sun 26 may 2013

I turned 40 this month! Whoa! In celebration, I took a vacation and visited my parents and brother in Colorado. We did a ton of stuff, and yet, in the end it was the most relaxing and delightful holiday I've ever had!

On the Art front: we toured a pewter art sculpture gallery, went to the Loveland historical museum which also had some paintings and mail art, visited an African sculpture park also in Loveland, and did a bronze foundery tour.

On the Walking and Hiking front: a walk on the ELC trail ended with some raptors, a hike in Rocky Mountain National Park to Gem Lake, and a walk about Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary was my absolute favorite.

I have so much to say, and so many pictures, I hardly know where to begin. ha. so please stay tuned, while I get my thoughts organized.

from the airplane

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