages... ugh what a mess. And I get them organized.

All sorted and the pouches are neatly labeled!

And the place where I keep the journal pages, is suddenly much easier to deal with! Yay!


Monday 24 February 2025... Bob Ross Tribute

I wasn't sure if I wanted to show this photo... It's pretty personal. But it amuses me and delights me so much!


This is part of my work space.

I'm listeing to the Bob Ross Remix, I love that song! and I decided to take a photo... Bob Ross is painting on my monitor and my Grandma's Bob Ross Style painting is hanging on the wall!


Monday 24 February 2025... Rain and Wind

Still with the rain, today. But now we've added some wind. The weather page said it was 5mph when I left... but the wind speed picked up dramatically while I was walking!

And now we've got a wind advisory. 25mph with 31mph gusts!

Bleh. Stupid wind. I have to wipe off the camera lens several times along the walk today.

American Robin facing away, standing on a twig, surrounded by twigs and a brown background

When I walk by the back of Gudu-Kut, I can hear several frogs singing! Yay!

The natural area on the other side of the creek

I'm dropping off compost at the garden... oh my gosh! My Crocuses!

Purple Crocus blooms surrounded by leaf mulch

I look around... oh crud... there's more Lesser Celandine coming up at the back of the west neighbor's plot.

Small green leaf of Lesser Celandine, comming up past leafy mulch

And I find a couple more places where it's popping up.

Lesser Celandine growing between raised bed, some is blooming

bah. I want to murder it... but I don't want to do garden work in the rain and mud. I wonder when this mess will have the chance to dry out.

humph. But then I get distracted by this beautiful Beet plant!!

Beet plant growing among weeds in a raised garden plot

Daffodil blooms along a chain link fence

Daffodil blooms along a chain link fence


Sunday 23 February 2025... Sunday Stroll in the Rain

Rained all night and still it rains.

That's fine, except I need to put a package in the blue mailbox at the Post Office... my backpack isn't waterproof and the package, a 9x12 flat rate, is larger than a ziplock. Ha, I have to put the package in a trash bag to make sure it stays dry!

Red Violet Primrose blooms, surrounded by green leaves

Oh, Madam Flicker? Your shafts are showing!

Female Northern Flicker standing in a bare tree

*laughs* She must be molting. It's funny that our western Flickers are called Red Shafted, when that is clearly a shade of orange!

American Robin standing on a branch surrounded with twigs and a green background

Yep... that's what I thought. The bike path is flooded here, under the bridge.

Bike path flooded from the creek

Crocus blooms covered with rain drops

Purple Crocus blooms covered with rain drops

Crocus blooms

I'm zig zagging thru the neighborhoods on the way home, and go by Gudu-Kut Natural Area. Gudu-kut is the Kalapuyan name for frog... but I don't hear any singing today.

A small shallow pond inthe grass, under the trees

But there are some Mallards here, enjoying the wet prairie puddles.

Mallards standing in the grass next to a puddle


Saturday 22 February 2025... No Luck at Stewart Pond

Heading out a different way today. It's been ages since I went out to Stewart Pond.

I'm walking thru the neighborhood, before getting out to the bike path.

Light Purple Crocus blooms coming up around the mulch

Crocuses blooming in the mulch

Crocus blooms

There's a couple of Green Wing Teals at the creek.

Male and female Green Wing Teals paddling on the water

And a group of them at the temporary wet prairie ponds at the park!

Green Wing Teals paddling on the water with dead grasses in the background

The males are doing thier courtship display, with their cute whistle quack.

Green Wing Teals paddling on the water, a male on the left is displaying

The ducks here are always too far away for decent photography, especially on a dreary day.

Two male Green Wing Teals and a female behing them, paddling on the water

But the place does have it's own beauty!

Trees reflecting in a pond with tall brown grasses along the edges

I head towards the little forest. There's a few guys playing Frisbee Golf... when I swing around to the forest, I'm dismayed to see some players at the back holes.

This is an ecological sensitive area, and there are signs saying players shouldn't go back there during the winter! Pacific Chorus Frogs live in the ponds in the forest, and it's their breeding time! They do not want to be disturbed because a frisbee has landed in their pond, and there's a stupid human wading in to retrieve it!!

When the guys see me approaching, they quit and take their packs of frisbees back to the front holes. Good. I wasn't going to yell at them or anything, but they've definitely ruined my walk.

There aren't any birds in the little forest. And no frogs singing either. Sighs.

On the way home, I stop to check out the Little Free Pantry.

The back of a Little Free Pantry with flowers painted on it

I'm so glad they restored the original art on it! It's beautiful! I love the crow!

A Little Free Pantry with a crow painted on the side


Friday 21 February 2025... Spring Flowers

Good Morning My Dear!

Squirrel standing on a mossy curb

The rest of the wildlife is not cooperating today.

Blurry Kinglet flying away

*laughs* That's okay. Look at the plants! They can't fly away!

The seed heads above are Hardhack, a native that wildlife uses for food and habitat! The blooms are a cheerful pink in the summer.

And then I decided to go down and try to get some photos of the Snowdrops again.

Snowdrop blooms

Snowdrop blooms in front of a fallen tree trunk

Skeletonized leaf

Snowdrop blooms

Close up of Snowdrop blooms

And the Willows are starting to bud out! They look so soft and furry!

Close up of pussy willows on a twig


Thrusday 20 February 2025... Hidden Trail

Purple and yellow Crocus blooms

Purple Dwarf Iris bloom surrounded by green leaves

Grey Squirrel hanging from the side of a mossy tree trunk

Oh! The Red Flowering Currants are starting to bud out!!

Red Flowering Currant flower bud with small leaf

water falling past mossy rocks

I get to the top of the trail and decide to walk on up to the Acorn Woodpecker's territory. Oh, nice... They've planted some saplings in the hell strips here!


And further up, they are paving more road and have started a new building. Sighs.

Road going past orange safety fencing

I hear the Acorn Woodpeckers, talking across their territory. And another one is gently hammering somewhere.

Acorn Woodpecker standing on a branch

I also hear a ton of frogs singing! I walk across to get closer to the bioswale, and then realize there's a second bioswale a little further up, hidden behind a rise...

Bioswale with tufts of grasses growing in rows

That's where all the frogs are, and the sound here is just incredible!

I don't want to get too close... I don't want the frogs to stop singing. But also, I don't want to accidentally step on anyone who might be in the grass.

Close up of the edge of the bioswale with tall grasses coming out of the water

There are just so many singing. And it's loud!

Major difference with the one or two frogs I hear occasionally along the creek.

Which makes me sad. Humans are destroying the frogs habitat along the creek... chemical run-off from lawns and roads, and the invasive Bullfrogs.

Humans have made this bioswale. But they are also making roads and houses up here as well. This will only be a temporary habitat for the Pacific Chorus Frogs... and then poisons from lawns and roads will get washed through here, too.


I made a video of the frogs singing. I need to figure out how to convert it so I can upload it here!

And then I'm heading back down the hill.

A Ruby Crown Kinglet... too bouncy to keep up with!

Ruby Crown Kinglet surrounded by vines and mossy sticks

And at the bottom, going thru the neighborhood, there's a big group of female Wild Turkeys!

Five Wild Turkeys crossing the street

Two Wild Turkeys crossing the street

They've seen me of course, but they are not going to let me get in their way! They purposfully walk towards me, their destination is probably the forest at Hidden Trail!

Three Wild Turkeys walking on the sidewalk

As they walk by me, I notice how individual their faces are.

Close up of a Wild Turkey

Most birds, you can't tell who's who just by looking! But these girls, you could get to know them more easily.

Two Wild Turkeys walking on wood mulch

Well, except that there's just so many here! ha!

Wild Turkeys walking on wood mulch

Close up of a Wild Turkey

Close up of a Wild Turkey

Yellow Crocus blooms emerging from fallen autumn leaves

Dwarf Iris bloom

A good walk.


Wednesday 19 February 2025... Today


Workers on a city sidewalk

This used to be a covered bus stop with a bench! Oh, I am so sad!

The Transit District had stopped running buses on this route during the first year of covid, in 2020. And I guess it's never coming back. They've removed all the bus stops from the street, this is the last one they are working on.

I am so disappointed. Removal of bus stops is the beginning of the Decline and Fall of Civilization, I'm pretty sure.


Scrub Jay standing on a bare branch, looking down

And then Nature conspires to cheer me up!

Hi Solar Baby!

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a solar panel over a path lamp

Hi Little Birds!

Golden Crown Sparrows standing on the ground with sticks and grass

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on the ground in leaf litter

Yellow Crocus blooms

I see one of my Hooded Merganser friends... Huh! I couldn't tell what he was holding at first.

Male Hooded Merganser paddling in the water, holding something large in his beak

He's going downstream, like me, and I follow to see what's happening!

Hooded Merganser paddling on the water, holding a big crawdad in his beak

Oh! He's got a Crawdad! And he's desperately trying to eat him!!

Hooded Merganser paddling on the water, holding a big crawdad

How is that poor thing going to fit in your mouth, dude??

Hooded Merganser paddling on the water, holding a big crawdad

My friend paddles behind a bush, and I walk ahead to see him on the other side...

Hooded Merganser paddling on the water, holding a crawdad in his beak

Wait. Aw, crud! I didn't see what happened!!

Male Hooded Merganser paddling on the water, with nothing in his beak

Did he just drop the Crawdad??

He must have!


And his girlfriend is here, so I walk on and contemplate the terrifying day the Crawdad has had. But at least he gets to live another day.

Kinda like we get to live another day even after shutting down bus stops for good.

cones on the sidewalk

Back at home, ha! I was making my lunch and noticed how pretty the purple cabbage is!

Sliced head of red cabbage

Partner eats cabbage, now and then, and the other day I decided to try it as well.

I've been cooking it with my Big Bowl of food. Yeah, that's okay.

But I really like it raw!

It's got a good crunch, that's a little bit different than the crunch you get from celery.

And mmm! Just that subtle sweet taste! It's good!

I wonder if I can grow some in the garden?


Tuesday 18 February 2025... Garden Volunteer Work

Okay! I've got my little hand spade in my backpack, and some plastic bags. I'm going to murder some invasive Lesser Celandine at the Community Garden today!

On my way there, I hear a single frog singing at the back of Gudu-Kut Natural Area.

Winter shrubs on the other side of the creek

I stop and listen to him for a few minutes. I love our precious Pacific Chorus frogs!

Lesser Celandine is a cute little swamp plant, very pretty yellow flowers! They bloom so early in the year, the little pop of colour is actually welcome!

Planter pot with weeds growing in it

Until you realize that next February, the one clump will now be five or ten plants. And the February after that, your entire plot is covered with these damn things!

*laughs* So I dig them up! I'm pretty sure I'm the only one around at this time of year, and I'm happy to do my part for the Community Garden!

A hand spade laying on the ground next to a dug hole and green plants in a plastic shopping bag

I'm just going around, checking people's plots. If there's a single plant, or a little scattering, I dig it out and put it and the dirt in the plastic bag.

Lesser Celandine blooming in the corner of a raised bed

Lesser Celandines have very small rootlet balls under them... they are pretty impossible to find, so you have to dig up some of the dirt around them.

And because of those rootlet balls, you can't put Lesser Celandine in the compost pile. They will just regrow and take over!

So you have to bag up the plants and dirt and put it in the landfill trash.

This is a limiting factor for me, since I'm walking... (The Community Garden does not have trash pick-up!) I fill up a small bag, which will just barely fit into my small backpack. But since the dirt is muddy, it gets heavy quickly. Which is why I don't use my big backpack!

Okay! The plastic bag is full, and I've come around to my neighbor's plot. This is the one plant that I really need to murder, since it's so close to my plot!

When I push aside the leaf mulch... Dang it! It's already trying to spread itself!

Lesser Celandines are growing up under the leaf mulch

The plastic bag is so full, I can't completely zip up my backpack around it! It's heavy and it's lumpy! Bleh, uncomfortable walk home.


Monday 17 February 2025... Getting Some Work Done!

My New Years Resolution is to Declutter and Clean around the house. I was sickly with covid and resulting tiredness during January, but I've gotten my energy back and I've been trying to develop a new cleaning habit for myself!

I'm working for about 3 to 5 minutes every morning, before my coffee and right after my morning exercises. And I've decided to call this a Tiny-Clean!

I've started with the living room window.

Last year I had started cleaning the blinds. I've finished that up and now I'm cleaning the window frame and sills.

It's all absolutely gross...

Dirty window frame

Seriously... three minutes with the rag, and that's it! The rag is mostly black with guck and needs to be washed out! And my five minute Tiny-Clean is done!

And slowly but surely, every day, progress is made!

I am pretty happy with how this is going!!

I'm taking compost to the garden plot today. There's a bit of rain, but it's still nice and warm. 50° (10°C) when I leave the house.

Most of the cover crop Fava I planted in the front of the plot is starting to decompose.

Garden plot

The little Favas that survived the weeks of below freezing nights, are looking pretty rough. But hopefully I will get some seeds out of them in the spring.

Fava plants surrounded by leaf mulch

I have a little walk about. Uh oh! I'm checking the west side neighbor for Lesser Celandine, and here's a bit growing.

small leaves of Lesser Celandine coming up thru the leaf mulch

In past years, there have been two clumps of Lesser Celandine growing on the far side of that plot. I don't know how many years I've been digging that up every Feb or March... but apparently I have finally murdered those clumps! Yay!

But now I'm bummed to find this new clump... still on the far side, but more towards the back of the plot. *grumble*

I will definitely need to bring my tools and get that thing murdered soon! I do NOT want Lesser Celandine in my plot, and this is a bit too close for comfort!

I double check the plot that was being rehabilitated from Lesser Celandine. Yeah, it's terrible... little plants coming back all over the place.

Garden plot

Why didn't they just put the tarp back on??? WHY??!

Well. Whatever. I'm heading back home.

American Robin surrounded by winter bare branches

American Robin standing on a twig, surrounded by mossy branches


Sunday 16 February 2025... Sunday Stroll with Birds!

There was a little bit of rain this morning, but it didn't last long and when I head out for a walk it is a blissful 52° (11°C)!!

But when I get out on the path, oh sheesh! There's a lot of humans out here! *laughs* They are all enjoying the warm weather as well. And everyone I pass by has a sing-song Good Morning!

The birds are happy and singing as well.

Scrub Jay behind grass, holding a peanut in her beak

Hooded Merganser pair paddling on the water

Robins running around outside the Community Garden! The red dots in the background are rose hips of our native Nootka Roses, planted along the creek to stablize the banks!

American Robin standing in the grass with dead rose vines in the background

Robins are not a sign of spring around here... They are here year round!

American Robin standing in the grass

American Robin standing in the grass

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a twig

Golden Crown Sparrow standing in the grass

Northern Flicker in a winter bare tree with mossy branches

Female Norther Ficker standing on a tree trunk, surrounded by mossy branches

Male Green Wing Teal paddling on the water

Pretty good bird day, for all the Humans wandering around! :)

Scrub Jay standing on a branch


Tuesday 18 March 2025... America Sucks

Does the U.S. deserve the Statue of Liberty? Not anymore, one French politician says

oh. My heart. It's being ripped out.

Majority of French, Germans and British think Trump is a 'dictator'

Yeah? Because he is.


Saturday 15 February 2025... A Nice Day

I head out for my walk and oh my gosh... it is such a pleasure to walk in the NOT COLD!!! *laughs*

White, speckled pink Lenten Rose blooms

White, speckled pink Lenten Rose blooms

White, speckled purple, double petal Lenten Rose blooms

Pair of Hooded Mergansers paddling on the water

Male Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

Female Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

Oh hey! Sir Shy?

Red Shoulder Hawk silhouetted in a tree

*laughs* Yep, definitely! He's not letting me get close!

Red Shoulder Hawk flying away

He's flown to the tall nest box in the Community Garden...

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a wood post

And then he flies to one of the path lamps.

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a path lamp

Something has caught his attention, and I pause a moment to see what happens.

He swoops down and POUNCES on someone in the shrubs next to the creek!

And then he flies back...

Red Shoulder Hawk flying behind a wood fence

Ha, dang it. The Community Garden fence is in the way. But I don't think he's carrying anyone.

He goes to a different perch in the Garden...

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a wood post in front of a garden shed

And, yeah. He's not eating. So that pounce was a definite miss! He'll have to try, try again for his lunch!

I walk on.

Squirrel standing on a wood fence

And I'm still not over the Lenten Roses!

Purple Lenten Rose blooms


Friday 14 February 2025... Still Snow

The forecast for a warmer afternoon yesterday was entire incorrect! The sun never made an appearance and it barely got a degree above freezing.

But today the sun shines and the snow melts! The dripping from the trees sounds like a heavy rain!

A bit of snow around a grassy puddle

Oh wow...

Long clouds and blue sky over the hill in the distance

multiple layers of grey and white clouds over the hill in the distance

Clouds and fog on the hill in the distance

I've noticed several small birds taking baths!

Junco standing in a grassy puddle

Junco shaking off water in a grassy puddle

Ha. I was taking pics of this Flicker, but there's also a Starling, all but camoflagued!

Flicker standing on the side of a tree trunk, with a barely seen Starling

Female Mallard standing on a concrete ledge

Lesser Goldfinch standing on a willow twig, blue sky behind

Ha. Why do the birds have to be straight up? *laughs*

American Robin standing on a twig, blue sky behind

Junco standing on a branch, blue sky behind

I was going to fix the colour on this House Finch, but I kind of like the stark blacks!

House Finch standing in bare branches with blue sky behind

A pretty good bird day!!


Thursday 13 February 2025... Snow Day!

I woke up to a winter wonderland this morning! And I kinda wanted to go out right away to get photos of the snow! I was pretty sure the snow wasn't going to last, and it would be nothing but a few piles of slush by the time I got going for my regular walk.

But I've got stuff to do! I'm hosting a new swap series at Swap-Bot, and I want to make sure that's staying organzied. And I'm still sorting photos for the blog posts I'm working on, and that takes extra time.

So my morning was full. But it turns out, the weather has stayed cold... it's still cloudy and just 30° (-1°C) when I head out. And the snow remains.

Snow along the bike path

I've got my boots on and my layers! And the snow on the bike path isn't slick at all and is nice to walk on.

Snow around the wet prairie puddle

Ha! The snow is coming off the solar panels in sheets!

Solar panel with a sheet of snow coming off it

Do NOT walk under these! The sheet of snow falls randomly, and that would be an unpleasant surprise! *laughs*

Oh, nice! Someone has brought treats for the Brewer Blackbirds!

Brewer Blackbirds standing in the snow near a tree trunk

Brewer Blackbird standing on snow holding food in his mouth

Male and female Mallard sitting in the snow.

Aw, their little footprints in the snow!

Boot prints and duck foot prints in the snow

heh... it must be several degress warmer, down in the water!

Nutria standing in water near the snowy bank while a female Mallard paddles by

And here comes the other Nutria, walking down the bank!

Two Nutrias standing in the water near the snowy bank of the creek

A Nutria standing in shallow water at the bank of the creek

There are more Teals than usual on the creek today.

Green Wing Teal paddling in the water

And I see my friends the Hooded Merganser pair as well.

Female Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

Male Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

On my way back, the Brewer Blackbirds are still hanging out in the same place.

a pair of Brewer Blackbirds standing on a snowy ledge

The males are black with a sheen, while the females are brown with dark eyes.

Female Brewer Blackbird standing on a chain link fence

Oh, haha! There's a Crow, coming in for a landing behind her! That's cool!

Brewer Blackbird standing on a chain link fence

As I was getting back home, I realized I had not seen a single snowman, even tho the kids had a snow day from school.

And almost right as I had that thought, I saw one of my neighbors had a tiny snowperson right out front!

Small Snowman in front of a pink flamingo yard decoration


The snow will definitely melt this afternoon. The clouds will clear out and we've got a forecasted high of 39° (4°C).


Wednesday 12 February 2025... Hidden Trail

I'm going up Hidden Trail again because I don't want to traumatize myself by associating it with the dying Turkey I saw yesterday. Sighs.

Trail thru woods, with a squirrel hanging on the side of a tree trunk

Pool with ferns and moss

Aw! Hello!

Three Black Tail Deers near the path

Black Tail Deer looks

So Cute!

Black Tail Deer standing in the grass

Bahaha! I like your sign!

Black Tail Deer behind a sign that says Caution Hazards Exist

Being so close to the deers makes me realize how tiny our native Black Tails are! The Internets say the females are about 100pounds, the males about 200pounds... These are all females. But those two smaller ones, in the first pic? I can't imagine they are over 75 or 80pounds.

Just interesting to think about.

The Deers move on and I keep going up the trail to meet the next group!

Wild Turkey standing on fallen autumn leaves

It's a bachelor band of Turkeys, and I look at them all carefully. None of them are injured. Good. I can relax.

Wild Turkey standing on fallen autumn leaves

Close up of a Wild Turkeys face

I've noticed they've put up some new signs along the trail...

Sign next to a paved trail leading down into the darkness

Haha, By Permission Only.


Tuesday 11 February 2025... Hidden Trail with Sadness

The sky is blue and the sun is shining, but it's still a couple degrees below freezing when I leave the house. brr.

But I think I've got energy enough to go up Hidden Trail for the first time this year! Yay Energy!!

Water falling over a mossy rock

I meet a small group of Wild Turkeys on my way up.

Wild Turkey

Haha! He jumped up on the walking bridge railing!!

Wild Turkey standing on a wood railing

... And jumped down again!

Wild Turkey jumping down from a wood railing

Close up of a wild turkey

I decide to not go up to the Acorn Woodpecker territory and turn around at the top of the trail.

Junco sitting on a mossy branch

Junco standing on a branch

*laughs* there's a group of Bushtits bouncing around right over my head!

Silouette of fir branches against the blue sky

As I come back down the hill, I meet up with another Turkey and at first I wonder if he was the one I saw before.

But no. There's something wrong with this guy. I can't tell what, exactly, but there's something wrong with his face.

I sit quietly with him for a little while. I don't know what's going on, but it seems like the right thing to do.

It's not til I get home and look at the photos, that I realize how devastating his injury is. Ugh. He'll be dead in a day or two.

Wild Turkey walking up a trail stair

I am so sorry, buddy. Nature is cruel.

Yellow Crocus blooms


Saturday 15 March 2025... The Ides of Trump

Not my most poetical moment, perhaps... but heartfelt!

Written postcards

And yeah, I wrote Dear Donald! Haha, it's just automatic, I didn't even think about it!

Oh well. Maybe I'll write some more this weekend.

Pretty cathartic.

Especially the I hate you one! Ha!


Monday 10 February 2025... Garden Tour

I am feeling productive today, and I jam thru the blog post I'm working on, from December. I've not sorted the rest of those photos, yet, so that needs to be done as well. And then I figure I might have time to write a second blog post!

Look at me go! Ha! I've gotten a lot done this morning, and I feel good, heading out for my walk!

Not that anyone else cares about my accomplishments:

Back end of a Chickadee standing on a red twig


I'm dropping off compost at the garden today. Most of the cover crop Favas are deceased... we had almost two weeks of overnight lows in the 20s in January. A couple smaller Favas still have life, tho!

Living fava in front of wilted and dying favas

At the back of the plot, there's a little Strawberry leaf poking up thru the mulch... This is where the Strawberry Patch is, approximately, but I'm not sure I actually planted this one! Ha, maybe a runner, expanding their territory?

Small Strawberry leaf, poking up thru leafy mulch

And LOOK! There's a teeny tiny... caterpillar? You are welcome to munch, Little One!

Tiny caterpillar on the Strawberry leaf

That's great how they have their eating area, and then their separate toilet area! ha!

I planted these Leeks last spring, but they are in the crappy dirt area at the end of the Tofu Patch where most everything was stunted... They never got big enough to bother taking home to eat.

Leek living in the mulch

Leeks have a two year lifecycle... Hopefully they will grow some more before they start bolting this spring.

And here are the volunteer Elephant Garlics. I don't know why the leave are so yellow. Too cold? Too much rain? Don't know.

Garlic leaves growing from the leafy mulch

I look at the Lesser Celandine plot that they are trying to rehabilitate. *shakes head* They chopped it all down at the end of January, but didn't put the tarp back on. And sure enough, the Lesser Celandine is coming back.

small Lesser Celanding leaves growing out of the soil

*rolls eyes* I don't know what the hell they expected.

Plus they didn't hit the borders, so that's a mess too.

Lesser Celandine growing big along a garden plot border

I notice there's a few patches of Lesser Celandine in other areas of the Community Garden. Maybe I should put in some volunteer time and dig that up and haul it out.

The Community Garden requires 2 hours of volunteer work every year, and digging up Lesser Celandine is what I traditionally do... Since it comes up in the late winter, no one else is really paying attention. And it's nice to work alone! :)

On the way home, I see the Hooded Merganser pair again.

Hooded Merganser pair paddling on the water

Lookin' Good, Girl!

Female Hooded Merganser, paddling on the water


Friday 14 March 2025... The Ides of Trump

Oh. We're doing this again, huh?

Sounds good...

We're working on a short schedule here BUT: Let's do postcards

Write a postcard to that Traitor and Rapist in the White House, and put it in the mail tomorrow, 15 March. The Ides of March.

Postcards to the White House

Back in 2017, I made a free printable PDF... If you have a printer, please feel free to grab this:

Free Printable PFD: Two-Up Postcards to send to the White House on March 15th

And seriously. I've been having trouble taking in all the political news here lately. And I'm really down about what I do read.

The USA is no longer the Leader of the Free World.

And it's becoming increasingly obvious that America will NEVER recover.

Unfortunately, it's not just the people in American who will suffer.

People have already died from the destruction of USAID.

Medical Science has been set back by decades with the destruction of the NIH.

And then, everything that Traitor does is accelerating climate change. With the destruction of FEMA, more people will die after climate disasters.

The Sixth Mass Extinction will continue apace, or accelerate. And at some point, Nature will just break. We won't be able to grow food enough for everyone on the planet.

And at the rate we are going, not even Cockroaches will survive. A runaway greenhouse effect and the oceans will boil. The Earth will be Venus Part 2.

But let's step back to reality here. We're not dead yet!

Download this thing. If you don't have a printer, that's the address you'll write on your own postcard.

Free Printable PFD: Two-Up Postcards to send to the White House on March 15th

If you do have a printer, print that on cardstock. Cut it up. Write your thoughts on the back. Put a postcard stamp on the front.

Postcard stamps are currently 56¢. If you don't have a postcard stamp, a Forever stamp will work as well.

Then drop it in the mail on Saturday!

And now... Remember! We are NOT DEAD YET!

Go cuddle your pet. Hug your human family. Spend some time in nature...

or look at some nice nature pics here!


Sunday 9 February 2025... Sunday Stroll

These Primroses are looking a bit rough.

Yellow and pink Primroses in a planter

But the pop of colour is definitely welcome!

Um. Well, humph.

Spotted Towhee behind a vine, you can't see his head

At least this cute Rock Dove was more accommodating!

Rock Dove with lots of white walking in the grass

Puffy white clouds over silhouette of winter bare trees


Saturday 8 February 2025... Todays Walk

Squirrel standing in a tree

Looking up at a Junco standing in a tree

Aw. Seriously??!

The butt of a Bushtit standing on a branch

*laughs* That is the butt of a Bushtit who did not stick around for proper photography!!

I'm walking past the Community Garden today, but I glance in and... for long minutes I try to figure out who this is!

Bird on a wood post

oh, HAHA! It's just a Flicker, preening!

Northern Flicker preening on a wood post

But check out the back of his head... those little bits of red on his nape actually belong to the eastern version of Northern Flickers, the Yellow Shafts!!

Northern Flicker standing on a wood post

The males of our western race, Red Shafts, have a red mustache and no nape.

The males of the eastern race, Yellow Shafts, have a black mustache and a red nape.

So I wonder who this guy's parents were! Or maybe grandparents? Or maybe this is a recessive trait that just pops up now and again? So interesting!!

And, looking thru my pics, I realized I had just seen him the other day! Feb2 Flicker! ha.

A Ruby Crown Kinglet, but they are moving around too quickly for me and the camera... this is just a point and click and hope!

Ruby Crown Kinglet

The "Point and Click and Hope" works out often enough that I keep doing it. And, really, what else am I gonna do? Just stand there and NOT take pictures?? Bahahaha!

Snowdrop blooms surrounded by fallen leaves

Close up of a drop of rain on a Snowdrop bloom

Close up of Snowdrop blooms

American Robin standing in a tree surrounded by winter bare twigs


Friday 7 February 2025... Spring is happening!

Looking this way, the cute puffy clouds are nice!

Puffy white clouds over trees and a solar panel

But over here, they are looking like they are going to do something!

Grey clouds over trees

Oh cute Squirrel, with your hand tucked under your chin!

Squirrel resting on a branch

Look at that! Daffodils have come up!

Daffodil leaves surrounded by leaves

I don't know what this tree is... but it's coming to life!

Unknown tree thingees

Unknown tree thingees

Hooded Merganser pair, paddling on the water

I've come up to the Solidarity Garden and decide to look to see what they've got going! Some pretty, little Lettuces!

Lettuces growing

And what's this stuff??

Unknown veggie

Weird leaves!!

Unknown veggie leaves

But pretty!

Unknown veggie with lettuces

On the way back, I decide to get off the path in this wild area...

Snowdrop Blooms


Snowdrop Blooms

And back at home, the quote at the end of today's A.Word.A.Day made me laugh out loud!

I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this. -Emo Phillips, comedian, actor (b. 7 Feb 1956)



Thursday 6 February 2025... Getting Organized!

I finally have a real project going for my 2025 Declutter and Clean Resolution!

Book Cover, Unfuck Your Habitat

The book I've got suggests cleaning in 20-10s... 20minutes of cleaning, and then a 10minute reward. But it's just a suggestion, you're to customize your times to whatever works in your life.

20minutes is way too long for me to contemplate. It's fine for regular chores, for instance it takes about 20minutes to vacuum the house. But for the Spring Cleaning type stuff that needs to happen, 20minutes is a hard NO!


So I've been experimenting this week. And it turns out that 3 to 5 minutes is doable for me. I've started cleaning the living room window.

And I feel good about it! ... I hate cleaning with all my being. But I can handle 3minutes of it!

It's cloudy and 36° (2°C) and that stupid wintery mix snow stuff is still in the forecast.

Two American Crows standing in the grass

Aw. These two pairs of Green Wing Teals are courting!

Green Wing Teals paddling on the water

They've got this cute little whistle sounding quack.

Two male Green Wing Teals paddling on the water

His courtship display:

So Cute!

Green Wing Teals paddling on the water

And always nice to see a Hummingbird singing from his perch!

Hummingbird standing at the end of a twig

He's trying to show me his colours, but it's too dreary for much to show today.

And back at home, I'm so inspired by my new morning cleaning success, I get a couple other little things done as well!

Yay Me!


Wednesday 5 February 2025... Today with Reading

It sounded like rain when I was waking up this morning, but when I sat up to look out the window it was big, heavy clumps of snow coming down! A wintery mix with rain and it's just melting on the ground!

Perfect. It looks nice coming down, but doesn't cause any issues!

The clouds snow and rain themselves out, and it's blue sky and dripping trees by the time I get out. 41° (5°C) but the wind is blowing and it was so cold I wondered if I would survive, even with my layers.

But walking warmed me up.

Oh Henrietta. Look at all the trash you have to deal with. Ugh, I'm Sorry!

Great Blue Heron standing in shallow water, near the bank with sticks and litter

The wind today makes photography tough... I don't find many birds, and I'm taking crappy pics.

Blurry Yellow Rump Warbler standing on a mossy twig


Blurry Vulture soaring in the sky, past a pine tree


Turkey Vulture flying in a grey sky

I love taking photos of the little birds. Ducks are fine if there's no one more interesting around. Hawks and other raptors are def cool. But my all time favorite birds are Vultures!

Supposedly our Turkey Vultures migrate down to Centeral America and South America. But the Christmas Bird Count says that we've got a little population who stay for the winter, out at the coast! So it's not unusual to see a Vulture flying here during the winter... It's just a day trip for them!

I've got a great Vulture book - Vulture, the Private Life of an Unloved Bird - and now I'm thinking about re-reading it...

I've had a great line of books that I've read this year! I finished That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in America, And I re-read the brilliant book by Ursula K. LeGuin, The Dispossessed. And now I'm reading Somewhere Beyond the Sea. And next in line is the third Semiosis book Usurpation.

So maybe I could read the Vulture book after that?

Turkey Vulture flying in a grey sky

I'm walking back home, and Henrietta is still in the same place with the trash.

Great Blue Heron standing on the bank of the creek, surrouded by stick



Tuesday 4 February 2025... Today

Great energy again today! I'm just doing some regular chores around the house, since I still don't really have a plan of attack for my Declutter and Clean Resolution.

Stuff is getting done, and the brain is ruminating!

Good Morning my cute little Pine Siskin!

Pine Siskin standing on a twig

No snow again, tho it's still on the forecast for the rest of the week. It is a bit colder: it's 34° (1°C) when I leave the house today.

All the pretty Rose hips!

Golden Crown Sparrow standing in winter bare rose bush

well, and the bird in the middle of it!

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a twig with rose hips in the background

Golden Crown Sparrow surrounded by rose hips

Thank You! Very sweet to hang around with me for a minute!

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a stick

Someone gave you an apple bit? Nice!

Squirrel standing on a wood fence, holding a apple bit in his hands

Aw, that's a cute little monster!

Graffiti on a wall of a smiling monster with sharp teeth

Rock Doves!

Four Rock Doves pecking at the ground

They are looking beautiful even on a dreary day!

Two Pigeons pecking at the ground


Monday 3 February 2025... Today

I am looking around the house, with my new found energy! There are some projects I can tackle, oh yes!

My New Years Resolution is to Declutter and Clean around here. Covid and the lack of energy has sidetracked me for January. But I'm ready now!

I don't actually have any organization yet, tho. But I wipe some baseboards clean. And then I scrubbed a perpetually dirty spot under the dishwasher.

That made a difference, with just a couple minutes of work! I can do this!

No snow this morning despite the forecast, thank goodness. It's 37° (3°C) when I head out for the walk, pretty chilly.

Golden Crown Sparrow in a bush

Oh! What happened to your poor tail feathers?

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a twig, with a very short tail

Maybe I should mind my own business? *laughs* Okay! Sorry!

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a twig, with a very short tail

Northern Flicker standing on a stick, grey sky behind

Northern Flicker standing on a stick, grey sky behind

I'm at the Community garden to drop off the compost. As I'm walking to my plot, this catches my attention!

Wood chip pile in the grass, protecting a small grape vine

It's unfortunately Impossible to see here... but this pile of wood chips has warmed my heart!

Someone has mulched this illegal grape vine growing in the fence.

*LAUGHING* in the face of Comm Garden directors and pissant rule makers!!!

The new rule for the 2025 season is that we are supposed to put grape vines and berry canes in pots!! Which is, of course, ridiculous. There are many gardeners here that have well established fruit vines and having to dig them up to put them in a stupid pot would just kill them.

So I applaud this act of civil disobedience!

American Crow standing on a wood fence


Sunday 2 February 2025... Sunday Stroll

I'm coughing a bit this morning, and the pulled rib muscle still hurts, but is healing. But most important, I've still got energy!

I am becoming more sure that I've left the covid tiredness behind!!

It's 39° (4°C) when I leave the house, but I've noticed there are a lot of Snowflake Icons in the forecast. Ugh. Starting tonight with 40% chance of snow, and an increasing chance of wintery mix all thru the week. Ugh.

Trees on the hill in the distance

Golden Crown Sparrow standing in sticks

This is a Collard Dove, the invasive kind...

Collared Dove standing in stickes

A few years ago, these birds were all over the place, and the only dove you'd hear cooing. But now, I hardly hear or see them at all.

Their coos are easy to distinguish from Mourning Doves coos. But I don't hear Mourning Doves very often, either.


Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a twig, looking away

oh, Thanks!

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a twig

See Ya!

Golden Crown Sparrow flies away in a blur

This pair again!

Female and male Hooded Mergansers paddling on the water

Male Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

These Lenten Roses have been blooming all winter!

Lenten Rose blooms

Yellow Lenten Rose blooms

Pink Lenten Rose blooms


Saturday 1 February 2025... Today

I have a bit of trouble with my projects this morning.

There's a couple issues at my TGIF group, which kind of sets me off my game. And then I had a rant going on in my head, and I need to find the news articles I was thinking about before they get totally lost. And then I've got a long blog post to work on, I think I need to split it into two posts. But I also haven't even sorted the photos for the post yet, so that's just a mess!


The weather is all over the place as well. Very suitable!

Clouds over the hill

There's sun. And the clouds are moving around.

Then there's rain and stupid wind. And most of my walk, the camera is tucked under the rain jacket.

Clouds over the trees on the hill

The sun comes out again as I'm heading home and I run into the Hooded Merganser pair again.

Male and female Hooded Mergansers paddling on the water

I keep thinking I should name them... But I just can't come up with any names. And it's just as well, really.

They'll be gone in the spring, to nest somewhere else.

And... I should only name people that I recognize! I can't tell this pair of Hooded Mergansers from any other pair. I just don't see Mergansers often enough to know how to tell them apart! I might be seeing a different pair every day, and I wouldn't know it! Ha!

Male and female Hooded Mergansers paddling on the water

My nature time has calmed me. But I feel bad about my disorganization this morning.

Especially since I actually have good energy again today. I need to get something done!

There are plenty of Spring Cleaning projects to do... And I get the canister vacuum out and vacuum the dust that gathers near the wall along the stairs.

I am mildly annoyed that it doesn't look any different! ha. But it's cleaner, even if it looks the same!

I go back to reading and then my friend shows up!

*laughs with delight* But we are both dorks and neither one of us knows what to say.

Book Cover, Zen Camera by David Ulrich

She has presents for me. A gorgeous journal with leaves on the cover! She knows me!

And a book, Zen Camera.

It looks like something I will definitely enjoy!


Wednesday 29 January 2025... Journalism

I have been making an effort to not read as much news. Ignorance is Strength, right! *Laughs* (1984 reference!)

um, bliss. Ignorance is bliss! :)

So. I've been reading a lot less than I usually do, and the bit of news I do read, I'm trying to ... keep some distance, you know? ... keep above the fray. Not get emotionally involved, to spare my mental health.

Because the traitor and rapist is just trying to create chaos. That's it, nothing more. And there's too much for a person to sort thru. And we will probably never recover from the chaos, and that's super depressing. So I need to step back.

But one thing in the news did get through: Elon Musk's Nazi Salute.

Whatever, right? We all know he's a white supremacist piece of shit from South Africa. He can be as Nazi as he wants. Because this is American and we have freedom of speech!

What I found interesting is how traditional news outlets reported it...

The Awkward Gesture.

*shakes head*

Wonkette... Q: When Is A Nazi Salute Not A Nazi Salute?

Elon Musk Ignites Online Speculation Over the Meaning of a Hand Gesture is an actual headline at the NYTimes.

I just can't.

This is all kinds of ridiculous bullshit and an actual newspaper called a Nazi Salute a Hand Gesture. WTFH?

But I am instantly alerted to the Extreme Importance of ACTUAL Journalism. Where reporters with integrity tell us what's actually going on! Shout out to Wonkette, for sure!

And since that asshole Musk is our new co-president, I thought I would re-subscribe to Wired Magazine, as well.

I have been very interested in their political reporting, lately. But I click on their articles and they've got a paywall.

Arg. But what they are doing is so very important.

So. Very. Important.


Friday 31 January 2025... Two Henriettas! And some energy?

I am coughing and clearing the throat, still this morning. And I've still got mild ambient pain from the pulled rib muscle, and painful spikes for moving wrong. But I've found a way to contort myself so it's not as painful to cough as it has been. So healing is happening.

And when I head out for my walk... it's pouring down rain!

And I have some energy! Like... Real Energy!

Like... maybe I'm recovering from the covid weariness?

I do not want to get my hopes up. The energy has gone up and down, and every time energy goes up, I think I'm getting better. And the next day I'm tired again and I get so frustrated.

But this feels different. I've got a bounce to my steps!!

Magnolia seed head

Hi Henrietta!

Great Blue Herron standing near the bank of the creek

I'm dropping off compost at the garden. But because of the rain... and the stupid Wind! I'm not going to stay.

I do notice that more of the Fava is dying from the 20° nights. humph.

Garden plot

So I'm back on the bike path, in the rain.

Huh! Here's another Great Blue Heron with big shoulder patches!

Great Blue Heron standing in shallow water looking at the bank of the creek

He's busy hunting and I get a good look at him. Definitely not Henrietta...

Ha. Maybe I can name this one Henry!

Great Blue Heron standing in water

Altho. Is there any reason why I should assume this one is male? I found out Henrietta is male when he was standing next to another heron and I saw how big he is. (Males are bigger with Great Blue Herons!)

Great Blue Heron walking in water near the bank

There's some little birds around too, but with the rain and heavy clouds, the photography isn't great.

Blurry bird flying from a perch

Blurry Yellow Rump Warbler standing on a twig in the rain

Oh well.

I'm almost home and the clouds are moving around... Oh Wow!

Rainbow in a grey sky with winter bare tree branches

How cool is that!!

(I play with the saturation a bit :)

Close up of a rainbow with high saturation


Thursday 30 January 2025... Today

Coughing, coughing and clearing the throat again today. Sighs. But I got thru last night without any pills for the pulled muscle across my ribs, so that's nice.

The last three nights, we've had a low of 20° (-6°C), Gah. It's just too cold. I don't like it.

But by the time I get moving, it's warmed up to 39°.

Green Wing Teal paddling on the water

Northern Flicker standing on a dead branch, grey sky

Western Scrub Jay standing on a wood fence painted white

Nutria sitting in the grass

ha, my shadow, next to the sun!

Close up of a Nutrias eye, with the sun reflecting in it

I've noticed their vertical pupil before, and it's just so weird looking!

Vertical pupils help with depth perception... especially in low light conditions. Nutrias are crepuscular and nocturnal, tho they do come out during the day in winter.

I learned a bit from this web page: High Trails: Purpose of Pupils. Very Interesting!

Close up of a Nutrias face


Wednesday 29 January 2025... Birds!

Green Wing Teals and Mallards.

A pair of Green Wing Teals paddling past a pair of Mallards sitting on the bank

There's a couple Starlings in here, but these are mostly Brewer Blackbirds!

A flock of birds sitting in a winter bare tree with blue sky behind

A pair of Brewer Blackbirds sitting in a winter bare tree with blue sky

Just tryin' to take a damn nap here, ya'll! (But the friends are bouncing around the branches like it's party time!) Haha!

Squirrel lying on a branch

Hellllooo? Cute lil Junco?

Junco standing on a twig

Junco standing on a twig

The Golden Crown Sparrows are very cute today as well.

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a stick

Golden Crown Sparrow standing on a stick

Ooop! ha, See Ya!

American Robin flying away from a chain link fence

A little hard to read, even tho I fixed the colour...

Side walk chalk

It's time
for us as a
people to
Make a

Ain't that the truth??


Tuesday 28 January 2025... Cool but Blurry Birds

I'm coughing again today, which is so painful with the rib muscle I pulled. ugh. I tense up all my other muscles and try to cough with the least amount of chest movement I can. It doesn't really help, but ambient pain seems to be better, so it is healing.

I get pills and head out.

A blurry House Finch.

House Finch standing on a twig with blue sky behind

Pine Siskins... and What are we looking at?

Two Pine Siskins standing on a brach, looking up

It's fine, I don't need to worry about it? Okay!

Pine Siskin standing on a twig in a winter bare tree with blue sky in the background

A too bouncy Yellow Rump Warbler. This is the western race, called Audubon.

Yellow Rump Warbler standing on a wood fence with yellow lichen, green grasses in the background

Canada Geese.

Four Canada Geese sitting in the grass

Canada Goose sitting in the grass

There's a little flock of Green Wing Teals here! But the bright sun makes photography difficult.

A pair of Green Wing Teals paddling on the water

Ha! Another Yellow Rump Warbler! And this one is the eastern race, called Myrtle!

Yellow Rump Warbler standing on a twig in a winter bare tree

Oh my gosh! I see a bird flying with a flight path I don't recognize. They are too far away, and plus there's some homeless people here and I don't want to stop right in front of them!

Bird flies some more and lands in a tree above the path. Arg! I am still too close to the humans! Will the bird sit for a minute?

No. He flies away. aw. But then he lands!

American Kestrel standing on a pine tree branch, blue sky in the background

A Kestrel!! Wow! I wish I had gotten a better photo, but that's how it goes sometimes!


Monday 27 January 2025... Bath Time!

Okay. Ambient rib pain from the muscle I pulled, is tolerable, tho moving rib pain is definitely not. I've sneezed once this morning and regretted it... and wished I could get a refund on my whole life. ha. But I'm not coughing or clearing my throat, today. thank goodness.

I'm gonna need pills to get thru the day, but I'll probably survive.

Squirrel looking down from a tree trunk

It's another very cold morning... it got down to 22° (-5°C) last night and looks like more of that is in the forecast. bleh.

Small pond in the grass under the trees

Chickadee standing on a twig with blue sky behind

I am impressed by these bike drawings! Have you ever tried to draw a bike? *laughs*

Graffiti of two bikes and some words on a grey wall

Haha, the little Nutria is floating again!

Nutria floating in water

And a bit further on, there's a bigger Nutria standing next to the bike path.

Close up of a Nutrias face

Aw, here's a pair of Steller Jays... one is guarding and this one is down in the water for a bath!

Steller Jay standing in shallow water near the bank

They are NOT sure about me, at first.

Steller Jay standing on a branch over the water

But they determine that I'm okay!

Steller Jay standing in shallow water near the bank

Steller Jay dipping in the water

Steller Jay standing in shallow water near the bank

Steller Jay splashing in shallow water

The droplets are catching rainbows!

Steller Jay splashing in shallow water

And gonna dry off in the sun!

Steller Jay standing on a rock in the sun


Sunday 26 January 2025... Just kill me now

I'm back to coughing a lot today. Which is def bettter than the throat clearing stuff!

Unfortunately, I had pulled a rib muscle a while ago, it was getting better but I've re-injured it... Last night I was sleeping in a weird position, and I woke up suddenly with the coughing. I wasn't awake enough to realize what I had done.

But now it is so painful to cough. And breathe. Worse, much worse than the orignal problem. GAH.

I get some pills for my walk.

Anna Hummingbird sitting on a twig surrounded by blue sky

But I'm having trouble caring about the photography.

Rose vine and leaves in front of a dark background

It's got so cold last night, ice has formed in the shade at the edges of the creek.

Creek ice

Squirrel standing up on a branch in a winter bare tree, blue sky behind

Back at home, the pain from my re-injured rib muscle is so intense I decide to double up with pain pills. I had taken Ibuprofen, and now I add a Tylenol.

And just the frustration. I can't ever get a break, and I just want to cry.


Saturday 25 January 2025... Today

I woke up with good motivation this morning, but by the time I go out for my walk, the energy has fallen off.

And it got cold last night... It's 36° when I leave the house but there's still frost in the shadows.

Frosty oak leaf laying in the grass

Brr! And a Cold Weather Advisory tonight, forecast low is for 25° (-4°C). UGH!


Nutria walking across the bike path

And there's another Nutria still in the grass at the left.

Nutria walking in the grass

But she decides to go back to the creek as well. Ha, those big ol' feet are great for swimming, they've got webbed toes. But it must be like walking with scuba flippers! So Cute!

Nutria walks across the path

American Crow standing on a mossy branch, blue sky behind

There's some House Finches, but I'm not taking good photos today.

Male House Finch standing in a vine

I think the female House Finch is trying to tell me something, but I'm terrible at Charades!

Female House Finch standing on a twig with her head turned sideways

And here's a Yellow Rump Warbler who has interesting shadows!

Yellow Rump Warbler standing on a twig with their shadow falling on a wood fence

Yellow Rump Warbler flies away, her shadow on the wood fence

Back at home I am really lamenting my lack of energy.

Partner says Don't mope! And I try not to, but it's so frustrating to get a bit of energy one day and think the covid is clearing up... only to have no energy the next day. So Frustrating.


Friday 24 January 2025... Someone New!

Okay! I am coughing and clearing my throat a lot again today... That kind of comes and goes, less one day and then more the next. Annoying.

But I feel like I have more energy today!

Unfortunately, energy is the same way: It comes and goes. So I have to enjoy it while I've got it!

I am heading to the garden with kitchen scraps to throw on our plot for compost. I haven't been able to do this lately and my backpack has a comfortable weight to it.

As I get to the Community Garden, a flash of red catches my eye...

Finch in a winter bare tree

Um. He's a Finch... but House Finches are more of a red-orange, and this guy is decidedly raspberry red! Could he be a Purple Finch?

Finch in a winter bare tree

Oh my gosh! I think he's a Cassin Finch!!

No streaks on his underparts! Unfortunately you can't quite see his peaked crown at this angle. But I'm pretty sure. Compare Cassin Finch!

He's a bit outside of his normal range. And I'm a bit bummed because I didn't get many photos. ha. Oh Well.

I go into the garden and... oh foo. The below freezing nights lately, have made the Fava droopy!

Droopy Fava in a mulched garden plot

The big Strawberry plant is still okay, tho!

Strawberry leaves peeking thru mulch with a droopy fava plant

And the smaller Favas are undamaged from the cold.

Fava plants

I rake aside some leaves and dump the kitchen scraps and cover them well. With all the rain we get, it won't take long for them to decompose... in the Spring, I might see a couple avocado pits, but that's about it!

I wander thru the Community Garden, looking at the other plots.

I have serious concerns about this plot...

Garden plot

This is the plot that is full of Lesser Celandine, a terrible invasive plant in our area.

There were three men working on this plot yesterday... the Lesser Celandine was absolutely LUSH under the blue tarp. The men were hoeing with a lot of energy, but that's NOT going to kill the plants. Lesser Celandine has tiny little root balls, you basically have to haul all the dirt away! Just killing the aboveground part of the plant isn't going to do a single thing!

And then, WHY didn't they put the tarp back on? This is just going to be a disaster as the Celandine comes back!

Sighs. Dumb Humans. I move on.

There's still some Calendula blooms at out little pollinator garden, but they're looking pretty rough.

Orange Calendula blooms

close up of an orange Calendula bloom

There's a garden plot at the front, that has a little greenhouse built on it, and I check it out.

Greenhouse with cacti in it

Cacti! That's fun!

Over the Cacti is an Olive Tree? Interesting. And on the right is Strawberry plants.

This is a very developed plot, several raised beds and well taken care of. But we aren't allowed to have trees.

Or at least, that's what the rules say. Of course, they ignore the rules for certain people. The powers that be LOVE raised beds and give those plots lots of extra leeway with the rules.

Grass in the pathways is fine if you have raised beds. Not fine if you are me! And now, apparently, trees are fine if you have raised beds.

This is why I've gone subversive here. The Community Garden Director has really turned on the bull shit in the last year or so and I'll be quietly undermining their authority!

As I leave the Garden, this one has flown in!

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a wood nesting box

Not Rudra. It's the shy one again!

Of course, he flew as I moved closer. But he didn't go far.

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a wood fence

I've seen him enough times now to name him. I go thru a few names in my head, before landing on Sir Shy. :)

My Mom had surgery today to put a plate in her poor broken arm.

When she fell, last Saturday, she had broken both the ulna and the radius, the wrist bones were fine. They determined that healing time would be faster if she had surgery.

The surgery went fine. They had given her a nerve block, which lasted the rest of the day, but not into the evening. And then she's got the good drugs.

And my good energy has lasted the entire day! Maybe I'm starting to come back to life!!


Thursday 23 January 2025... Today

Ugh, it's another not great day, and I'm feeling the covid exhaustion acutely.

But I stubbornly go out for my walk!

The whole time I wasn't sure if I could make it and kept thinking about turning around and going home.

But I'd see someone to take pictures of... and that would revive me for a few more minutes!

For once, the Merganser Pair is close enough to get them both in the same frame. Aren't they sweet with their naps!

Hooded Mergansers taking naps on the water

... huh. Look at their tails! When they paddle, their tails are always spread out in the water. Interesting!

And across from the Community Garden, this little Nutria makes me laugh!

Nutria in the water

She's literally just floating down stream, with her bit of grass! haha!

Close up of Nutria in the water, holding a stalk of grass in her mouth

There's another small one over here... I think they are siblings and there's three all together, altho I don't see the third one today.

Nutria standing in water

The first Nutria paddles back up stream and finds her own rock to stand on in the water.

Nutria standing in the water

And then I encounter a family of Crows!

Two American Crows standing on a branch, in a winter bare tree

Close up of a Crows face

They are watching over a kid goofing off in the water!

American Crow standing in shallow water near a rock in the creek

American Crow standing on a twig, pale blue sky behind

I get home exhausted, altho I'm not any more tired than when I started today's walk.

And my appetite is weird... I feel like I need to re-fuel to combat the tiredness, but nothing tastes good and nothing is satisfying anyway.

So tired of this! Covid Be Gone!


Wednesday 22 January 2025... Today

Clearing my throat a lot today. And honestly I wish I was coughing instead. It just feels like there's a big gob of guck in the back of my throat (sorry, tmi I know) and nothing helps and I just keep trying to clear my throat for an abnormal amount of time!

And I'm really noticing the brain fog today as well. I just can't keep a thought in my head. SIGHS.

I head out, hoping some fresh air and nature time will help my respiratory system AND my poor brain.

American Robin standing in a winter bare tree with blue sky behind

Right outside the Community Garden... is this the new shy Red Shoulder?

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a street lamp with foggy Douglas firs in the distance

He lets me get a little closer... Wow, are you getting used to me?

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a street lamp

But then sure enough, he flies away! *laughs* oh well.

And then the usual pair of Hooded Mergansers.

Male Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

I still haven't picked out names for them.

Female Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

This Flicker was bounging around in the tree too quickly for me to get a decent picture of her. foo.

Flicker looking at a broken branch

Great Blue Heron at the bank of the creek

Hi Henrietta!

Great Blue Heron standing in shallow water with reflections

Back at home... I ran out of energy and went down for a nap.

It is just beyond frustrating that I'm not well yet. It's been weeks!


Tuesday 21 January 2025... bleh

I am fighting the covid weariness again today... Just dragging.

I head out for a walk, but I'm putting most of my bandwidth into keeping my legs moving and I'm not looking around at nature.

But a couple people in fur and feathers manage to catch my attention!

Squirrel holding a peanut in her mouth

Song Sparrow standing in winter bare twigs

Song Sparrow standing on a twig with blue sky behind her

And my friend, the sad Kingfisher without her boyfriend, is still flying by quietly.


Monday 20 January 2025... Sighs.

There was some serious frost this morning when I got up and 25° (-4°C). ugh. And I'm coughing, coughing, and clearing my throat a lot, again. ugh some more.

And when I found out that Cecile Richards had died, sighs. I am just really down.

So it's nice to be greeted by a furry neighbor, right out the door.

Squirrel sitting on the sidewalk

It's warmed up to 34° (1°C) and the sun will bring us up to 44° (6°C) this afternoon. But right now there's still frost in the shadows, and there's some ice on the wet prairie puddles!

Puddle in the grass, under some trees

Pine Siskin standing on a twig

Pine Siskin standing in twigs

Oop! Haha. But look at the cute Alder catkins and tiny cones!!

Blurry Goldfinch behind Alder catkins and last years cones

The little group of Lesser Goldfinches are eating the seeds out of the Alder cones!

Lesser Goldfinch with Alder cones

Lesser Goldfinch with Alder cones

On the way home, I come across this cute little Bewick Wren.

Bewick Wren surrounded by green leaves

He's talking up a storm in this patch of Blackberries!

Bewick Wren standing on a thorny vine

Happy that I'm encountering so many cute birds today!

Bewick Wren looking from the thorny vine hes standing on

And a little bit further on, my Kingfisher friend deems me worthy for another chance at photography.

Female Kingfisher standing in winter bare twigs

I've been thinking about her.

She hasn't been laughing like she usually does when she flies by on her patrol up and down the creek. And I am pretty sure I've only seen her...

Where is her boyfriend??? Did he die? Aw. I am sad for her.

What will happen? Will she find someone new this spring? Will she lose her territory, if she's flying so quietly and not announcing it?



Sunday 19 January 2025... Sunday Stroll

Pink and yellow Primrose blooms

Hello? aw, nutz! No respect for the camera! *laughs*

Spotted Towhee standing in twigs, looking away

Well, at least some people will look at the camera!

Squirrel standing on a chain link fence

And some people just won't.

American Crow standing on a wood fence

I zig zag thru the neighborhoods on the way home. Gudu-Kut has some good puddles for the frogs! But I don't hear any singing today.

Trees in the grass lands


Saturday 18 January 2025... A Good Day. Until...

This morning's clouds seem to be breaking up, but it hasn't warmed up by the time I left the house. It's still just 36° (2°C) and a bit of wind.

But this one makes me so happy!

Male Anna Hummingbird standing on a twig, grey sky behind

He sits for me and tries to show off his colours a little!

Male Anna Hummingbird standing on a twig, grey sky behind

What a sweetheart!

Male Anna Hummingbird standing on a twig, grey sky behind

Is this the third time I've seen this Hooded Merganser pair?

Male and Female Hooded Mergansers, paddling on the water

It would be nice to give them names! They will leave in the spring, but if they're going to let me take pics of them in the meantime... hm. I wil have to think up a good pair of names.

Female Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

And of course, my friend the Belted Kingfisher has been flying back and forth today.

She sees me... but sits for an extra couple seconds!!

Female Kingfisher standing in a winter bare bush

Aw! Thank You Dear Heart!

I keep going, pretty impresssed by my photo opportunites today. But I can feel the covid exhaustion creeping up on me again. Sighs.

American Crow standing on a chain link fence with red bricks in the background

House Finch surrounded by vines

Swirl of colour in marker

Back at home, I try to counteract the tiredness with some art!

In the past I've done daily art on ATC sized cards, and I pull one out to make a swirl. I got some refill inks for my copic markers for christmas, and it's good to use those colours again!

I'm happy with my art, and wonder if I can return to doing art every day.

But in the evening, my Brother has sent an email saying that Mom and Dad are at the ER because Mom fell over and broke her arm and maybe wrist.



Friday 17 January 2025... Day of Blurry Birds

Still overly cold, and still more of the same in the forecast. I'm still cranking the heat at home, and I'm still being grumpy about being cold all the time.

And the covid symptoms continue, coughing and sniffling and the energy isn't really there. And I'm grumpy about that as well.


But at least I have enough energy for a bit of a walk every day. It gets me out of the house... and into nature for a little while!

Blurry American Robin behind twigs

*laughs* Camera can't quite figure it out today!

House Finch in a winter bare tree, grey sky in the background

American Crow walking in the grass

Two Pigeons walking in the grass

American Crow standing on a rough cut wood fence

It's started misting and I'm back to the overly Blurry Bird pics!

White Crown Sparrow standing on a fence with rain coming down


Thursday 16 January 2025... Today

Another cold day, it's 34° (1°C) as I leave the house today.

We've had an Air Stagnation thing going on this week, which has been extended thru Friday... In theory, that should bring a change in the weather, but it's never going to warm up! All the overnight low temperatures in the forcast are horrifying mid- and upper-20s! Ugh!

I'm walking past the Community Garden, and I see this one again.

Red Shoulder Hawk past wire fencing

And again, he flies away as soon as he notices me looking at him. Shy.

White Crown Sparrow in a winter bare tree

Hi Henrietta! Always nice to run into you!

Great Blue Heron standin in shallow water

This is a crappy photo of a Robin... but all the tiny twigs look interesting!

Robin in a winter bare tree

*laughs* My friend the Belted Kingfisher rarely sits for any photography...

Bird flying in a grey sky

She's been flying back and forth along the creek, as she does every winter. I saw her yesterday as well.

Usually she laughs at me as she goes by, but she's quiet this time and I just notice her flash of blue.


Wednesday 15 January 2025... Geese, and Pigeons, and Leucism

What a Interesting walk today!

This pair of Hooded Mergansers again!

A pair of Hooded Mergansers paddling on the water

I'm walking a bit further today, and approaching the back of the Events Center... Oh My Gosh.

They've removed the Fallen and Dead Leaning Tree.

a foggy field with trees in the background

oh. oh, I am so sad.

But the Leaning Tree has been dead for a year. All three trunks had fallen over in the ice storm last January. It was obvious the north and south trunks had separated from their roots. They cut those down but left the west trunk.

It made a few small leaves in the spring, but it was just leftover life. They shriveled and dried up and now we knew this trunk was separated from it's roots as well.

We've had a long time to mourn. But it's still a sad thing to not see the Leaning Tree anymore.

Wood chips and mud in the grass


The Cackling Geese are here... I was looking for the one with leucism on her neck, and I didn't see her at the time. But back at home, looking carefully at my photos...

Cackling Geese standing and walking in the grass

haha! It's a Different Cackling Goose with leucism!!

Cackling Goose with white spots on her black neck

There's a flock of Rock Doves hanging out here, too!

Pigeon walking in the grass

They are all so pretty, even on the dreariest day.

Rock Doves walking in the grass

Blurry Rock Dove standing in the grass

I'm heading back, and as I pass the Community Garden... Rudra, is that you?

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a branch

It's NOT Rudra! This one notices me looking and flies away! Rudra was much more friendly and let me walk up really close to her.


White Crown Sparrow standing in a winter bare bush

I'm passing a spot where a bunch of different sparrows like to hang out. And one of the Golden Crowns catches my eye...

Golden Crown Sparrow with leucism standing behind a branch

Oh my gosh! She's got some leucism as well!

Golden Crown Sparrow with leucism standing in a winter bare bush

She's very nervous about being watched, which is understandable. I don't get many photos of her.

But how crazy to see all this leucism today!


Tuesday 14 January 2025... Ugh!

Major setback today with covid symptoms!

I got up this morning with a little bit of good energy.

But heading out for my walk... it was 36° (2°C) and I was just uncomfortably cold, even with all my layers.

*laughs* when I found this...

Painted rock, left on a bridge: Gooo Ducks

The Ducks are the local college football team.

And a blurry but cute Yellow Rump Warbler.

Yellow Rump Warbler standing on the sidewalk next to the grass

She's a female and with no trace of yellow on her throat, so she's of the eastern, Myrtle race.

I walked a little further... But I was done!

I went home. Ate lunch half-heartedly.

But I just can't do this life thing anymore!! I'm exhaused and I'm cold all the time and miserable with the continuing coughing. and I crashed for a two hour nap.

And my gosh I had serious trouble getting up when I woke up. UGH!

But eventually I got vertical. But I'm just surfing the internets and goofing off for the rest of the evening.

And catching up with some of my blogs...

Julie Zickefoose: A Spark Bird for Liam

This blog post just delighted me! It's Julie's story about her adult son Liam identifying a duck. *laughs* It seems silly but enthusiasm for birds just comes thru Julie's writing so clearly!

And she talks about the cover of The New Birder's Guide. ... Which is a book I don't have for some reason!


Monday 13 January 2025... Checking on the Garden

It's been six weeks since I've visited the Community Garden and I'm curious about what's going on there!

White Crown Sparrow standing on a platform

Hooded Mergansers are winter visitors at the creek.

Male Hooded Merganser paddling on the water

He and his girlfriend are shy and hide behind a bush.

Pair of Hooded Mergansers paddling on the water behind sticks

I get to the garden.

American Crow standing on a wire trellis

And look how happy the Fava is, in my plot!!

Garden plot

That's great! Maybe I'll be able to gather some Fava beans in the spring. It would be nice to get some fresh ones for re-planting!

Most of the Fava is pretty moth eaten. Which is fine... I'm happy to feed the bugs! Some Favas are better off, tho!

Fava plant

And the volunteer Elephant Garlics are growing nicely. Nothing ever disturbs them, they grow thru it all!

Garden plot with Favas and Garlics growing thru leaf mulch

The Leeks are... still hanging on. They were at the end of the Tofu Patch, and didn't grow very big last year because the dirt there is stunting most everyone's growth.

Leeks growing thru leaf mulch

I don't know. Maybe I should just pull them up and make soup. They are ridiculously small tho, prob not even ¾ inch wide! Sighs.

Someone's Calendulas are still blooming!

Calendula blooms

The splash of cheerful colour is a welcome sight!

Calendula blooms

Yellow Lenten Roses

Yellow Lenten Roses

I am still sniffly and coughing, but maybe less exhausted today? When I get home, in the afternoon I get so, so cold. I am so tired of being cold all the time, so I crank up the heat in my room!

ha, does it help? I guess. I just want to be better.


Sunday 12 January 2025... Walk

I slept hard last night and I'm feeling a little better this morning. I jumped into my morning projects with enthusiasm!

Putting on my shoes didn't exhaust me! I walked about a block before the exhaustion hit. But, yep, I kept going!

Pink Camellia blooms

Takin' a nap.

Nutria curled up and taking a nap in the grass

um. yeah. I could just lie down myself. Yep, right here on the sidewalk. Tho the Nutria's little place in the grass looks a lot more comfortable than concrete!

Purple Penstemon blooms

I get home, and I get thru the day.

The covid symptoms have been more like a bad cold, now... Stuffed up and runny nose, I still have the hard cough, tho I don't have to cough constantly like I did last week.

But if I could just get my energy back. I am just so tired. Like in my bones, you know?


Saturday 11 January 2025... Walk

I'm walking again today. But I am so tired. It makes me tired just to put my shoes on!

But I head out.

Puffy white clouds beyond silhouette of winter bare trees

Puffy white clouds over winter bare trees

There was a single frog singing, as I walked by the back of Gudu-Kut park.

He's probably lonely. I wish our frogs could thrive here, but they mostly just disappear.

Scrub Jay standing on a twig, facing away

I love the sky today.

Puffy white clouds

I come across a hummingbird, but she's not interested in photography!

Blurry Anna Hummingbird flying in a spruce tree

I think she's going for bugs in the spruce tree!


Friday 10 January 2025... Okay!

It was raining when I woke this morning... and I woke up WITHOUT a headache!!

Yay! I feel stronger! I did some exercises!

And I coughed. but that's okay because I have some energy!

When I was the sickest, last Friday thru Monday, it was raining day and night. That was the only nice thing... that I could lay there, when I wasn't coughing, and listen to the beautiful rain coming down.

I am so happy to get outside today... first time in a week. But I realized how much energy I really don't have! Every step is a slog. But I kept going. Nature is healing.

trees on the hill with sun lit clouds

trees on the hill with sun lit clouds

I'm putting a lot of energy into just moving my feet forward. But somehow I do take a couple photos along the way!

Goldfinch standing on a teasle seed head

Eastern Fox Squirrel standing on the sidewalk

Close up of a yellow Lenten Rose

Red violet double petal Lenten Roses

And in the afternoon, I crashed and took a long nap.


Thursday 2 January 2025... vaguely sick

Yesterday I was congratulating myself for not getting sick during my December travels. I almost always get sick, but thought I had escaped it this time.

But I woke up with a headache. I thought some fresh air would help. I thought getting a good lunch would help. I thought eating a vitamin would help.

Instead, I started coughing and the headache got worse and my joints are all vaguely achy.


Well. When I thought the fresh air would help, I did go for a walk! It's warm, 48° (9°C) and pouring down rain, no wind.

It's rained enough that the creek is flooding the bike path under the bridges.

Flooded bike path

I have to go up to the road to get past the bridge, and I decide to walk thru the neighborhood instead of getting back on the bike path.

Rock Doves!

Pigeons standing on the grass and sidewalk

I love how individual their colouration is! Some are darker, the spots and bars across their wings are all different, some have no spots, some are a warmer shade of grey!

If you got to see the same flock every day, you would easily be able to tell everyone apart. You would be able to get to know them as individuals!

I'm a little bummed that I only rarely get to see Rock Doves and I don't get to know them.

There was a person coming up behind me, and I got nervous... but I had to try to get a pic of this lovely Pigeon...

Rock Dove with lots of white feathers, standing in the grass

I wonder if leucism is more prevalent in Rock Doves?

Rock Dove with white feathers walking in the grass

On the way home...

Red Shoulder Hawk standing on a solar panel for a street lamp

Solar Baby!

Red Shoulder Hawk looking down from a solar panel for a street lamp

*laughs* Everyone looks a bit scraggly from the rain.

I manage to do halfway normal things for the rest of the day. I've got a lot of catching up to do, after all, with being gone for most of December.

But when I start coughing... ugh, hard dry coughing... and the headache is getting worse, and feeling ever more blah. I'm sick.


Wednesday 1 January 2025... A New Year Walk

Again, didn't sleep well last night. That's okay, I'm ready to get the New Year going!

First thing, I'm thrilled to see Mr Unnamed, our Western Grey Squirrel neighbor, bouncing around on the sidewalk in front of the apartment! So happy to start the New Year with him, even if he's too early for photography!

And the weather is much nicer for the walk today... 45° (7°C) and it's misting. Sounds about perfect!

Trees over a puddle in the grass

Very Dreary. It's nice... but Too dreary for bird photography!

Northern Flicker standin on the sidewalk

That's a female Flicker.


Great Blue Heron, hunting at the bank of the creek, behind some twigs

He's busy, but it's so wonderful to meet up with all the wildlife I've named! *laughs*

Oh! Here's someone new... behind the Mallard is a non-cooperating Pied Bill Grebe!!

Female Mallard and Grebe paddling in the water

Our Grebes are super cute, but my goodness they look weird without a tail. Yep, that's normal!

Pied Bill Grebe paddling in the water

Cute... even when blurry!

Pied Bill Grebe paddling in the water


Tuesday 31 December 2024... Yay, Home!


Monday 30 December 2024... Flying Home


Sunday 29 December 2024... Christmas Lights!


Saturday 28 December 2024... Family Christmas


Friday 27 December 2024... Back to Colorado


Saturday 8 February 2024... About The Rants, part 1

I support local journalism. I subscribe to the paper version of the local (corporate) newspaper. And Eugene also has an alternative newspaper, the Eugene Weekly. The paper version is free. It's printed on Thursdays and I usually read it on Saturday because the regular newspaper is not delivered that day (to give the delivery drivers a break).

I open up this week's EW, looking forward to reading the Letters to the Editor (because the corporate newspaper discontinued this a while ago) (jerks).

I see the Letters, but on the opposite page, there's an article about 4J, our school district...

I am child-free by choice. But kids are important members of the community! So I try to read all the news about the local schools. There has been a thing about one of the principals resigning in the last month or so, and I assumed that's what this article is about.

Nope. This is something else...

Our Children Are Our Common Ground

The blurb says "Eugene District 4J affirms its commitment to equity and belonging" and I decide to read this before the Letters...

By the 2nd paragraph, I'm hooked! In Eugene School District 4J, our answer is to reaffirm our commitment to providing a safe, welcoming and inclusive learning environment - one where every student is valued, supported and challenged to reach their full potential.

I love what this guy is saying, and tears have sprung to my eyes. About ⅔ into the article, I'm reading the school district resolutions he has included.

The first one is about welcoming students of all national origins without barriers related to immigration or documentation status. Yay!

And then the first resolution of 2025, affirms gender identity, expression and equity for transgender and gender-expansive students and staff.

... And now I need to pause to have a quiet cry.

I'm happy. This is happy crying. I'm relieved. I'm so glad that our community, our schools, will protect children - ALL children. Our trans kids are so important, and they need all the help they can get. And I love the city and state I live in!

Okay. It's mostly happy crying.

The reason why I'm so emotional, of course, is because Felon45 is threatening our children.

It's sad that school districts have to broadcast the fact that all students are entitled to a high-quality educational experience, free from discrimination or harassment. It seems like this should be just ... expected from our schools. But here we are.

And it's necessary to point out that we will protect them by all legal means available.

Hell Yeah!! We are a sanctuary state, so the Legal Means include not letting ICE into the schools. I'm not sure what it means, exactly, for trans kids but the resolution is reassuring.


Thursday 26 December 2024... Last Day in Iowa


Wednesday 25 December 2024... Another Family Christmas


Wednesday 12 February 2025... A Screaming Shit Fit

I was amused about a coincidence today...

I've been writing blog posts for the end of December, and so I'm referrencing my journal entries from that time.

This little nugget was in the journal entry I'm looking at today:

The Democratic Party's relationship with its voters has turned spammy and abusive

>>> Yeah, seriously... I could write a blog post about this!!

And surfing the internets today, I hit upon this little nugget with the exact same core:

So The DCCC Called Me Up For Money, And I Apply Jiu Jitsu And Vent About The Democrats vs Trump.

It's just unbelievable to me that these idiots are STILL asking for money. After they got millions for the Harris campaign. That failed!

Dems are literally doing nothing while Trump and Musk chaotically dismantle the government, not to mention dismantling democracy itself!

And then I came across another article today that made me just start to rage...

Democratic leaders are pissed voters want them to do their job
The outlet reports that a senior House Democrat told them that Jeffries is 'very frustrated' at activist groups like MoveOn and Indivisible that have helped concerned Americans make phone calls to congressional offices.... Democratic Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia, told the outlet [Axios] that his office has been rebuffing these callers, telling them, 'Please call the Republicans.'


People are dying because of Trumps policies. DYING! People have _been_ dying from the first go around, when he radicalized the Supreme Court and they turned over Roe v Wade.

And people are going to die because of each and every one of the exec. orders that traitor has been signing since he became a dictator on day one.

People are DYING! and all the Dems have is Please call the Republicans??! WTF.


I am not a registered democrat. I'm registered as independent. And for this, for what has been going on with Dems sitting on their hands and doing nothing, barely even lip service... I will Never change over to democrat. I have had it up to here with these worthless Dems, who are NOT representing us. FUCK THEM!

And it's probably never going to matter. Because at the rate that things are going... we won't ever get to vote again, anyway.


*Deep Breath*

And so we must depend on ourselves. We can't trust those Dem bastards in D.C. They don't care about us and they don't have our backs.

We will have to take care of each other!


Tuesday 24 December 2024... Christmas Eve


Monday 23 December 2024... A Quiet Day


Sunday 22 December 2024... Some Winning!


Saturday 21 December 2024... Family Time


Friday 20 December 2024... Day of Games


Thursday 19 December 2024... Travel Day


Wednesday 18 December 2024... Last Day in CO


Tuesday 17 December 2024... A Great Neighborhood Walk


Monday 16 December 2024... Christmas Walk


Sunday 15 December 2024... Relaxing


Saturday 14 December 2024... Fossil Creek Reservoir Moon Views


Saturday 14 December 2024... Fossil Creek Reservoir


Friday 13 December 2024... Parents House


Thursday 12 December 2024... Relaxing at Parents House


Wednesday 11 December 2024... Travel


Tuesday 10 December 2024... A Good Walk


Monday 9 December 2024... Hidden Trail


Sunday 8 December 2024... Bad Photography Day


Saturday 7 December 2024... Okay, Community Garden


Friday 6 December 2024... Community Garden sucks


Thursday 5 December 2024... A Better Day at the Garden, with Strawberries


Tuesday 21 January 2025... Evil

Yesterday I purposefully avoided all the news about the inaugeration of that traitor and rapist.

The ignorance was bliss!

Today, I barely skimmed a few articles. Because maybe I want to keep my ignorance.

But this got thru...

Trump Pretends He Banned Birthright Citizenship. You Gonna Go Along With That?

So much for that silly oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

I'd assume that all those other dictatorial decrees are unconstitutional and unlawful and probably generally unworkable. He doesn't care. All he wants to do is make chaos. fucking moron.

And, let's see, what else?

Oh hey. We've got some anti-trans bigotry wrapped up in some heavy misogyny.

All of this hate will only lead to emboldened violence. But it's what the Maga-hats wanted. They want hate. That's what they voted for. Did they understand that our democracy would come crashing down as well?

I'll be standing up for love. We need to protect our neighbors and friends as best we can.


Wednesday 4 December 2024... Hauling Leaves


Monday 20 January 2025... Cecile Richards

Cecile Richards, former Planned Parenthood president and feminist activist, has died
Richards died Monday of an aggressive brain cancer. She was 67.

Oh no.

I very much admired Cecile Richards, she was absolutely a hero.

I loved her book. and I was actually disappointed when she left Planned Parenthood. She had done such good work there as the president, and I felt like she had more to do there! She had other things to do...

Now we've lost her entirely.

Condolences to Cecile Richards family.

Rest in Power.

Everything We Could
A few words on Cecile Richards


Tuesday 3 December 2024... Digging out the Sunchoke


Saturday 18 January 2025... Evil

Trump's border czar says immigration raids will begin next week, including in Chicago

If mass deportations actually happen, it will rip out the heart and soul of America.

We will all get to watch as the human rights violations turn the US into Nazi Germany.

I am afraid. And this is just one thing I am afraid of.


Monday 2 December 2024... Back to hauling leaves


Sunday 1 December 2024... Just a bit of garden work


Thursday 9 January 2025... Moving Around... But Same

Sick of being sick.

So I am going to do some chores and get some stuff done... even if if kills me!


Wednesday 8 January 2025... Same...

I'm at the same level of unwellness as yesterday... Headache, occasional cough, lack of energy.

And I'm really getting frustrated. I've been sick for a week now. And yes, I'm better... I'm definitely better!

But I have so much to do. And no energy to do it.



Tuesday 7 January 2025... Getting Better?

There were a couple hours, yesterday evening, where the coughing calmed down a good bit. And I was finally able to get some better sleep as well!

Thank goodness! I still don't have my energy back. But being less miserable is a big win.


Sunday 5 January 2025... Covid

Still very sick.

My Mom and Brother are sick too... *Wails* I don't want them to be sick!

They both had covid tests that are less expired than mine, and they both tested positive.


Saturday 4 January 2025... Ugh. A Sick Rant.

I am so tired of the constant coughing attacks.

Partner had mentioned that he got us some throat spray, Chloraseptic. I am not a huge fan of trying new medicines, due to my propensity for side-effects. But I've been coughing sooo much, I just need a break.

Partner says he sprays about 10 times, and gargles.

Uh huh. I read the directions. You spray once, let it sit in your throat for 15seconds, then spit it out. It's good for two hours, (is that all? jeez.) and you shouldn't use it for more than two days. Which begs the question: why do they sell such a big bottle if you can only use it for two days? There's probably thousands of doses in this bottle. I know I have some brain fog, but this does not compute at all!

Okay. Anyway. Focus.

I sprayed. And I spit it out immediately! And walked away!

Gah, that stuff is gross!

But the next time I did it correctly.

I didn't cough for 25mins.

Which would have been nice. Except I couldn't get to sleep during that time, which is all I really wanted. Side Effect? Probably.

And then the cough came back with a vengence.

So that was a major disappointment. But at least that one actually does something...

Let me take a little tangent here to chat about another one of the many reasons why I hate cold medicines and how the FDA failed us.

When pseudoephedrine (the good Sudafed) started being abused, they put it behind the counter, or in my state they made it prescription only. Phenylephrine replaced it in most cold medicines.

Trouble is phenyleprhrine doesn't actually work. On top of that, it gives me a headache. That side-effect thing, you know.

Studies were done, repeatedly, and at the end of 2023, there was some news about this stupid worthless stuff. And how the FDA knew but did _nothing_ about it for decades.

How Two Pharmacists Figured Out That Decongestants Don't Work A loophole in FDA processes means older drugs such as those in oral decongestants weren't properly tested. Here's how we learned the most popular one [phenyleprhrine] doesn't work.

So, thanks for two decades of headaches, FDA.

The thing is. With Felon 45 (Traitor. Rapist.) loading up all his political appointments with evil, stuff like the above is going to proliferate and become commonplace.

All of these appointments want government to come crashing down and they will wreak as much havoc as they can. It'll be chaos on every front.

It's terrifying. It's going to result in more than just two decades of headaches, that's for sure. And Republicans don't care about how many people die because of their actions... they've already got lots of practice killing pregnant people in red states, post-Roe.


Friday 3 January 2025... definitely sick

Fever, most all night. Major couging attacks. Miserable.

I'm so miserable, and with the fever, I'm pretty sure it's break-thru covid. I've got some weird symptoms, too. So there's no doubt.

Glad I got vaxed before the December travels.


Wednesday 1 January 2025... Happy New Year

Happy Happy New Year!!

In the past, I have traditionally done a huge Review and Revise post for the first of the year. But the last few years, it's been too much work to complete. So I'm just going to keep this post simple!

2025 is going to be a hard and heartbreaking year. Felon 45 (traitor. rapist.) will take office and he will destroy everything that is good about America. I am part of the resistance, so I need my personal life to be calm and comfortable.

Unfuck Your Habitate by Rachel Hoffman

To make that happen, I want to do a major overhaul here at home. Declutter and Clean. With the book, Unf*ck Your Habitat: You're Better Than Your Mess motivating me to move along!

I hate cleaning with all my being. And it's kind of a disaster around here. I would be embarrassed for my Mom to see this. So I'm going to tidy!

My specific goal is to do three 10-5 sessions every week. The book advocates for 20-10s... 20 minutes of work and a 10 minute reward. But twenty minutes is too long for me, I would never even start! Ten minutes of work seems more doable.

Beyond that, I will need to buy a car this year. And get a job. bleh.

Last year I worked hard to catch up my reading journal... I want to continue that, of course. But I also want to get back to typing book reviews on GR. Posting reviews helps me remember what the book is about and makes it easier to find books I've already read.

We'll see how that goes... I'm just home from traveling most of December, and I'm not back to my normal yet. So this post is Subject to Change! :)

Happy New Year!


2024... Archived Blog Posts

January 2024 (partial)

February 2024

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

July 2024

August 2024

September 2024

October 2024

November 2024

2023... Archived Blog Posts

February 2023 (partial)

March 2023

April 2023

May 2023 (partial)

June 2023 (partial)

July 2023

August 2023

September 2023

October 2023

November 2023

December 2023

Saturday 16 July 2022... New Osprey Nest!

So I've looked at a map, and I hope I get around the new Downtown Riverfront Park without getting lost this time. It's closed because they are using it for the World Athletics Championships, which started yesterday and runs until the 25th.

This amazing mural just outside the Rose Garden was finished just in time for the Championships.

Mural of birds and roses

And, of course, you can't go by the Rose Garden without obsessively taking photos of the roses.

Strike It Rich, Grandiflora rose

Grande Dame, Hybrid Tea rose

And then we gotta check the Osprey nest on the other side of the river. There's one child there today, and she takes off ... only to make a loop and come back to the nest.

Osprey flying back to the nest platform

Osprey lands in the nest

XXX... Goal: Finish this post!


I'm archiving the 2022 posts...

January 2022

February 2022

March 2022
Story of nesting Anna Hummingbird begins here!

April 2022
... And the nesting Hummer story continues here, until the babies fly away in mid-April!

May 2022

June 2022

July 2022

2021... BLOG POSTS

(completed 28 May 2023...)

January thru July 2021 Archive

August 2021 Archive

September 2021 Archive

October 2021 Archive

(No entries for November 2021)

December 2021 Archive

Goal: revisit August 2021... Road Trip to Utah!

And then keep filling in posts from there thru the end of 2021.


2020... BLOG POSTS

(completed 27 Dec 2020 thru 5 Jan 2021...)

2020 Archive... January thru July

(posted 21 Apr 2023...)

2020 Archive... Aug thru Dec


Revisit the Aug thru Dec archive page and add photos and clear out the xxx!


2019... BLOG POSTS

(Posted 22 Dec 2020...)

The new archive is HTML5, and completely validated!

2019 journal entries


2018... BLOG POSTS

(Posted 18 Dec 2020...)

I have managed to move all of the 2018 journal entries into an archive page. I did not write very much in 2018, so I decided not to divide them up into months, like I usually do.

The new archive is HTML5, and completely validated!

2018 journal entries


2017... BLOG POSTS

(Posted 19 Dec 2020...)

I have managed to move all of the 2017 journal entries into an archive page. And again, I didn't write very much, so the posts for the entire year are on one page.

The new archive is HTML5, and completely validated!

2017 journal entries


rifts avatar
I am rift vegan!

I live in the Pacific Northwest of the USA, with my Partner in a tiny townhouse. I am vegan for ethical and environmental reasons, my love for animals and nature is a very important part of my life.

This blog is currently a place for the photos I take while out walking.
Topics include...
Nature! Flora, Fauna, Funga and Phenomena.
Clouds and the fog on the hill.
Trees, native plants, blossoms and botanicals.
Wildlife! Mostly birds and squirrels. Occasionally other creatures, including bugs.
Reading and Journaling.
Veganic Gardening.

Static8 Journal RSS 2.0 feed


Jan 2024
Feb 2024
Mar 2024
Apr 2024
May 2024
June 2024
July 2024
Aug 2024
Sept 2024
Oct 2024
Nov 2024


Jan 2023
Feb 2023
Mar 2023
Apr 2023
May 2023
June 2023
July 2023
Aug 2023
Sept 2023
Oct 2023
Nov 2023
Dec 2023

Yep, you can email me. and you can write to me.

rift vegan
PO Box 23724
Eugene OR 97402


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