sat 23 june 2012

Yes, I am ready (mostly, almost ready!) for my mom to come visit us.

I worked on the porch room this afternoon. I forgot to take "before" pictures, tho. So, keeping in mind the "before" pictures of my bedroom...


... Then envision a dead plant version of the mess!

Got it?

And here's what I did with it...


(I like this pic because you can see my irises in our little space outside.) (Both the live tree and the dead tree are outside, and the live tree will keep living out there until the autumn when I'll bring it back in.)

The black shelf is new, and I love how it looks. The one African Violet is blooming, which looks nice. And the other plants are scrappy fighters! ha.

Yep, that's my coke. The "Wiggle Room" is the worm box where the worms do all our vermicomposting. And the shopping bag holds our gardening supplies: seeds and the hand held tools.

I have always loved this space because of my plants. There is an easy chair to the left of the picture where I often spend time reading. I had been avoiding this room lately, because of my poor dead ficus tree. But now it looks lovely and inviting again! In fact, I might need a couple more plants to fill out that shelf... ;)

So Anyway. There are a few odds and ends to do before my mom arrives tomorrow. I didn't get to everything I wanted to do, but that's okay... I feel really good about the stuff I did do!

The whole Spring Cleaning thing is such a good idea, and I'm glad my mom has "inspired" me to do it. I've re-discovered so many old projects, and I am looking forward to working on them.

But first! Time with my Mom!

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