I love making postcards
sat 29 sept 2012

In April, I took on a lot of postcard projects and I kind of burnt myself out. I did not want to quit, but I reluctantly forced myself to cut back.

And now, in the last couple of weeks, I've signed up for a couple extra trades on Swap-Bot. And when I take photos, I'm thinking about their postcard potential. And I'm considering some random mail.

Random mail? On top of all my other ongoing projects? Hmm.

Ongoing Postcard Projects include:

  Monthly BH PC This is the group that started the madness. It's a "Five for Five" exchange (you send 5 postcards and rcv 5 postcards)... except I always send to everyone in the group. The group grew quite a bit this year, and I'm currently sending 16 postcards.

  GoodReads Postcard Exchange I'm the host for this group, and send to everyone who signs up every month. We had a population explosion in Sept, and I sent out 18 postcards! Yay!

  Friends and Fam This is the personal project that got out of hand. I really want to send a postcard out to everyone in my address book, every single month! I love showing off my photography to my friends!! Maybe someday I will figure out how to manage this chaos? ;)

  Amnesty International Urgent Action Network Yep, I'm still an active member... I usually take on one action every week.

  and of course, the Swap-Bot... current avg around 10 bits of mail a month. mostly postcards, but I make photo note cards occasionally as well.

All that plus my new desire for random mail!

Yeah... at the beginning of the summer, all this mail did feel crazy. But now? It's just my hobby.

It's a hobby that makes other people smile.

And that makes me happy!

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