Never Enough Time
sun 23 sept 2012

I just don't understand how time gets away from me so quickly. Boom! and the weekend is Over. What the heck? And the "To Do" list is only a quarter done!


Sweet 100 Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry Tomatoes in various stages. I love love LOVE! to take pictures like this...

It's like a representation of me and my projects... yeah! There's like a dozen projects! All in various stages of completion. Some ripe and close to done, most are very green, needing lots of work. Some are still flowers!

rift's Octopus Mascot

And ya know? I am finally (somewhat) comfortable with the fact that I am not able to work on or finish some projects.

Yep. I'm 39 years old and I've finally figured it out: I can't do it all!

and yet, I keep trying! :)

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