weekend odds and ends
sun 30 june 2013 |
I print all my postcards on my printer. A slow month is 60 postcards. A good month is over 100. All those postcards are printed on that over-used, under-appreciated Canon i9900. And in the past week or so, it has reluctantly printed a couple of pages. And I'm worried that it is about to die in a permanent way. A new print head is $160 and comes only from China and I'm not sure that is the actual problem. A new printer of the same kind is $1050. not exactly in the budget. But it might be necessary for my soul. As of tonight, Google Reader is deleted forever. Damn them. The new Digg Reader came out on thursday. I used it for a few days, discovered it was not updating some of my feeds, and went looking for something more established. *sighs* I think I've settled on The Old Reader. It's still clean, but much prettier. It's free, but if my feeds stay updated, I will be sending them a yearly donation. I am thrilled that I found something that works for me! Last november, we seeded the entire community garden plot with a cover crop... Berseem Clover. Since the plot is too large for us to handle, we've let the clover take over in a section. I think it is beautiful. Plus, it is a good nitrogen fixer, so it's good for future plants!
We harvested 1.8 pounds of sweet snap peas on saturday! Yay! The first zucchinis are growing... And the cucumbers and tomatoes are blooming like crazy. And the first sunflowers in the community garden... a portrait with the waning moon. :)
I can't wait for my own sunflowers! Oh! I also found a volunteer tomato plant next to all the snap peas. Last year, in that area, we had the hybrid Sweet 100 Cherry Tomatoes, Cascade Tomatoes and Oregon Spring Tomatoes... I don't remember the difference between the second two toms, the sweet 100 were smaller. I am happy about the volunteer tom plant. I doubt it will give us any tomatoes. But I am wonderfully curious about it! |
Tag: june, garden, mailings |
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