friday the 13th
fri 13 apr 2012

Day job has been interesting the last two days. The computers went down on thursday morning -- Server down, Internet down, Phones down -- and still down all day today. Our tech guy jury rigged a couple computers at the other building, so we did actually make some money today. But it's all awkward and annoying.

So YAY weekend!

My greatest wish in the world is to be a permanent home-body and never leave the apartment again. But there are some interesting things going on tomorrow that I might... think about going to...

  Saturday Market! It's always super crowded, which I really really do not like. But Significant Other does a good job of getting through the crowds to the couple of places I like to visit. And then he does a good job of getting me out of there quickly!

  Friends of Eugene Public Library's 34th annual Book Sale This is a huge event, and I am quite tempted... even tho I dislike used books. But all those books!

  And the community garden plot calls! Forecast calls for "Morning fog, then partly sunny". So, hopefully no rain, and maybe we can avoid Social Lady in our left neighbor plot, but that might be too much to ask for! ;)

  Cornbread Cafe Vegan Comfort Food. With this crazy week, I should have been eating there every day!! and oh my: they've added a new entree, Jerk Portabello.

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