postcard organization
sat 27 apr 2013

Today has been a day of organization for some of my mailing projects.

Organization is not my strong point, but when you are sending out 70 or 100 bits of mail every month, and getting who-knows how much back... well, a little bit of orderliness is required!

I have a couple of ways of keeping track of my mail...

  I scan all mail.

Everyone gets their own directory on the computer. In theory, I also scan the text side of my out-going postcards, which goes into everyone's directory as well...

I am no longer able to send mail to everyone in my address book every month; So, scanning my out-going mail helps to know who got what.

  Every bit of daily mail gets listed in a table...

I look at and add to this file almost every day. Sometimes, seeing this file, I realize I am crazy. Fortunately, I am crazy in the good/happy way that makes people smile.

  For the postcard exchange that I run, I keep a simple database.

Each participant gets an entry which includes their address and when they joined. And then each monthly postcard exchange has an entry with the different participants listed.

I spend quite a lot of time hosting this postcard project... it's something near and dear to my heart. But I worry about what I'm going to do if I ever get a membership explosion!

  Today, I set up a separate table listing for my LetterMo replies.

Yes, LetterMo was in February. And Yes, I am still working on my replies! As I mentioned: organization is not my strong point. :)

I'm hoping that having a smaller file, that is focused on replies, will call my attention to what needs to be done.

  I really like the little "April Daily Mail" reports I've been making here!

So! I'm going to continue with my saturday morning "Weekly Mail Check-in". My hope is that I continue with the mail replies.

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